fix articles 55452, attacks against
Class Struggle in the Service Sector
Today, we protest the racist attacks against the Filipino World War II Veterans. Again, the fast disappearing Filipino World War II veterans and the seniors were the first victims of the Bush $700 capitalist bailout. The US Congress again insulted the veterans and Filipino American community by passing SB 1315 bill minus their recognition and one billion's worth in benefits.
AJLPP Protests The Arrest of Randall Echanis, KMP Leader and a member of NDFP Peace Panel (tags)
The AJLPP through its national coordinator Mario Santos today strongly condemns the illegal arrest of Mr. Randall Echanis, KMP deputy secretary general and a member of the NDFP Reciprocal Working Committee (RWC) on Social and Economic Reforms (SER), by the Arroyo regime’s police agents yesterday at Bago City, Negros Occidental. The AJLPP considered the arrest of Echanis a big blow against the cause of peace. Mr. Echanis was arrested by the PNP in Bago City while he was to attend a conference of agricultural workers in preparation for a KMP national rural congress. Negros is one the KMP’s strongest base where the National Federation Sugar Workers (NFSW) is based. He was flown by the PNP with haste to Hilongos , Leyte where he was detained.
Iraq is liberated!! No more attacks against our troops!!
Terrorismo de grupos cubanos de Miami contra EE UU (tags)
Acciones terroristas de grupos cubanos radicados en Miami contra intereses de EE UU dentro de su territorio.
Ariel Sharon Is the World's Greatest Anti-Semite. (tags)
I say their is no greater group of anti semitic people in the world than the Lakud Terrorist group and their leader Ariel Sharon
U.S. Mercenary fighting for Israeli occupation. (tags)
An American Mercenary fights for the Israeli occupation of illegally held Palestinian lands.