Real Thoughts on Fake Lives (tags)
I wondered about those who intentionally live someone else’s life and headed to the 2012 Celebrity Impersonator Convention and Awards in Las Vegas. I wanted to know how “Sean Connery” and “Johnny Cash” felt about being Sean Connery and Johnny Cash. Could they retain a sense of self while playing 007 or a boy named Sue?
Obama's Accuser and the Surreal Scene at the NPC (tags)
The fur was flying fast and furiously at the National Press Club on June 18, 2008. Larry Sinclair was in town--the bete noire of U.S. Sen. Barrack Obama (D-IL). After making an opening statement, the media ripped into Sinclair, challenging just about every aspect of his anti-Obama yarn. It wasn’t a good day for the accuser. He was also arrested after his spiel by the DC cops and turned over to two Federal Marshals on an outstanding Delaware warrant.