fix articles 55478, ran
California Has Its Faults (tags)
Two big earthquakes in California shook up the nuclear power infrastructure as well.
RAN names Coal MTR CEO Blankenship to its Board of Directors (tags)
Rainforest Action Network Names Coal Kingpin Don "Donny B" Blankenship to its Board of Directors; A "Welcome, Consistent Addition to Our Team," He Joins Fellow Mining Magnate Michael Klein, a former RAN chairman and co-owner of Palm Beach Aggregates, an aggregate rock mining company with operations in the Everglades in South Florida, where rock mining, like MTR coal mining in Appalachia, pollutes the local water supply.
Can Ejidos Save Mexico from Collapsing Peso? (tags)
Rural Mexican villages restore their ejido communal farm land and introduce a new community currency modeled after ideas from Lazaro Cardenas to prepare for petrocollapse and the continuously devalued peso.
OUST GMA, YOU’RE OUSTED! YOU’RE BUSTED! US puppet Gloria Arroyo just ran scared as she always does, this time to the APEC meeting in Lima, Peru. This while hundreds of activist from the ALLIANCE for a JUST and LASTING PEACE in the PHILIPPINES (AJLPP), ANSWER-LA and GABNET/LA and their allies turned out in full force Friday, November 21, 2008, 6 PM, with a picket and a rally in front of the Sheraton Gateway Hotel, 6101 West Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045, to protest her supposed reception for the community in the US.
OUST GMA, YOU’RE OUSTED! YOU’RE BUSTED! US puppet Gloria Arroyo just ran scared and as she always does to the APEC meeting in Lima, Peru. This while hundreds of activist from the ALLIANCE for a JUST and LASTING PEACE in the PHILIPPINES (AJLPP), ANSWER-LA and GABNET and their allies turned out in full force Friday, November 21, 2008, 6 PM, with a picket and a rally in front of the Sheraton Gateway Hotel, 6101 West Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045, to protest her supposed community reception to the community in the US.
The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)- National Executive Board vehemently condemns the unprovoked massive police attack by the LAPD/SWAT against the May 1.70,000 immigrants march-rally in Macarthur Park, Los Angeles last night at around 5;30 PM The reactionary forces trying to discourage immigrant rights mobilization that ran to tens of thousands, used 20-30 motorcycled cops to commence fascist attacks on the unsuspecting crowds at the corner of Westlake and Wilshire and at the Alvarado-Wilshire intersection. The police motorcycles ran through the Cuahatemoc dancers hitting even children and senior dancers of the Danza Azteca. This type of dispersal attack was used in Oakland demonstration in 200
Cowardice Police Fire on Non-Violent May 1st Cultural Immigration Rally (tags)
May 1st celebration and observation of immigrant and labor rights in MacArthur Park, crashed by terrorist LAPD.
The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-Southern California vehemently condemns the unprovoked massive police attack by the LAPD/SWAT against the May 1.70,000 immigrants march-rally in Macarthur Park, Los Angeles last night at around 5;30 PM The reactionary forces trying to discourage immigrant rights mobilization that ran to tens of thousands, used 20-30 motorcycled cops to commence fascist attacks on the unsuspecting crowds at the corner of Westlake and Wilshire and at the Alvarado-Wilshire intersection. The police motorcycles ran through the Cuahatemoc dancers hitting even children and senior dancers of the Danza Azteca. This type of dispersal attack was used in Oakland demonstration in 2003.
Political conjunctions and Blurring definitions (tags)
A number of factors have recently formed a conjunction, which provided a new view of a popular ‘reality’. Whenever the flames of the terrorist ‘threat’ begin to wane convenient arrests are made that fan the embers back into flames of concern. Recent police raids in Sydney and Melbourne have resulted in the arrests of two Sri Lankan Tamils; “two men have appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on terrorism related charges,” ran the intro from one media outlet while another ran with, “men face terrorism charges after raids.” I’m sure we all get the drift but it should be noted that assistant commissioner to the Federal Police, Frank Prendergast, went to lengths "to make it clear that these men weren't involved in any possible attacks on Australian soil.” Well then, what?
The Rebirth of America
Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Nuts (tags)
Debunking the Conspiracy Nuts
Sorry about the missing photos. We ran out of some disk space and it caused the problem.
Propaganda on “New Foreign Aid” – (tags)
At the height of the emotional issue on immigration and the Great American Boycott mass actions nationwide, The Los Angeles Times ran a five-part series entitled, “New Foreign Aid.” The series of feature articles ran from April 16, 2006 before the May 1, and featured the Philippines, Mexico, Haiti and other countries which send thousands of immigrant workers to the United States every year.We condemn such propaganda being peddled as “objective reporting.” Such allusions have no place in a society that purports to be democratic and free of racial bias. Such racist notions must be criticized and exposed roundly for what they truly are: worthless
Marc Cooper Red Baits Peter Camejo (tags)
Marc Cooper demonizes Peter Camejo, Ralph Nader's running mate, for his "Trotskyist" ties, an honest cricitism or yet another example of Cooper's demonization of the Left?
Former Libertarian Party official kills associate then self (tags)
Jeff Allen was vice chairman of the Alabama Libertarian Party when he ran against Republican U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions.
Everything the Greedy,Right Wing Republicans TOUCH turns to CRAP!!!! (tags)
President Bush's Right Wing Republicians have the "Midas Touch" - but in "Reverse" - everything they and their Greedy Wall St. Cronies touch, rapidly turns to C-R-A-P!
One LA Activist's Report Back From Miami (tags)
A report of the situation and my arrest in Miami.
Ah the web... vast and infinite. This debacle is the PERFECT example of how one must NEVER take at face value a news story, no matter where it's presented. Multiple sources, fact checking, and a healthy degree of suspicion are necessary to understand the news.
The School of the Americas-Hip Hop (tags)
Microplatform "escracha" . The School of the Americas(in georgia, u.s.a)
Libertarian Free-Marketers (tags)
This is absolutely true--I recently ran across a column by an unabashed Free-Marketer decrying our system on public ROADS as an example of CREEPING SOCIALISM...
Greens at 2004 campaigns & candidates meeting (tags)
the Green Party of CA at their Campaign & Candidates for 2004 Meeting at Loyola Law School June 21st.
Draft Michael Moore '04 (tags)
Action at the Academy Awards: Get Michael Moore to Run for President!
Spanish riot police lashed out at anti-capitalist protesters outside an EU summit on Friday
Loggers Try to Demonize Environmental Groups as 'Terrorists' (tags)
Last month, industry lobbyists, led by Boise Cascade, wrote to the Internal Revenue Service arguing that groups such as RAN had violated the terms of their tax-exempt status because they engaged in civil disobedience.
Attack on tax status of environment group (tags)
"But we are certainly aware that some organizations are beginning to question the status of groups like RAN as charitable institutions due to their lawless activities," Walton said. "We have found (RAN) to be a group of reckless, lawless and radical activists."
this happened in my town (tags)