fix articles 55477, etc etc
Dick Cheney Was Right! Torture Works. (tags)
That's if you are torturing for the explicit purpose of having torture victims confess to crimes they didn't commit.
Animal Rights Activists Persecuted by Furriers (tags)
Animal rights activists are being presecuted by furriers in Argentina. [Solidarity needed]
The School of the Americas-Hip Hop (tags)
Microplatform "escracha" . The School of the Americas(in georgia, u.s.a)
WHEN is the next big action? (tags)
The Corruption of Justice: The Aryans have won (tags)
Racist links to phoney MLKjr sites, outright threats of extermination, denegration of the Jewish religion -- it's now become the defacto commentary on the Palestine indymedia affiliate. So much for the IMC Policies on racism and hatred -- so much for my respect.
When will the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List CEO's and the Financial Machines (tags)
sorry, i'm pissed.