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leni riefenstahl

Democracy = not more than a brand name (tags)

The USA, a hegemonic power threatened with decline, is struggling to maintain and expand a monopolistic world order. This is supposed to be justified by surrounding itself with an aura of freedom and democracy.

United States government, 2005: If it walks like a goose… (Part II) (tags)

Part I ( compared Bush administration actions to the first seven of fourteen “basic characteristics” Laurence W. Britt claims (in his article “Fascism Anyone?”) typify fascistic regimes. Here’s a similar look at the list’s back end:

military salute in USA became Nazi salute (tags)

The infamous straight-armed salute came from the military salute and the pledge of allegiance to the flag in the USA

Protest Aesthetics- What the Left Can Learn from Las Vegas (tags)

From Issue 3 of The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest. Street Theater and the left in general needs a new relationship with "the truth".

Prince Bernhards Nazi-history; open letter (tags)

In The Netherlands, Prince Bernhard placed an article through his freemason end-editors connections in "The Volkskrant" to cover-up his secret Nazi-history and other affairs.

When Are Nazi Comparisons Deplorable? (tags)

Bush supports object to's Hitler ad, yet Rush Limbaugh routinely calls women's rights advocates "femi-Nazis" and the NY Post ran a column describing Howard Dean as a Josef Goebbels follower.

The Rise of Fascism (tags)

"When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History" by Thom Hartmann Published on Sunday, March 16, 2003 by The 70th anniversary wasn't noticed in the United States, and was barely reported in the corporate media. But the Germans remembered well that fateful day seventy years ago - February 27, 1933. They commemorated the anniversary by joining in demonstrations for peace that mobilized citizens all across the world.

United States: US media subservient to the state (tags)

The Media Whores, marching lockstep (Goose Step?) with the Bush Regime's agenda has whored itself repeatedly because "War Sells". All those nice explosions and all that misery keep the Proles complacent and glued to the screen of the Programming machine.

Why democrats act like republicans (tags)

But yourself in the shoes of a democratic politician: you need support. You need voters, volunteers, and donations. You try to move left. But people on the left join third parties, choose not to vote, or don't even care. So what can you do?

The Rise of the Third Reich and Bush (tags)

This is why he projects his shadow on Saddam Hussein.

When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History (tags)

To the extent that our Constitution is still intact, the choice is again ours.

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