fix articles 54364, corpses Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : corpses



The alleged Oct.7, 2023 massacre of israelis by hamas never happened : conclusive proof.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 36 (tags)

anne frank is not the author of her diary

Please Stop Removal of Native American Cemetery in Huntington Beach (tags)

A developer is building a housing complex in Huntington Beach and is removing the remains of some 80 Indigenous people. Please write letters expressing your concerns or offense to the coastal commission.

If this is what democracy is all about I can understand why the Iraqis don’t like it. (tags)

The Health Ministry planns to construct two new branch morgues in Baghdad and raise capacity to as many as 250 corpses a day.

Hostages and history (tags)

Soon after the start of the second Palestinian intifada in September 2000, Hizbullah abducted a former Israeli colonel from inside Israel. Following tortuous negotiations, in January 2004 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon exchanged 436 Lebanese prisoners and 59 corpses of Lebanese soldiers for one Israeli hostage and three corpses of Israeli soldiers. At the last minute Sharon held back three prominent Lebanese detainees. Since then Hizbullah has talked about getting them released by abducting Israeli soldiers. A recent poll showed that more Lebanese were interested in their release than settling the dispute about the Shebaa Farm with Israel.

100's dead troops brought to Eureka Coast Guard station (tags)

Secret entry port for dead marines in Eureka

A bloody day in Iraq (tags)

"... the horror, the horror." At the Iraqi town of Fallujah resistance fighters ambushed a "coalition forces" SUV with rocket propelled grenades and small arms, killing the four riding in the vehicle. After the guerillas struck and disappeared, the people of Fallujah came out to inspect the aftermath of the attack. The passengers obviously worked for the "coalition forces"... on their bodies were found dog tags, weapons, an American passport and a U.S. Department of Defense identification card. The gathered crowd then pulled the charred corpses from the vehicle... beat and mutilated them, dragged them to the nearest bridge over the Euphrates River, and hung them from it. The masses chanted "Fallujah is the graveyard of Americans!" We can still hear Vice President Dick Cheney's words ringing in our ears, "We'll be greeted as liberators." (AP photo/Sabah Arar)

Talking shit, talking lies (tags)

Samarra clash toll still a mystery or propaganda for nuts

Ocean Graves for Leftists (tags)

Not only were leftists sent to Pacific ocean graves near Chile by Pinochet, but in neighboring Argentina, during the so-called dirty war, thousands of leftists were pushed alive out of airplanes over the Atlantic ocean and disappeared. Their mothers protested for years in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires. These leftist victims wanted things like land reform, better wages and working conditions, health care and education for everyone and no child labor or starving children and they were treated this way by fascists and their cohorts in the CIA and US government. Disgusting!

Dean! No, Kucinich! No, Clark! (tags)

I feel compelled to interrupt this endless stream of electoral politics and inject a few words of reality into the debate.

Wolves and Sheep (tags)

The truth is blowing on the winds of change, and the dust of another adminastration will be rubbed from between the toes of the children...

War Crimes - US marines murdering busloads of unarmed Iraqis (tags)

"Cannon and machine-gun fire had peppered the bus with holes, killing most of the passengers in their seats. The grisly remains were evidence of the ruthlessness with which lead Marine units are clearing the road north of the central city of Nassiriyah to make way for a huge military convoy."

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