fix articles 54782, california greens
Meet Green elected school board members, Sunday, March 29 in LA - 4pm (tags)
Meet Green elected officials Jose Lara, Vice President and Governing Board Member, El Rancho Unified School District, Pico Rivera (Los Angeles) and Sean Reagan, Governing Boardmember, Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District, Norwalk. Saturday, March 29th, 4-6pm. Mercado La Paloma - 3655 S Grand Ave, Los Angeles. Food court on site, with vegetarian options.
Green Party of California Announces Its Statewide Endorsements for June 2014 (tags)
Head-Roc Continues To Get Greens behind BALL in 0 (tags)
Seeing the importance of California Green Party members, Head-Roc, co-campaign manager and independent hiphop artist, is continuing the Jared Ball/Capitol Resistance California Tour. Expressing his commitment to deliver the campaign's message of hope and inspiration Head-Roc stated “I’m excited about continuing the wonderful fellowship with California Greens as part of Dr. Ball’s efforts to earn the Green Party’s Presidential nomination, and continue to deliver the candidate's message of hope”.
California Greens join celebrities, tree-sitters in 'solidarity' with South Central LA far (tags)
Green Party of California Press Release
Green Elected to Pasadena City College Board of Trustees (tags)
Pasadena Green Hilary Bradbury-Huang was elected to the Pasadena Board of Trustees of Pasadena City College on Tuesday night, upsetting a well-financed, long-term Republican incumbent to win her seat.
California, Take Back the Green Party! (tags)
"There's a little rebellion starting," [Peter] Camejo said this week. Camejo said in California, the bastion of Green registration, "it's a fact: The majority of the party wants to put Nader/Camejo on the ballot." (Carla Marinucci, "Nader's Ballot Hopes Hinge on State's Greens," San Francisco Chronicle, August 7, 2004). Camejo is telling the truth.
To David Cobb - Please Cede California Ballot Line To Nader (tags)
For much of your campaign, you have stated that the purpose of your run is to "build the Green Party." Up to now, despite my personal disagreement over tactics, I have had no reason to doubt that. But the moment is here - an important historical moment for both our party and the nation - to learn whether or not that is, in fact, your intent.
A response to Ralph Nader's inability to independently get on the California ballot and how Greens and anti-war advocates should respond.
Green Strategy 2004-2008 (tags)
How did the David Cobb/Pat LaMarche ticket receive the Green Party nomination? And what does it mean for the Green Party in particular and American politics in general? My conclusion is that the so-called "red states" Greens, by rejecting Ralph Nader/Peter Camejo campaign, first of all served to diminish the Green Party's own strength in the "safe state" of California, ironically without helping the pro-war Democratic Party candidate John Kerry (despite the hope of the Cobb/LaMarche faction) in the most crucial "swing states": Ohio (20 electors/3.6% victory margin in 2000), Florida (27/0.0%), Pennsylvania (21/4.1%), and Michigan (17/5.1%).
26 CA Greens Elected! Camejo sets record! (tags)
In California, 26 Green Party members were elected to office on November 5, including eleven City Council members. Governor candidate Peter Camejo set a record going back to 1934, and in San Francisco he beat Republican Bill Simon, with 15.9%!
Will Gubinatorial Candidate Camejo Do Better Than Any Green So Far? (tags)