fix articles 539, miss Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : miss



he Former beauty queen-turned-activist Maita Favis Gomez died on Thursday from a heart attack, a family source said. Gomez won the 1967 Miss Philippines beauty pageant and represented the country in the Miss World contest in the UK. She was also a model for local fashion designer Pitoy Moreno and was even compared to the British model Twiggy.. She was married to a top San Miguel Corporation executive. But even before the declaration of martial law, she was very active in women’s causes led by the group, MAKIBAKA who picketed beauty contests during he First Quarter Storm. (FQS)

Miss Hooker Beauty Pageant: Naked Facts about Women and Equality (tags)

Politics is where the power is, so if women desire that power, why does testosterone consume the room when it is time to affect change?

#F29 Sheriff loses gun after a swing and a miss at peaceful protesters (tags)

#F29 noon OCCUPY protest at Walmart distribution center in Loma Linda, CAL. About 80 police from area form up a picket line with snatch teams to challenge protesters blocking Hamner St. At: 1:24--Pepper guns are drawn at aimed at the peaceful protesters 2:35--Protester accused of challenging "line authority" 3:15--Command calls a 1015 on the trashcan 3:19--Snatch squad dives in to make arrest 3:25--A baton swing and a miss 3:26--Police face plant 3:28--Gun out 3:34--Gun holstered 3:47--Bandana girl takes a hard one 3:52--Down female assisted to her feet by cop 3:55--Whack-a-protester with now vertical female 4:02--Halt called to line advance

Bad Teacher: An Alternative Movie Review. (tags)

Bad Teacher is ?gratifying? as eye-candy and verbal shock. It is an enjoyable movie precisely because it is not lame?at least not as lame as many of its movie reviews. And in the final analysis there is little subtly to this dark comedy?how might we say?as Andrew Breitbart?s description of a certain Anthony Wiener cellphone photo he so nobly withheld as: ??beyond the beyond?? And there is nothing wrong with comparing the ?psychology? of this new release to a maybe-to-be-released movie about Anthony Weiner?s downfall and destruction within America?s misandrynous climate. But brain cells are not what Bad Teacher is about?even if some missed this point entirely. Has the American movie industry produced a movie that has enhanced anyone?s brain cells?


The Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA) held an “Affair to Remember” in commemoration of Valentine’s Day last February 14 from 6:00 PM to 12:00 PM at the FACLA Social Hall. The program was capped by the coronation of Mrs. Valentine- Mrs. Alicia Albano Parino; Miss Valentine Ms. Carolyn Pesquiza Sabas and Miss Teen Valentine Ms. Kimberly Padua Esliza.

Miss Bienestar 2007 (tags)

Every year Bienestar Human Services, inc. hosts a pageant to empower the Latina Transgender community.

Ms Coco Peru's One Woman Show "Ugly Coco" (tags)

The world premiere of "Ugly Coco" on October 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 20st, and 21st.

miss america booed in mexico (tags)

miss america booed in mexico after she falls on her ass on miss universe runway... but still advances ahead of miss mexico.

TomSongs Releases “BushWhacked” follow-up, 2005 Retrospective “I Miss You” (tags)

New 2005 Retrospective “I Miss You” run time 3:05

CINDY SHEEHAN: They are Not Numbers (tags)

Cindy Sheehan shares letters she's received, little vignettes of pain from family members of US soldiers recently killed in Iraq. On the day that marks the 2000th soldier dead, Sheehan will be outside the White House, reminding officials that our people are not just numbers.


“Press Conference, Venice Beach-Style, on July 8 to Announce Federal Lawsuit Filed for Venice Free Speech Zone”

1/26 6 AM ET Alert! "Suspended Indefinitely!!!" - New York Hot 97 "Miss Jon (tags)

Jay of notified us that the Hot 97 "Miss Jones in the Morning Show" is "suspended indefinitely" over her recent racist "Tsunami Song"

Urgent Action! Racist Music Attacks Asian Tsunami Victims at Hot 97, New York City! (tags)

Calling A Protest Letter And Rally Against The Radio Station!

INN on Air in LA (tags)


Did Ronald Reagan 'torture' blacks? (tags)

Former Texas Mayor Compared to Alt Miss Ireland (tags)

Candy Sheehan, the former mayor of Coppell, Texas, was compared to former Miss Alternative Ireland (1997) , Shirely Temple Bar, yesterday in Dublin on live, national television (RTE 1)

Miss Afghanistan! (tags)

Hey... remember Afghanistan?! The place we liberated in order to bring freedom to the suffering women in burka?! Well, here's the fruit of our bombing, straffing, murder, and occupation. Miss Afghanistan!

Takeover Artists Are Welcome Here (tags)

Within limits, I think libertarian impulses are healthy for the body politic. But when it comes to libertarian trust of industry captains, I prefer the government to impose reasonable regulations on business for the public good.

midnight special bookstore (tags)

just got this email -- please forward

“All I want is World Peace…” (tags)

Ok, ok, so I was a Miss Australia contestant so you need to read this just for entertainment value… “What, Miss Australia, do you think America can do towards world peace”?

Lightning bolt zaps tongue stud (tags)

This gives new meaning to "Fashion to Die For."

Beauty Pagents Can Be Murder (tags)

Send Lawyers, Guns and Money

Special KPFK Programming Next Week on the Struggle and Issues for Pacifica! (tags)

Essential for all media and radical activists!

National Conf. on Organized Resistance (tags)

The fifth annual NCOR will be held Jan 26-27 at American University in Washington, DC. There will be over 50 workshops, free lunch and childcare, and registration is only $10. Over 1,000 activists expected for this weekend of discussion, planning and protest- don't miss out!

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