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Nuclear Shutdown News November 2017 (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free world. Here is our November 2017 report:
Excerpts from 2002 report on failed leadership USA (tags)
About 14 years ago I expressed my concern about the failed leadership in the USA. Today, the gross human rights violations by USA (especially the fbi/cia) punctuate my observations on topic.
Gone are the days of a fair fight and a ‘just’ war – whatever that insane expression is supposed to mean – today we have the actions of the ‘might is right’ ideology of barbarism. This ‘new’ primitivism is evident in the actions of Zionist Israel and the Zionist influenced USA. Today’s wars are the most inglorious wars in human history. How proud we should be of our achievements when we allow idiotic differences and greed to escalate into bloodshed. What a ‘noble’ race of ‘civilised’ humans we are! View this planet as a visitor and be thoroughly appalled.
The Ghost of George Wallace: Immigration and White Racism (tags)
They were on the verge of a walled off country, a police state whose target would be Brown people. Then, on Saturday, their dominace cracked.
Bush Ties To Royalty Prove Sell-Out Of America (tags)
The bush crime family, under perfect cover as the CIA, has sold America to the world bank, to create a new world odor of which they stink the biggest....
Europe and America must stand united (tags)
A declaration in support of the United States by the heads of eight European countries.
Québécois have understood … (tags)
A recent survey done by the research company SOM and published in Montreal’s La Presse newspaper show the collapse of support for globalization in Québec.
Democracy Now Broadcasts Key Information in Struggle for WelfareControl2/12/2001 (tags)
Roughly 6 years ago when Tommy Thomson was elcted Governor in Wisconsin there were approximately 300,000 people in that Upper Midwestern State on welfare. Many of this total were women and children. Another large slice of the pie were people overcoming disabilities. The budget was about $500 Million dollars USA. Today only 35,000 people arte receiving welfare in Wisconsin and the budget is close to $600 Million dollars proving that the infirm , the poor and taxpayers are being violated in ways of unknown consequences. It was reported in Atlanta on 89.3 FM that 26 babies under 1 year old had died each year for the previous 6 years.