fix articles 58454, can americans Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : can americans

can americans


WE ALL KNOW, these demons represent less than one tenth of one percent as hijackers of good will, who only survive in our living spaces through censorship on the banksters and war criminals suckering American teens for death in stolen profit.

Kyrgyzstan Democracy.....What a BEAUTIFUL THING (tags)

America, did you see the way that Democracy can work? If they lie and cheat..... they should be run out of town like the Kyrgyzstanians did yesterday to their corrupt leader.

Ask the U.N. for help? (tags)

May God forgive America.

Thanksgiving? Celebrating Genocide! (tags)

We would be appropriately appalled if Germany or Austria were celebrating a Holocaust Memorial Day, where Germans and Austrians got together with their families for dinner on their official day off, joyously remembering the things that are important to them, just as American families get together for Thanksgiving Day and think of things to be thankful for. (Similar scenarios, just as ugly, could be constructed for white supremacists, rapists, and murderers.)

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