fix articles 55831, padded
Padded Bloc FAQ for Miami (tags)
Basic information on the planned Padded Bloc in Miami, including frequently asked questions.
Pittsburgh FTAA consulta report for Miami (tags)
report on the ftaa consulta in Pittsburgh. With discussion about general disruption and padded bloc actions.
Updated: Call for a padded bloc at the Nov. 20-21 FTAA meetings in Miami (tags)
updated information on organizing for a padded contingent for the Nov. 20-21st FTAA meetings in Miami (with endorsers, logistics, and more) This contingent will take action with a determination to disrupt the meetings.
POG Call to action for a padded bloc this Nov in Miami, stop the FTAA (tags)
Call to action for the FTAA meetings this November in miami! As a part of what is sure to be a multitude of tactics, POG is sending out this call specifically for a padded contingent. We envision a total shutdown of the meetings through the combination of diverse tactics.