fix articles 5963, dog
The richest animal on earth - Nazis and animal welfare (tags)
Was it just conditioning or why did dogs collaborate with the Nazis? And why are there are only few rich cats?
Marshall Tuck’s racist dog whistle (tags)
Marshall Tuck's campaign reproached by the NAACP for its racism and anti-blackness.
Garcetti Cronyism - Why and How to Ignore Your LA Dog License (tags)
LAPD Commission Vice President Steve Soboroff, is the city’s biggest known dog licensing scofflaw. Jayne Englander, wife of City Councilmember Mitch Englander, owes late fees.
What's In Hot Dogs, Sausages, Cold Cuts? (tags)
As Heinz has exploited dachshunds in a Superbowl commercial designed to sell their catsup as well as Heinz animal flesh products, the reality is not a happy running dog. Hotdogs are some of the filthiest things people can put in their mouths
Why are US dogs contracting Mad Cow disease? (tags)
The USDA, CDC, FDA have hidden the epidemic of spongiform encephalopathy disease in the US in order to protect the meat, fish, and dairy industries
Netanyahu's Ugly Israel (tags)
Dirt Dog, building a stronger LA community through LA street food.
English are concerned with the Brazilian carnival. Is the carnival ours or does it belong to them?
Requião and John "Maddog" Hall open Latinoware 2009 and advocate the end of the (tags)
Citing the trajectory of John "Maddog" Hall, creator of Linux, the governor rejected the criticisms to the adoption of open software. "I watched an interview with this brilliant man, whose name means mad dog, and today met him in this event. Let them call us, too, mad dogs, because here we are transforming ideas into action. Let each of you to be a mad dog: libertarian and intelligent, "said Requião.
dogfight promoter vick reinstated by nfl (tags)
one more reason to kill your tv
Ed Boks is a Menace to the Taxpayers and the Animals of Los Angeles! (tags)
Ed Boks is an incompetent liar. I cannot believe he has not been fired. If he were running a public corporation, he would be out by now.
Pavley Levine Mailer Battle Continues (tags)
California Senate Candidates Pavley and Levine continue to send mailers, and Democrats despairing the departure of legendary State Senator Sheila Kuehl can only despair some more. Levine sends pictures of himself hugging a little kitty and his dog, who apparently likes him. His dog, however, doesn't pay TV cable bills, and TV cable consumers whom Levine screwed as Chairman of the Assembly Utilities Committee can only wish he cared as much for them as he does for cats and dogs.
Dog Day Afternoon in Austin (tags)
Lively theater action in Austin on Feb. 15, organized by MDS/Austin as part of Iraq Moratorium, finds demonstrators dressed as dogs in an effort to "Curb Corn Dog Cornyn" -- Sen. John Cornyn (R, Texas), President Bush's loyal lap dog.
Iraq Moratorium: Calling out the dogs (tags)
Iraq Moratorium #6 on Friday, Feb. 15, prompts scores of actions , including manyt in LA area, calling for an end to the war.
Your aversion to seeing dogs ‘executed’ is a purely cultural one (tags)
Those who protest the "execution" of a dog or horse, but approve of slaughterhouses that processes millions of steers, pigs and lambs annually are wittingly or unwittingly, hypocrites.
Fatherless Day
Peta working to outlaw pets! (tags)
The real problem in California animal shelters is not too many puppies. It is too many adult dogs who are abandoned.
SAVE OUR DOGS - Fight AB 1634!! (tags)
PETA will use it as a stepping stone to eliminate all pets.
Would you do business with someone like that?
Urge a Complete and Feasible Animal Protection Act in Bulgaria (tags)
Bulgaria: In the Animal Protection Bills discussed in the Parliament the main animal welfare problem - the exstreme instability of cat and dog populations - remains unsolved.
Rights group: Prison dogs cruel and degrading (tags)
The use of attack dogs against prisoners here in the U.S.has been a well-kept secret,"
Los Angeles urgently needs your help! (tags)
STU - Soon to be murdered by Los Angeles Animal Services
Real Men Don’t Lynch Dogs... (tags)
“Schutzhund” style training involves a high tolerance for dog abuse including the deliberate hanging or “lynching” of dogs, swinging, slamming, kicking, etc. These methods are employed by the police, sheriffs, military and private dog trainers and academies. Browse this web site to discover how you can get involved in putting an end to these practices.
MinuteKlan Update from Campo (tags)
Report from a minuteklan member in Campo, Ca.
Puppy Dies Because American Airlines Denies Emergency Care. Dog Guardian Sues Company
Korea - Dog and Cat Meat (tags)
Scandal in South Korea
International day of protest for S. Korean Dogs and Cats (tags)
In an effort to shine a spotlight on the illegal trade in dog and cat products thriving in South Korea, IDA is joining Animal Freedom Korea and others for an international day of protest.
Elvis Lives! and protests the war on his website. (tags)
Check out the priceless photo Elvis protesting at his website at
In Serbia they shoot dogs (tags)
If the dog is man’s best friend, why is man sometimes the dog’s worst enemy?
MOVE and the Abuse of Animals (tags)
MOVE and the Abuse of Animals
China fur video
Writing L.A.'s Wrongs with a "No Kill" Shelter Proposal (tags)
Los Angeles kills 30,000 – 50,000 of our dogs and cats at our city shelters each year for an annual cost of $14 million dollars. Not only does this turn our city's animal "shelters" into death houses, at great expense, it is entirely unnecessary.
A quality education from people who care (tags)
The dog days of summer are here.
Desperate animals in California: please, please help spread the word (tags)
How can we ensure that our perspective is not skewed?
US Troops Are Like Killer Dogs (tags)
Suggesting as new strategy for anti-war activists
For The Troll Who Once Had Everything (tags)
Looking for somethig to give your favorite Troll for Christmas?
Hollywood Park Poems by Doug Tanoury - Funky Dog Publishing (tags)
An ebook collection of poems by Doug Tanoury - Funky Dog Publishing is an exclusive online publisher.
Introducing the Howling Dog megasite: radical writing, art, poetry by iconoclastic visionaries. These dogs never learned to fetch, roll over, or lay down--but they did learn to speak. Get dangerous, get discovered ...
US "Patriotism" is a result of Pavlovian conditioning.
Vive La Paix! Action at French Consulate Tomorrow (Thurs)at Noon (tags)
Bring flowers, tricouleurs, croissants, brie, mimes, dog eared copies of Les Miserables for a rally/ delegation at French Consulate Thurs. 2/20 12:15PM at 10990 Wishire Blvd(at Veteran.) Vive La Resistance! Vive Le Veto! Allons Enfants!
Police Incompetence-Tell Em What YOU Think!! (tags)
Police pullover family, arrest them, shoot their dog, and laugh about it. One problem, NO CRIME WAS COMMITTED!
Regarding Media Perspective (tags)
it is all but perspective.
Sick fuck intends to kill dog for money (tags)
L.A. porn producer and wrestling promoter Rob Black manages to hit a new low, promoting the feeding of a dog to a snake on his "extreme" website.
U.S. Government Had Prior Knoledge Of Emergency (tags)
Why Does The Dog Wag His Tail, Because He is Smarter, If The Tail Were Smarter, The Tail Would Wag The Dog. -Wag The Dog
Village Voice feature: Surfing Up Democracy Blue Dog Democrats--and Their Corporate Sponsors--Hear It From the Beach by Lenora Todaro