fix articles 58049, posada
This post represents the real life horrors that fbi's COINTEL Programs impose on Targets.
God Save Us From Corrupt and murderous fbi/police (tags)
The horrors of our police state are evident in my documentaries.
Examples of fbi/police/DA/AG subversion of laws (tags)
This report serves as an indictment of all who protected the fbi by covering up their crimes against me.
Dirty fbi, cops, DA, AUSA,Judges, etc (tags)
Here are my findings after 45 years of inside knowledge of fbi really dirty operations.
Specific evidence on fbi corruption of police, DA and others (tags)
This report seeks to bring together evidence that I have gathered regarding the fbi's corruption of police, DA, et. al., in the fbi's efforts to silence me.
Specific evidence on fbi corruption of police, DA, etc. (tags)
This report seeks to bring together evidence that I have gathered regarding the fbi's corruption of police, DA, et. al., in the fbi's efforts to silence me.
Specific evidence on fbi corruption of police, DA, etc. (tags)
This report seeks to bring together evidence that I have gathered regarding the fbi's corruption of police, DA, et. al., in the fbi's efforts to silence me.
Open Records Act Violated By BPD, DA and others (tags)
This report focuses on violations of the Texas Open Records Act by police, DA, and others.
Fbi corrupts law and order, tripartite (tags)
Here is my latest report on fbi corruption across the board at all levels.
Request for public integrity investigation of Detective Posada, Brownsville, Texas PD (tags)
See how the fbi corrupts police across the nation.
My letter to AG on the defective detective Posada report:
When you are on top, ‘might makes right’ is ‘rule of law’ (tags)
The U.S. government has consistently refused to extradite former dictators, accused terrorists, torturers and others wanted by other countries. It is the height of hypocrisy for the Obama administration to give lectures about international obligations in its blunderbuss efforts to get Edward Snowden.
International Migrants' Day Posada for Human Rights (tags)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
SAN BERNARDINO, California - A small but dedicated group of labor, immigrant rights, and religious activists gathered on International Migrant's Day to promote the human rights of migrants through the Mexican Christmas tradition of the posada. Beginning at San Bernardino's day labor corner, the processioners gathered under storm clouds just as the sun set to pray, lament the non-passage of the DREAM Act, and sing, before proceeding to St. John's Episcopal Church for tamales, champurrado, and piñata.
Posada Carriles (blew up Cuban airliner ‘76) marches w/ Gloria Estefan & Ladies in White (tags)
Posada Carriles (blew up Cuban airliner ‘76) marches w/ Gloria Estefan & Ladies in White
Cuban connection: Honduran coup (tags)
"Nodarse has a very long trajectory in Miami mafia circles that do not act only against Cuba, but also against Central America, most recently Honduras. None is safe from the long murderous arm of the counterrevolutionary Cubans of Miami. The fragile democratic institutions of Central America will serve as easy targets for Posada and Nodarse."
Cinco Héroes cubanos rehenes del imperio (tags)
(Mientras prosigue la impunidad a los terroristas…)
Well-known investigator exposes alliance between McCain and terrorists (tags)
ANN Louise Bardach, the U.S. reporter famous for her interviews with Luis Posada Carriles and her investigations into Cuban-American terrorism, has written an extensive article for the website on the close ties between Republican presidential candidate John McCain and notorious terrorists in Miami...
CUBA: Posada Carriles, un asesino en serie (tags)
Y cabría preguntarse entonces a qué obedece esa impunidad que impermeabiliza hasta hoy frente a la Justicia al representante más siniestro de los terroristas conocidos
CUBA proves links of U.S. Diplomats with Terrorists (tags)
Cuba denounced on Monday the scandalous links between US diplomats based in Havana and terrorists resident in the United States, by means of which Cuban counterrevolutionaries receive financial and material support.
TODAY: Internet Forum by Cuban Students about the Cuban Five (tags)
The main purpose of the forum will be to discuss what Cuban university students and those in the rest of the world could do to help the release of the Five Cuban men, who were arrested for having infiltrated Miami- based anti-Cuba groups and trying to prevent criminal actions against the island.
Luis Posada Carriles: the versatile USAmerican terrorist still walking freely (tags)
While Arturo Hernández, Posada's attorney said: "Mr. Posada Carriles is not and has never been a terrorist"… "His lifelong ambition has been to bring democracy and freedom to his place of birth", declassified CIA and FBI documents, testimonies, and other compelling evidences suggest the contrary.
Cuban Students Denounce Manipulation (tags)
Students whose images were exploited by different foreign media to present them as a sign of rebellion against the Cuban government spoke during a video interview denouncing the manipulations that occurred and denying that they were arrested on Tuesday
The case of the CUBAN FIVE, one of the Top 25 Censored Stories of 2006-2007 (tags)
The case of the CUBAN FIVE, one of the Top 25 Censored Stories of 2006-2007 in:
CODEPINK's "Most Wanted" Campaign Targets Luis Posada Carriles for Terrorism (tags)
Call for Notorious Terrorist to be put on FBI Most Wanted List and Arrested
Call for the release of the Cuban Five (tags)
The Cuban chapter of the Defense of Humanity Network announced in Havana a new call for the release of the five anti-terrorist Cubans incarcerated for nine years with heavy sentences hanging over them.
The Cuban Five: Imprisoned for opposing Terrorism (tags)
The National Lawyers Guild and several legal and human rights organizations have called on the U.N. Human Rights Committee and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture to launch a formal investigation of the United States government’s continuing violation of human rights of five political prisoners known as the Cuban Five.
Luis Posada Carriles, the White House terrorist (tags)
In an article published on April 10, 2007, president Fidel Castro declared, “Orders for Kathleen Cardone’s decision could only have come from the White House. President Bush constantly avoided the issue of the criminal and terrorist character of the accused. He was protected and charged with a simple immigration violation.”
US Hides the Truth on Cuban Five Case (tags)
"Someday the truth will prevail; meanwhile, we must persevere in our struggle to make the case known,"
2 of the Miami Five have Birthdays in August and Appeals Case Update (tags)
Jailed for Fighting Terrorism
Cuba Protests at UN over Washington’s Terror Policy (tags)
Cuba accused the United States of maintaining a double standard policy on the fight against terrorism, in a letter sent Thursday to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.
Posada and US Government Found Guilty in Cuba (tags)
Luis Posada Carriles was declared guilty Tuesday of committing several crimes against Cuba and its people at a public trial held in Havana. The United States was also found responsible for having financed and supported his activities.
Tomorrow! Worldwide demonstrations against the terrorist Posada (tags)
The people's mobilization is important to expose not only the U.S. government's hypocrisy of its "war on terror" but its active role in backing the Miami terrorists like Posada for over 45 years. More important than ever is the need for us to raise high the demand of immediate freedom for the Cuban Five Heroes...
El terrorista de la Casa Blanca, libre... (tags)
La decisión exhibió otra vez la presión del chantaje de la derecha anticubana y terrorista de Miami, pero también los temores de la Casa Blanca a que salieran a la luz los vínculos de sucesivos gobiernos, de la CIA, y del propio clan Bush con el terrorismo de Estado planeado desde Washington, y del que Posada fue uno de los ejecutores...
Posada’s release exposes Washington’s hypocrisy (tags)
The decision by the US authorities to release the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles exposes before the eyes of the world the hypocritical attitude of the United States government to terrorism. Posada Carriles Posada is the author of the 1976 attack that brought down a Cubana de Aviación civilian airliner off the coast of Barbados, which cost the lives of 73 innocent people. By releasing this criminal, the US authorities have admitted that they support terrorism when this is in the interests of US imperialism. Bush's so-called war on terrorism therefore stands exposed as a shameful deception. In an editorial of April 20, the Los Angeles Times condemned the decision:
Fight for Justice Campaign (tags)
While in the name of the fight against terrorism, hundreds of thousands of people have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and others - arbitrarily detained - are tortured in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the United States government protects the most notorious terrorist in this hemisphere...
The Release of Posada Carriles: A BRUTAL REPLY (tags)
George W. Bush is undoubtedly the most genuine representative of a system of terror forced on the world by the technological, economic and political superiority of the most powerful country known to this planet.
Against Terrorism...
¿Qué sabía George Bush padre? (tags)
El 6 de octubre de 1976 se produjo el acto terrorista más grave de la historia de América Latina, cuando un avión de Cubana de Aviación explotó en pleno vuelo frente a las costas de Barbados y perecieron sus 73 tripulantes y pasajeros. Bush padre jamás respondió a las interpelaciones que se le hicieron en la audiencia senatorial, todo lo contrario.
Terrorist Posada Carriles to ask a federal court for his freedom (tags)
International terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is to appear today in a U.S. federal court to ask for his freedom, in spite of his long criminal record, which includes the bombing of a Cubana Aviation passenger plane.
Cuban Lawyer Wary of US Posada Move (tags)
Lawyer and official of the Cuban Foreign Ministry Alejandro García del Toro denounced that the US is aspiring to give citizenship to international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, thus favoring his liberation.
Citizenship for Pasada, but not for our companeros? (tags)
Full American citizenship may be granted to terrorist Posada Carriles for his "Honorable Services to the Nation"
BTL:Cuban American Associates of Convicted Terrorist... (tags)
...Luis Posada-Carriles Arrested in Florida ~ Interview with Wayne Smith, senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari
BTL:Posada Carriles Case Exposes Bush Administration's Double Standard on... (tags)
...Terrorism ~ Interview with Jane Franklin, author of "Cuba and the United States: A Chronological History," conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari
USA Terrorist: Luis Posada Carriles (tags)
Luis Posada Carriles, who is in Florida seeking asylum, CIA agent and as one of the engineer[s] of the 1976 terrorist bombing of Cubana Airlines flight 455 that killed 73 passengers.
Venezuelan Torture Victim Denounces Posada Carriles (PL) (tags)
Extradition of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles now has almost unanimous support in Venezuela, told in the voice of one of his former victims.