fix articles 56971, drinking
Californians Shame Regulators For Teaching Big Oil How To Skirt Law and Pollute Our Water (tags)
What the frack?! On Tuesday, March 24th, the state of California held an "Aquifer Exemption Workshop" to show oil industry representatives how to exploit loopholes for drilling and disposal projects to obtain aquifer exemption approval. Concerned water drinkers interrupted the state-sponsored workshop on how to get away with poisoning our drinking water. #DontFrackCA
Please Print Up and Pass Out This Flyer in Los Angeles, Thank You! (tags)
Please, I need volunteers to print this flyer and pass it out at Venice Beach, I need you to help me ask Leonardo DiCaprio to save the Environment of the little State of Vermont.
Hazardous Hydrofracking in America (tags)
View Videos: Expose' of adding TOXIC Fluoride to LA/San Diego Drinking/Tap Waters (tags)
The Southern California Municipal Water District, after just 12 Directors voted 'YES!' last October 2007 [e.g. without Public Ballot Vote] to add toxic Silicofluoride to most of L.A./San Diego Drinking/Tap Waters faces LEGAL CHALLENGES. Videos following LINKS put MWD on NOTICE:
So.CA MWD Directors voted to add Silicofluoride to Drinking Water --18 Million At RISK (tags)
Greater Los Angeles and San Diego get ‘SilicoFLUORIDE’ in their drinking/tap waters as of October 1, 2007. Please SIGN PETITION to Congress to End 12 So.CA Municipal Water District Directors 'fluoridation' Agenda at: hhtp://
Malt Liquor: Targeting A Community (tags)
Certain types of alcohol, specifically malt liquor, are marketed in impoverished communities of color. Alco-snacks are market to kids.
Malt Liquor & AlcoSnacks - Targeting a Community (tags)
11/07/07 you are invited to attend a 2-hour presentation by Dr. Didra BrownTaylor
Amazing lies cops cook up to cover their asses (tags)
It's amazing the lies cop will cook up to cover themselfs and their fellow crooked cops. Did you know that your body turns into alcohol as it decomposes? That's the fairy tail these cops want us to beleive.
Utah's tops DUI cop busted after he crashes his cop car while drunk! (tags)
hmmm... when a cop gets drunk and drives it cuz of stress and he should be forgiven, but the rest of us dont get that special treatment. Also the cops didnt report his accident of driving to the media until it was leaked by an unknown person. They claimed they wanted to complete the interneal investigation first. Wouldn't it be nice if the cops didnt report arresting normal people to the media until the investigation and trial of the person was completed
The U.S. Government had intentionally kept water and food from desperate people in New Orleans
The Commander in Chief is a Coward. (tags)
Bush is a Coward. Pass it on.
200 Birds: The First Victims of Dimona's Nuclear Reactor (tags)
GAZA, August 24, 2004 (IPC + Al Bayan) -- Israeli environmental officials declared that about 200 migrating birds between Africa and Europe died when they stopped near the Israeli nuclear reactor Dimona
60% of U.S. adults drink toxic drugs (tags)
60% of U.S. adults drink toxic drugs and up to 20 percent are binge users, according to a new comprehensive report of American habits and vices released on Wednesday. About 23 percent smoke toxic drugs, according to the survey.
Protecting California's Clean Water (tags)
According to a 2000 report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency two thirds of California lakes tested so polluted they cannot support aquatic life.
The First University - the Tavern (tags)
From the book "How To Save the World"
The psychopathology of Bush
San Diego City Council Puts Beach Drinking Ban on Ballot (tags)
The San Diego City Council on July 23 responded to a public referendum petition to put its controversial ban on drinking on city beaches to a public vote. Opponents of the ban focused on the $180,000 it would cost to add the issue to the March 5, 2002 election. Supporters said that's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of additional police to patrol the beaches and prevent alcohol-related crime.