fix articles 54221, n. korea Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : n. korea

n. korea

Asian Countries:Cambodia, Vietnam, N. Korea do not permit unlawful immigration (tags)

Cambodian, Vietnamese and N. Korean history do not allow for undocumented in their countries. This is the rule on all national territory

72 Links: McDonald's & Unionbusting, Animal Agony, Human Disease, Environmental Devastatio (tags)

McDonald's announced this week its hamburgers will be juicier. Since the 'juice' in animal flesh is blood, is McDonald's saying its sandwiches will be bloodier?

Spoiling for a Fight? (tags)

promoting war

North Korean Ship Sinking: Another False Flag? (tags)

Washington, not N. Korea the likely suspect

EXPLOSIVE: Tampa Bay News has Conspiratorial Emails in 2000 Election Fraud Coup d'État (tags)

Tampa Bay News now in possession of Douglas Alexander (former U.K. E-Commerce Minister) election emails. Emails deal with direct communications between Alexander, Karen Hughes (chief aide to Bush) Mel Sembler aka Bay Point Schools and Democratic traitor Al Rodgers of Fort Lauderdale, Florida along with current Florida A.G. Charlie (gay-in-the-closet) Crist.

Back Breaking News Exposes Chris Matthews of MSNBC (tags)

He condones Congressman Foley’s sexual activity with a Page of 21 years old because he was of age at the time. Matthews ignores the solicitation of the Page by the pedophile Foley before the Page turned 21 years old. Then it gets worse. Matthews compares the activities of homosexual-in-the-closet Foley to what Matthews considers scandalous which is President John F. Kennedy’s marriage to Jacqueline Kennedy when she was 22 years old and he was 34 years old. Is he insane or what?


CBS News ready to report that North Korea Nuclear Test was not a nuclear test at all in fact the explosion in North Korea was an accidental detonation of dynamite linked to three regiments in the North Korean army who patrol the area. Bush, Putin and the Chinese President created this façade to disguise a massive fund transfer out of the Northern Trust Bank in Chicago linked to funds that were designated for the payment of the Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols; funds that were due to Ambassador Leo Wanta. The funds of course belong to the US and French Treasuries not to the Chinese Box Gang. It can now be reported that that leader of North Korea, received 55 million dollars to go along with this ruse...

Back Breaking News: Further Update on N. Korea fraud, a hoax (tags)

None other than Fox News is reporting that the French Defense Minister has announced that the alleged North Korean Nuclear Test was a failure.

Syrians, 'equipment' were in N. Korea train blast (tags)

Syrian technicians accompanying unknown equipment were killed in the train explosion in North Korea on April 22, according to a report in a Japanese newspaper.


An article on the true nature of Marx and socialism/communism.

Interview with Shane Messer, creator of Weapons of Mass Destruction hunt (tags)

An offer for lunch was extended to Shane Messer, in order to ask him a few questions about his massive hunt for Weapons of Mass Destruction real-life puzzle and it's origins.

Controlling The News (tags)

In-House Memos on Television And Print Media News Presentations

Why disarming North Korea is now impossible. (tags)

The doctrine of pre-emptive war, coupled with the complete emasculation of the UN, makes the disarmament of North Korea impossible -- to the peril of the world.

Korean Macbeth? (tags)

Our little pizza fan in Pyongyang is suffering from a little Macbeth problem.

106 Reasons why BUSH MUST GO!!! (tags)

Posted by "Dave" on the Radio Left site

Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches (tags)

Refuting The Top Ten Most Annoying Anti-War Cliches

13 myths about war in Iraq (tags)

This piece was created by the entire team, using an online collaborative process. Email: is a project of Organizers' Collaborative; for more information, visit

Bush Seeks $3.5 Million for Group Building N. Korean Reactors (tags)

Rumsfeld was director of company that helped N. korea Build its Nuke plants before he became Secretary of Defense!

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