fix articles 55927, flag draped coffins
Sun May 3: CA Military Mom's LA Area Book Launch (tags)
Susan Galleymore, the US military mom who made front-page headlines from the San Francisco Chronicle to France's Le Monde, when she took a dangerous journey to Iraq in 2004, to visit her soldier son stationed in the 'Sunni Triangle', north of Baghdad comes to LA area.
Sun May 3: CA Military Mom Travels to Iraq & Returns w/Book on Impact of War on Mothers (tags)
California Military Mom Susan Galleymore Invited by Veterans for Peace-LA to Launch her New Book on Impact of War on Mothers at Arlington West on the Santa Monica beach Sunday, May 3rd - Noon-1pm
Veteran's Day Weekend at Arlington West (tags)
SANTA MONICA, November 12, about 300 volunteers show up to carry 50 flag draped coffins on a procession from Santa Monica Pier to 3rd Street Promenade.
Bush Dishonors Fallen Soldiers (tags)
The Deserter-in-Chief, not content with cutting Veteran's benefits, Combat Pay, benefits for depends of those deployed, is now putting a blackout on those who have fallen in his ill begotten War to Steal Iraqi Oil. He will not even be seen anywhere near the Flag Draped Coffins of those he has consigned to death. What a Scumbag.