fix articles 57532, new york democrat
The Road to World War III - The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play (tags)
"The global elite have consistently used a strategy of arming and funding both sides of armed conflicts. While opposing populations kill each other off, they make off with their natural resources. When they confront a government that cannot be bribed or provoked into civil or regional war, they fund brutal death squads, attempt military coups and intimidate them by giving weapons to undemocratic neighboring regimes. If all that doesn’t work, they are declared a threat to national security and the US military, private contractors and NATO forces invade and occupy the country. These terrorist strategies are not limited to the Middle East and Africa, just ask our neighbors throughout Latin America about the School of the Americas. Contrary to popular belief, the horrendous torture techniques inflicted upon people in Abu Ghraib, Iraq were not an isolated incident. Many of those brutal torture techniques were developed over years by torturing innocent civilians throughout Latin America."
Condloezza Rice Picketed in Australia (tags)
Chanting “war criminal,” anti-war protesters waved blood-colored hands at U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday, but police held them back as she left a Capitol Hill hearing room.
Condloezza Rice Picketed in Australia (tags)
Chanting “war criminal,” anti-war protesters waved blood-colored hands at U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday, but police held them back as she left a Capitol Hill hearing room.
(Jewish) Groups Fear Public Backlash Over Iran (tags)
Jewish Groups Fearing Backlash When Iran is Attacked Next for Israel
Hillary Clinton celebrates Israeli war crimes (tags)
The speech given by New York’s Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton to a rally staged by Zionist organizations Monday across from the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan amounted to a celebration of massacres and war crimes. Her remarks left no doubt that a vote for Clinton in November is a vote not only to continue the US war in Iraq, but to expand and intensify the slaughter throughout the region.
Nightline: War Dead Reading , Censored in 24% of U.S.A. (tags)
24% of the US tv market will not hear Ted Kopel read off the names of American war dead. Sinclair Broadcasting (which gave Bush $130,000) is censoring it because it paints the war in an unfavorable light.
Political elite moving toward reactivating draft (tags)
In a speech delivered on February 29 at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Kerry declared that “to replenish our overextended military, as president, I will add 40,000 active-duty army troops, a temporary increase likely to last the remainder of the decade”. While Kerry has not spelt out how he thinks the US Army could add 40,000 combat troops to its ranks, there are currently two bills before the US Congress which authorise the US president to activate a military draft of men and women between the ages of 18 and 26.