fix articles 58931, lovinsky pierre
Dr. Maryse Narcisse of Haiti Visits Southern California (tags)
“Despite their overwhelming responsibilities, the women are always there. [Applause.] We are a very patriarchal society, but very matrifocal. [Laughter.] They call the women of Haiti 'the central pillar.' The women don't let themselves get discouraged by crisis situations, and despite the very difficult two years of electoral struggle they never got discouraged.They always maintained the torch of struggle for liberation. [Applause.] They are examples by their actions. . . . It is clear that the Haitian people are bent on the struggle. More than ever they are fighting for dignity, democracy, freedom, and the respect of their rights.” – Dr. Maryse Narcisse, April 24, 2017
Haiti Post-Quake: Devastation, Depravation, Exploitation and Oppression (tags)
Haitians keep suffering under America's boot
Emergency Vigil in Support of Haiti (tags)
An emergency vigil was held asking people "to donate money to go to grassroots women and their families, and therefore communities, rather than to thieving elites and their corrupt NGOs."
Haiti, Honduras -- Occupation is the Crime (tags)
August 12 marked the two-year anniversary of the kidnapping of Haitian human rights activist Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, considered by many to be Haiti's next Aristide. Vigils were held around the world on this day: including in Haiti, London, Guyana, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
Local Groups Join Forces to Oppose Gaza Offensive (tags)
Demonstration at the Federal Building in downtown L.A.
Fears of a cover-up grow in the case of missing human rights activist in Haiti (tags)
Equally disturbing is the fact that the United Nations leadership has failed to recognize Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine’s abduction and disappearance altogether.
Local Actions on the One-Year Anniversary of the Kidnapping of Haitian Lovinsky Pierre-Ant (tags)
“Those of us from black and brown communities [are] particularly put out with the role that Brazil is playing. It is not the international image of Brazil, it is not one that Brazil likes to put forward. “ -- Margaret Prescod, Ad Hoc Working Group for Haiti
Don White Remembered at Weekly Vigil for Haiti (tags)
Don White was one of the organizers and regular participants of the weekly vigil calling for the release of Haitian human rights activist Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine. In the wake of Don's passing on June 19th, the vigil has been paying tribute to him.
A Weekly Vigil is Launched for Haiti and Kidnapped Human Rights Activist (tags)
On Thursday, May 8, the Ad-Hoc Working Group for Haiti launched a weekly vigil outside the Brazilian consulate in Beverly Hills for the return of Haitian human rights activist Lovinsky Pierre-Antione. A weekly fast, begun last November and practiced around the world, continues.
Women Say Fund Caregiving Not War & Occupation (tags)
In Los Angeles, for the 9th Global Women’s Strike on International Women’s Day, March 8, women along with men supporters gathered at a town hall meeting entitled ‘Fund Caregiving Not War and Occupation!’ at the Southern California Library in South LA. On and around every March 8 since 2000, women in 60 countries have taken part in the Global Women’s Strike under the theme Invest in Caring not Killing. Women who are working to reclaim the money and other resources for crucial survival needs for themselves and their communities, told their stories and shared their struggles and victories.
Haiti Event Marks Four Years Since the Coup Against Aristide (tags)
“[P]eople in Haiti tell us that all of this stuff has an impact. The more people are doing in other counties, even small events like this one, have an impact because the word is starting to get out to people. So any small thing that you can do really helps.” – Margaret Prescod
Message to Brazil: Help Find and Release Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine (tags)
“The word we are getting is that all of these actions, even though they’re not huge actions, have an impact. You can bet that although the Brazilians have not come down, a report has already gone not only to Haiti but also back to Brazil that we’re out here. The Haitians are telling us, keep up what we’re doing because it is having an impact. They’re starting to feel some opening up that they hadn’t felt before the international action for fasting.” – Margaret Prescod
10/19 Americas Watch Haiti: Continue Oppression and Killings in Haiti+Video! (tags)
On Friday, September 23, 2005, the Director General of the Haiti National Police Leon Charles, UN Force Commander Lieutanant General Augusto Heleno Ribiero Pereira of Brazil, and the Special Representative of the United Nations Juan Valdes of Chile were convicted of violations of Haitian law and international law including crimes against humanity. This verdict was delivered by the jury of the First Session of the International Tribunal on Haiti. The Tribunal was held in Washington, DC at George Washington University at the Elliott School of International Affairs.