fix articles 53536, german parliament
Women's rights were to be strengthened and a Western-style form of government was to be implanted. In fact, according to the U.S.'s own statements, the hijackers of those planes that flew into the World Trade Center towers were primarily Saudis. The docile oil country of Saudi Arabia was never attacked.
The Shortwave Report 09/29/17 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK Japan.
Could Obama use NDAA To Arrest Militias? (tags)
Pres. Obama could use NDAA provisions to order U.S. Military Forces to round up without evidence, millions of Americans including militias by alleging they are belligerents or a threat to National Security.
Another Road for Europe (tags)
Europe is in crisis because it has been hijacked by neoliberalism and finance. Along the road to another Europe, visions of change, protest and alternatives have to be woven into a common framework. Finance should be prevented from destroying the economy.
Next Stop: NDAA Hell for Americans' Civil Liberties? (tags)
Under NDAA, the U.S. Government or President could claim anyone was (directly aligned with militants) e.g. any political or other association; charge any activity, statement, writing or communication was (directly aligned) with an individual or group the government deemed (militant) to arrest and indefinitely detain Americans.
Is The Passed Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (retroactive) To Detain Americans? (tags)
The Defense Authorization Act of 2012) appears more threatening to Americans than Hitler's (1933 DISCRIMINATORY LAWS. Hitler's laws set time limits that Germans could be incarcerated for e.g., Serious Disturbance of the Peace and Rioting. But Senators Carl Levin and John McCain’s bill broadly mandates holding Americans indefinitely in Military Custody for being a Belligerent.
Luis Posada Carriles, the White House terrorist (tags)
In an article published on April 10, 2007, president Fidel Castro declared, “Orders for Kathleen Cardone’s decision could only have come from the White House. President Bush constantly avoided the issue of the criminal and terrorist character of the accused. He was protected and charged with a simple immigration violation.”
The Politics of Pope Rat (tags)
Addressing an academic group assembled at his former university at Regensburg in his native Germany, Pope Benedict XVI launched into a mystifying homily against Islam. At the height of the diatribe, Pope Benedict quoted a medieval monarch who insulted Islam by stating that Islam was both "evil and inhuman."
Darth Vader and the New World Order (tags)
Alex Jones of compares the latest Star Wars film to the New World Order Elite.
Public Extermination Project (tags)
Following 911, a specific public works project became "classified." This project has lethal capabilities, on a scale that has devastating possibilities, for innocent civilians in the U.S.
Side by Side, Arabs and Israelis Repair a Wreck of a River (tags)
Side by Side, Arabs and Israelis Repair a Wreck of a River
"When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History" by Thom Hartmann Published on Sunday, March 16, 2003 by The 70th anniversary wasn't noticed in the United States, and was barely reported in the corporate media. But the Germans remembered well that fateful day seventy years ago - February 27, 1933. They commemorated the anniversary by joining in demonstrations for peace that mobilized citizens all across the world.
Why democrats act like republicans (tags)
But yourself in the shoes of a democratic politician: you need support. You need voters, volunteers, and donations. You try to move left. But people on the left join third parties, choose not to vote, or don't even care. So what can you do?
Court rules HIV not proven to cause 'AIDS'. (tags)
After years of claims by the AIDS establishment that a link between HIV and immune supression had been established a High Court found the claim without merit and a unfounded deception. This is the first legal trail of the HUV/AIDS hypothesis and a historic defeat for AID$ Inc.
The Rise of the Third Reich and Bush (tags)
This is why he projects his shadow on Saddam Hussein.
When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History (tags)
To the extent that our Constitution is still intact, the choice is again ours.