fix articles 56859, jonathan Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : jonathan


Jonathan Pollard for President of Israel (tags)

Pollard For President In Israel, Now That He's Home.

Pollard for President of Israel (tags)

Pollard for President of Israel, Give Him Justice

Donald Trump Warned Of A ‘Rigged’ Election, Was He Right? (tags)

With Donald Trump formally installed in the Oval Office, election integrity activist Jonathan Simon crunches the numbers and reflects on Election 2016, the death of electoral transparency and the thwarting of public will. By Jonathan D. Simon Follow @JonathanSimon14 @JonathanSimon14 | January 24, 2017

Jonathan Pollard's Release Imminent? (tags)


Creative Community for Peace (tags)

Welcome To The Creative Community For Peace We represent a cross section of the creative world--those who create and help create music, films, and television programs--and their fans. We may not all share the same politics or the same opinion on the best path to peace in the Middle East. But we do agree that singling out Israel, the only democracy in the region, as a target of cultural boycotts while ignoring the now-recognized human rights issues of her neighbors will not further peace. We understand the power that our music, our films, our television shows, and all arts have. They have the power to build bridges. Foster better understanding. Encourage dialogue. And hopefully lead toward greater mutual acceptance. If anything, turn up the music, expose more of our films and television shows to wider audiences, and encourage people from all cultures to interact and build greater dialogue and understanding. If you support the message that the arts can build bridges—please join us in this important mission. The world might just be a better place for it.

Artists, Actors and the creative Community for Israel (tags)

Via the Creative Community for Peace Hundreds of Hollywood A listers have joined together in support of Israel

Photos of head injuries from attempted murder of journalist Jonathan Dale Rapoport (tags)

These photographs show the severe head injuries from the attempted murder of freelance journalist Jonathan Dale Rapoport while he was covering Occupy Oakland on Saturday, November 26, 2011.

May Day March in S. F. 2011 (tags)

Video of May Day march in S. F. 2011

Discussion with Jonathan Pershing (#2 U.S. climate negotiator) (tags)

On Nov. 23, 2009, a discussion regarding the global climate negotiation process with Jonathan Pershing (#2 U.S. climate negotiator), was held in Washington D.C. This was simulcast to the UC Berkeley Boalt School of Law, UCLA school of law, and took place at UC's extension in D.C.

The Future Is Nearly Here: Do We Want It?? "The Physics of The Impossible" (CalS (tags)

Time travel. Teleportation. Other intelligences. According to Michio Kaku's recent bestseller of the same title, some of these things are on the verge of becoming real. But should they??? Do science fiction novels and movies present us with a dream of the future, or a nightmare to be avoided at all costs? Do you really WANT to live in Star Wars or Star Trek??

Countdown: Jonathan Turley on Truth Commission (tags)

Jonathan Turley, professor at George Washington University, talks to Keith about why doesn't like the idea of the Congress having a truth Commission instead of war crimes trials.

Negroponte/Rosen meetings with General Kiani Nov 2007 (tags)

JONATHAN MANN, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: There's something to watch for in Pakistani politics. Civilian leaders appoint a military commander, then the military commander overthrows the civilians. That's how Pervez Musharraf got his job, and he wasn't the first.

Prayer for peace and an end to war and violence (tags)

Peace Fire for a Cease-Fire - AN INTERFAITH SERVICE for Peace

Jonathan Smith, geodesic domes (tags)

Interview with Jonathan Smith about building disposable geodesic domes.

Under/Non Reported (tags)

Coverage Trends Photostory: Israeli extremists' attack on Nazareth's most famous Christian church goes virtually unreported Jonathan Cook, The Electronic Intifada, 8 March 2006

CIA spook caught in Afghanistan? (tags)

Afghan troops jave detained a man identified as Jonathan K. Idema -- the subject of a United States military press center warning. Two years ago, J. Keith Idema, an American civilian adviser to the Afghan United Front, was interviewed on CBS' "60 Minutes"

Building Bridges Radio - The Secret White House Civil Rights Tapes of Pres. Johnson (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA. LINK.

The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible (tags)

Make Money, Not War

Jonathan Gullible (tags)

Governments create wars.

BTL:War-Weary World Seeking Alternatives to Cycles of Conflict and Violence (tags)

Interview with Jonathan Schell, Nation columnist and author of "The Unconquerable World," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible (tags)

The librarians don't want you to read this book.



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