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los angeles district attorney

California’s vigilante police justice: Trial by machine gun (tags)

In California, there is a new kind of justice. Forget the Sixth Amendment's right to trial. It no longer applies. Instead of an attorney, get a bullet-proof vest, Today's cops are armed with machine guns and innocence no longer matters.

9/28 Injured Movie & Downey Kaiser Workers To File Complaints At LA DA (tags)

On 9/28/201 injured movie and Kaiser Downey workers will be filing complaints with the Los Angeles District Attorney Workers Comp fraud unit and evironmental crimes unit to prosecute Downey Toxic Developer Stuart Lichter who is owner of the IRG company. Lichter has poisoned and contaminated workers at the privatized "brownfield" super-fund toxic dump site where a Kaiser hospital was also built

End LAPD Brutality: Remove LA Prosecutor Steve Cooley & Fire Bratton (tags)

With substantial support from George W. Bush and the local forces of the extreme right, the LAPD and its financed-DA (Steve Cooley - Republican) have succeeded in transforming Los Angeles County to a well-engineered police state.


On July 5th of this year ten courageous environmental activists took direct action in an attempt to stop the destruction of the South Central Farm. Their actions were non-violent, yet they received injuries from police violence. Now they are facing excessive charges from the Los Angeles District Attorney office. The hearings for three of these defenders of the farm begin this Thursday. Supporters of the fight to take back the South Central Farm are asked to attend the hearing to show support for those who put themselves on the frontline in the fight for environmental justice.


PLEASE E-MAIL THIS MESSAGE TO EVERY CALIFORNIA VOTER YOU KNOW: On Tuesday, June 6, you will have a historical chance to reverse the course of endemic corruption in California justice bureaucracy.

Bob Avakian on Richard Pryor (tags)

Recently I was reading reports of police assaults on Black people and of Black people fighting against the police in Memphis and Miami. This called to mind a story I was told a while back. A rookie cop was riding in his police car with his veteran partner when a report came in that there was a Black man in the vicinity with a gun. As their car screeched around the corner, a young Black man suddenly appeared sprinting up an alley--into a dead end. "Shoot him!", the older cop screamed, "Go on, shoot him-- it's free!" "It's free!" Think about that for a second. "It's free!" In other words, here's a chance that gets a pig to sweating and salivating with anticipation--a chance to "kill a nigger" with the already provided cover that a Black man--a Black man, any Black man--was reported in the area with a gun. This is an opportunity too good to pass up: "Go on, shoot him--it's free!"

Silent Coup D' etat in Los Angeles (tags)

The Ideologically-driven forces of the extreme right have secretly been nourishing and empowering a brutal police-state system of justice in Los Angeles. The main component of this system consists of a 600-person army of corrupt, LAPD-sanctioned so-called judges whose main task is to coverup acts of LAPD misconduct and brutality.

Criminal Negligence in the Office of the Los Angeles District Attorney (tags)

You would think the goal of the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office would be to seek the truth, and in doing so, actually check their facts before threatening someone with legal action, but apparently, this is not so in Steve Cooley’s Bad Check Division according to Los Angeles artist, David Goldner.

Rodney King 2 (tags)

Inglewood beating in Comparison to rodney king is Worse.

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