fix articles 5726, union del barrio
Passionate March in Support of Venezuela (tags)
One of two events on March 16 in L.A., this one near MacArthur Park, actually took marchers into a busy street (as pictured below).
12/2-3 LA Binational Conference To Cancel NAFTA and Unite Workers Of Mexico and the US (tags)
A binational conference of US and Mexican workers will be held on Dec 2&3 on the fight to cancel NAFTA and for unity between US and Mexican workers
LA Times Fails to Cover Protest Against Clinton (tags)
An estimated one thousand protesters came out to oppose Hillary Clinton speaking at East Los Angeles College on 5 de Mayo for a predictable campaign stop to Hispander to Latinos.
There might be some protests.
Qaddafi lies live on after him (tags)
While no one deserves to die in a war, of the estimated 30,000 Libyans to die in the struggle to overthrow Mummar Qaddafi, no one else can be said to have had it coming more than Mummar Qaddafi. Not only did he rule for more than 40 years by using terror, he had tens of thousands murdered, he conducted his 10 month campaign to stay in power with the utmost brutality. Most of those 30,000 souls were Libyan civilians killed by Qaddafi with artillery, tanks, snipers and cluster bombs. He targeted civilian to the end and so made the UN mission to protect them synonymous with ending his rule. So I find it odd that many on the left single out the killing of Mummar Qaddafi to demand investigation and justice for.
San Diego Hosts Three May Day Rallies (tags)
San Diego hosted no fewer than three rallies on Sunday, May 1 — one between the Centro Cultural de la Raza and World Beat Center in Balboa Park, followed by a march to the Federal Building downtown where the second rally was held, and a third at the San Diego Community Concourse that united the participants with another set of marchers, who had assembled earlier in the morning in Chicano Park, also for a walk downtown. The rally speakers focused on a wide variety of progressive issues — workers’ rights, education cutbacks, health care, immigrants’ rights, war and peace, Queer liberation — and attempted to draw connections between them and psych the participants for the long struggle ahead to preserve and extend those rights in the face of a relentless assault on them by the radical Right.
From LA to Arizona with Love (tags)
The Southern California Immigration Coalition is organizing buses to Phoenix, AZ for a national protest called on Saturday May 29th in Phoenix to protest SB1070- the racist law that attacks immigrant workers. Make sure you are counted among the many thousands who will march in Phoenix on May 29th. Call and make your reservation today.
Protest LAPD Stealing Cars from Raza during Xmas Season!! (tags)
F O R I MM E D I A T E R E L E A S E Community organizations to denounce Los Angeles Police Department and the Sherriff's Department for stealing cars from Immigrants; especially during Christmas
Imperialism is a Human Rights Violation!!! (tags)
STOP the War on Raza and Stop the Wars in the Middle East!!! December 10, 2009, 5:00pm
Statement From The Chicano Mexicano Prison Project
Union Del Barrio In Support of Alex Sanchez & Nativo Lopez (tags)
Compañeras and Compañeros of Unión del Barrio, To our supporters, progressives, and the community in general:
Judith de las danzas aztecas Cuauhtemoc se puso en huelga de hambre (tags)
Compas todas, la compa Judith de las danzas aztecas Cuauhtemoc se puso en huelga de hambre, ella esta entre las calles 3ra y 4ta sobre la Beaudry a un lado del 110 fwy.
May Day March for Immigrants' Rights (tags)
There are several immigrants' rights marches and protests happening on May First. Ron Gochez, of the Southern California Immigration Coalition, talks about why people should come out and march.
¡Zapata Vive! ¡La Lucha Sigue! (tags)
12 abril 2009 LOS ÁNGELES-- La marcha anual en conmemoración del martirio del General Emiliano Zapata atrajo a centenares de participantes. Esta manifestación, única en Los Ángeles por su independencia y su militancia, crece cada año.
Join the SCIC this Wednesday 01/21/2009 for an Immigrant Rights Rally (tags)
Rally at the Federal Building demanding an end to the ICE Raids, and full legalization for immigrants. Wednesday, Januray 21, 2009 at 5:00pm
First Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair: A Beginning Marker of Resistence (tags)
Saturday, December 13, 2008 LOS ANGELES - The organizers of the first annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair sent out a call for "dreamers, fighters, organizers, and rebels to come, meet, strategize, learn from each other, get books, attend workshops, participate, and join the movement." And despite the state's efforts to squelch our efforts, come they did--more than 700 people, mostly from the greater Los Angeles area, although some came from as far as San Diego, the Bay Area, Oregon, New York, and even Canada, to participate in this herstory-making event.
Educators Protest Scholarship's Discriminatory Policy (tags)
Over 100 teachers and students protest in front of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund Headquarters demanding they halt their discriminatory policy barring undocumented students from applying to their scholarship
May 1, Oxnard : Farmworkers, Longshoremen, and Youth Take to the Streets (tags)
A 300+ strong march, built independently by the Frente Contra las Redadas and allied Barrio/Workers' defense organizations, marched under the red banners of Workers' Power, resistance to the Migra/I.C.E. raids, and zero compromise with the forces of imperialism and police terror (Democrats, Republicans, and their non-profit proxies)!
NEW YORK TO LA: THE FIGHT AGAINST GENTRIFICATION Anti-Gentrification Events Throughout LA 3/3-3/9/08
Migra Out of West Adams School! PROTEST! (tags)
On Friday, January 18, 2008, at approximately 4:30PM, numerous staff members at West Adams Preparatory High School in Los Angeles, CA witnessed a vehicle from the Department of Homeland Security/Immigrant and Customs Enforcement (ICE) stationed in the parking lot of the school.
ICE/Migra on High School campus in LA!! PROTEST!! (tags)
ICE is staking out SCHOOLS.
FCR-VC Declaracion Contra el Tratado de Libre Comercio y La Migra (tags)
Ahora, el Primero de Enero 2008 el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entra a su paso final de implementacion. En TLC, desde su incepcion, tenia como su meta a apoyar al las Corporaciones Agricolas e Industriales Estadounidenses a tomar control sobre los mercados de Mexico y destruir los pequeños campos y industrias nacionales. Esto a causado que millones de Raza sea desplazada y sin trabajo se mueva a las ciudades o migrar hacia lo que hoy es los Estados Unidos o Canada.
FCR-VC declaration against NAFTA and the Migra! (tags)
Today, January 1st 2008 the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) enters its final stage of implementation. NAFTA, since its inception, was designed to help the rich U.S. Agriculture and Industrial Corporations take over the markets of Mexico and destroy the small farms and national industries. It has caused millions of displaced or unemployed Raza to move to the cities or migrate to what today is the United States and Canada.
Why We Don't Celebrate Thanksgiving (tags)
Live interview with Kahentinetha Horn, a member of the Mohawk Nation, editor of Mohawk Nation News and long-time fighter for the rights of indigenous people this Sunday (11/18), 4pm U.S. Eastern time on
A United Rally for Immigrant Rights and Elvira Arellano in Los Angeles August 25, 2007 (tags)
Despite the hot and humid weather and a lethargic start because of the sound system , thousands of immigrants, advocates and anti-war protestors brought out a united front for Elvira Arellano and immigrant rights. The protestors marched down the Olympic/Broadway road, snaked through 2nd street and Los Angeles street and ended at the intersection of Temple and Los Angeles Streets to protest the unjust deportation of Elvira Arellano and for full rights for all immigrants. The protestors massed early at the Olympic intersection as early as 10:00 AM and started late around 12;45 PM. The 4,000 to 5,000 strong march/rally was led by “We Are All Elvira and Saulito Coalition” led by the April 7 Coalition composed of Hermanidad Mexicana Nacional and the Latino Movement USA led by Juan Jose Gutierrez, Raul Murillo, Angelina Corona and the ANSWER-LA: the March 25 Coalition led by Javier Rodriguez; CHIRLA led by Angelica Salas and the CARACEN.
Protest Against Pete Wilson Statue (tags)
A united coalition of San Diego and Los Angeles activists protested the dedication of a statue honoring ex-governor and supporter of Proposition 187, Pete Wilson.
Community Organizers Demand the Resignation of Chief Bratton. (tags)
Police in Riot Gear, Nightsticks Ready at MacArthur Park (tags)
Protest at LAPD headquarters to rally against the violence police inflicted on a peaceful crowd at MacArthur Park yesterday.
Emergency demo for Black Panther 8 + film benefit (tags)
LA supporter of the Black Panther 8 are demonstrating to free them Wed 2-14, 5 PM at downtown fed bldg and holding a film benefit Sat 2-17 4-7 pm
Saturday, Angelenos walked in unity with the struggle to end the government invasion of Oaxaca.
Marcha por Oaxaca - Saturday 10 AM (tags)
Los Angeles Mobilizes in Support of People in Oaxaca (tags)
Tension remains high in Oaxaca City as military flights continue, creating a general anxiety among residents over a possible massive crackdown against a popular movement demanding the resignation of the state’s governor. Mexico’s Attorney General’s office said it is looking into the cases of small explosions that shattered windows and glass doors at 3 different banks in Oaxaca City yesterday. A previously unknown guerrilla group claimed responsibility for the blasts, although many suspect the attacks were staged to create a pretext for an intervention by federal forces. Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, a group of people is protesting in front of the Mexican Consulate, in an attempt to raise awareness about the volatile situation. (4:44 minutes and includes lede)
Sanctuary City, National City (tags)
Hundreds of residents of the small community of National City outside San Diego proudly celebrated their new sanctury city, a refuge for the foreign-born, free from profiling and discrimination.
Para nosotros no es cuestión de si ganarémos nuestra libertad, sino cúando y cómo lo haremos. Justicia y Libertad para todos Conferencia sobre presos Mexicanos/Raza y el colonialismo Conferencia anual del Proyecto de Presos Chicano Mexicanos (CMPP) sobre los Presos Mexicanos/La Raza y el colonialismo boletín numero 2, 10 de junio, 2006 Desde 1997, el Proyecto de Presos Chicano Mexicano ha organizado su Conferencia anual sobre Presos Raza y el Colonialismo. La conferencia de este año sera organizada bajo la consigna: Justicia y Libertad para Todos. Conferencias en el pasado se han llevado acabo en San Jose, Oxnard, Riverside, y San Diego y han consistuido en discusiones, talleres, testimonios, y ponencias. La conferencia del 2006 se llevará acabo en el Centro de Acción Popular, ,esquina de las Calles 11 y Hope (425 W. 11th St.) en Los Angeles. Este 24 de junio. EL SISTEMA PENAL ES UN INSTRUMENTO PARA LA OPRESIÓN Y LA COLONIZACIÓN El Comite de Presos Chicano Mexicianos, formado en 1993 por Unión del Barrio ha sido uno de los grupos más consistentes en realizar trabajo sobre la cuestión de las prisiones y su relación al capitalismo y el colonialismo-imperialismo (tambien conocido como el Capitalismo Global). Las Conferencias del CMPP han sido organizadas en torno a los siguientes objetivos: 1. Traer claridad a la cuestión de las prisiones y el sistema penal de Estados Unidos y su papel en mantener a Mexicanos y otras nacionalidades oprimidas y colonizadas. Queremos exponer a nuestro pueblo la realidad de que la meta principal del sistema de "justicia penal" (prisiones, policias, fiscales, jueces, etc. no es llevar acabo la ley y el orden, sino es una conspiración capitalista-imperialista de utilizar el sistema de prisiones como instrumento de opresión y colonización mientras gana miles de millones de dolares por medio de la crecación de lo que se conoce hoy en día como el Complejo Penal-Industrial. 2. Crear un espacio en donde fuerzas verdaderamnete progresistas y revolucionarias puedan compartir sus perspectivas e información sobre esta cuestión de importancia máxima. Las conferencias luchan por desafiar y cambiar una situación en la cual el encarcelamiento masivo de Raza, Africanos y otras nacionalidades oprimidas se define por demagogos racista-derechistas o liberales pequeñoburgueses que no tienen ni la intención ni la habilidad para definir la verdadera naturaleza del llamado sistema penal de Estados Unidos y el Complejo Penal-Industrial. Las Conferencias del CMPP entonces sirven como voz para los mas afectados (la comunidad, la juventud, los pobres y los obreros) por el complejo penal industrial y entonces tienen mas voluntad para enfrentar su existencia. 3.Forjar una red de activistas que trabajarán en unidad y en forma ética con principios utilizando la ciencia de lucha para llevar acabo una sociedad justa, democratica y pacífica. Actualmente, las fuerzas progresistas y revolucionarias en nuestra comunidad siguen siendo una minoria extremadamente pequeña sin influencia significativa sobre el pensamiento y el actuar de la mayoria de nuestro pueblo. El CMPP cree que la creación de una red de activistas comprometidos nos ayudará a solucionar esta situación. 4. Formular estratégias y tácticas que harán más eficaz nuestra lucha. Encontrar formas de incluir la cuestión de prisiones como parte de la lucha global por los derechos humanos y la liberación nacional. Nuestro objetivo es hacer la cuestión de los presos una parte integral en la lucha por la liberación y la autodeterminación. 5. Apoyarnos unos a otros en la publicación de pamfletos, libros, boletines, y todas las demas formas de comunicación, como medio de romper el agarre que los medios de difusión capitalista-colonialistas tienen actualmente sobre las mentes de la mayoría de la gente(de todas las nacionalidades y razas) manteniendonos ignorantes de los verdaderos motivos y la existencia de leyes represivos (Proposicion 21, los "three strikes," HR4037, etc) y el complejo preso industrial. EL ENFOQUE DE LA CONFERENCIA SERA COMPARTIR, APRENDER Y UNIRNOS La conferencia de este año Sobre los Presos de la Raza y el Colonialismo tomará la forma de una discusión de mesa redonda. La discusión se enfocará en: 1. La cuestión de las prisiones y su relacion con la lucha total por al liberación del pueblo mexicano. 2. La violencia prisionera, con un enfoque especial sobre la situación entre mexicanos y africanos, y como este asunto se desenvuelve en las calles y en la comunidad y sabotea la unidad necesaria para avanzar la lucha en contra de todas las formas de opresión. y la liberación de nuestras comunidades. La continuación del trabajo de construcción de una red de activistas y como crear un plan de acción basado en la ciencia (estratégias y tácticas comprobadas) y la unidad con principio. 4. La importancia de la juventud y la mujer en nuestra lucha contra el Complejo Penal Industrial La discusión de mesa redonda tendrá un facilitador, un ponente principal, y un secretario/relator. El ponente iniciará el dialogo con comentarios introductorios que generarán discusión y crítica, y nos llevarán a soluciones y tácticas para incluirse en un plan de acción. Los grupos de discusión fungirán en forma de mesa redonda, permitiendo que todos provean y compartan información y aprenden uno del otro. ENFRENTANDO NUESTRAS LIMITACIONES Mientras nos gustaría ver una conferencia más grande, las realidades de hoy en día y este periodo de la historia no nos permiten organizar un evento mas grande. Junto con los recursos limitados, hay que reconocer que hay poco interés (relativamente hablando) sobre la cuestión de las prisiones entre activistas y las masas de nuestro pueblo. Una de las razones por la cual nos encontramos en esta situación es que los medios de difusión racistas corporativistas son tremendamente eficaces en confundir y lavar el cerebro de las masas de nuestro pueblo con respecto de este asunto, junto con otros asuntos críticos de nuestros tiempos(guerra, hambre, la pobreza, la injusticia, la destrucción de la tierra, etc.) Sin embargo, el CMPP se dedica a encontrar la solución a nuestra opresión y encontrar el camino que nos llevará a la liberación. Creemos que solo una organización seria, organizada con disciplina fuerte, y avanzada politicamente puede derrotar los enemigos de las masas y crear un mundo, justo, pacifico, y libre. Para nosotros, no es cuestión de si ganarémos nuestra libertad, es cuestion de cúando y cómo lo haremos.
Raza Prisoners & Colonialism (tags)
Saturday June 24th, The Chicano Mexicano Prison Project will have it's 9th annual conference in Los Angeles at 425 W. Hope Street: Justice & Freedom for all! Justicia y Libertad para todos!
The Coordinadora Estudiantil de la Raza rallied and held a press conference to denounce the deployment of US Troops to the border and to iniciate a campaign against JROTC/Military in public schools.
The May Day Coalition for Students and Workers Justice is organizing a rally for Immigration Rights on Thursday June 15, 2006.
The Gran Boicott is on, and the troqueros are in (tags)
Update on the Gran Boicott locally and the latest word from the Port of Aztlan.
March for Zapata in East Los Angeles (tags)
March for Zapata in East Los Angeles Full Rights For All Immigrants! Land, Justice, Liberty and Struggle! Sunday, April 12, 9 am Assemble at corner of Cesar Chavez & Lorena, East LA March to El Parque Mexico
Doceava 2006 Marcha por Zapata (tags)
Doceava 2006 Marcha por Zapata En el espiritu de tierra, justicia y libertad apoyo a la lucha popular! POR EL GENERAL ZAPATA
Summary Meeting on BP June 25th (tags)
Summary of a meeting held this past week with organizations that participated in the organizing of the Baldwin Park 2 event.
Inland Empire United Resistance (tags)
Special Meeting - Strategies of Resistance
African People Take U.S. to Court (tags)
Report from Press Conference at U.N. Headquarters announcing 12th Session of International Tribunal on Reparations for African People in the U.S. Set for Nov. 15-16 in Philadelphia
An Interview with Ernesto Aguilar of the Anarchist People of Color (APOC) (tags)
"....Who were the founders of the APOC? When was it started?"
Update: 7th National Conference On Raza Prisoners (tags)
For over 10 years, the Chicano Mexicano Prison Project (a project of Union del Barrio) has been one of the few Mexicano-Raza organizations working to expose the role that the Prison Industry plays in oppression and exploitation of Mexicanos. On May 10, 2003, the Chicano Mexicano Prison Project will organize the 7th National Conference On Raza Prisoners and the 10th Anniversary of CMPP.
!No al racismo / No to racist war! !No a la guerra por petróleo / No blood for oil! !Queremos Justicia / We want Justice! !No queremos guerra / Health Care Not Warfare!
32nd Commemoration Chicano Moratorium March (tags)
Conference On Raza Press, Media, And Popular Expression (tags)
Conference On Raza Press, Media, And Popular Expression: Its History And Its Use As A Tool For Liberation
6th National Conference On Raza Prisoners and Colonialism (tags)
Bulletin Number #1 6th National Conference On Raza Prisoners and Colonialism
Chicano Press Assocation Meeting - February 9, 2002 (tags)
Chicano Press Assocation Meeting
Community Forum: On The Question Of Police Brutality (tags)
Stop The Militarization Of Our Community Community Forum: On The Question Of Police Brutality
Break The Chains Of Injustice - June 16, 2001 (tags)
Break The Chains Of Injustice - A Romper Las Cadenas De La Injusticia
Break The Chains Of Injustice - June 16, 2001 (tags)
6th Annual Conference On Raza Prisoners and Colonialism
Break The Chains Of Injustice - June 16, 2001 (tags)
6th Annual Conference On Raza Prisoners and Colonialism