fix articles 57248, definitely
A friend just implied that humans are by nature greedy, agressive, etc etc and said to take a look at the history of the world as an example. And that's all fine and dandy, we definitely haven't done too well so far. But I'm not blaming that on "nature."
A Different Perspective on the Iranian Elections (tags)
The great strategic importance of Iran to the United States gives me a different opinion of the election than that of the mainstream US media or indeed most of the leftist media.
KPFK having a new Board, Join In ya all (tags)
COMMUNITY [that mean you and us all folks] ADVISORY BOARD, Representing various diverse parts of our community [ not just being a person from that group - that is not REPRESENTING but being and experiencing -not same thing] JOIN IN !!! Check out next meeting Thurs 6/26/08 @ 7 pm at KPFK radio station: 3729 Cahuenga West, No Hollywood....go there !!! be useful !!!
Chavez: the FTAA is dead (tags)
Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, expressed again that US project of completing a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) is definitely dead. This time, the Venezuelan president made this balance at his arrival to Puerto Iguazu, in Misiones, Argentina, where he will participate on the Summit of MERCOSUR presidents.
IMC under heavy bombardement by MOABS (tags)
The IMC is under heavy bombardment by Mother of All Bullshit attacks today.
Short ILWU Analysis- whats at stake (tags)
The ILWU may be "only" 10,500 strong, but it's arguably one of the strongest and most militant unions in the US. It's never a good idea to get hysterical, but this is definitely a serious threat.