fix articles 53140, ideological
'Allow no escapes': leak exposes reality of China's vast prison camp network (tags)
Genocide. Under our very eyes
Inside the Whale: On the Origin of the Democratic Consensus (tags)
In his 1940 short story "Inside the Whale," George Orwell satirizes the focus in Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer. Miller's characters are protected by the fat of the whale and never discuss the challenges and tasks of their historical time. In his poem Is this an apt characterization of our time?
Mirror images and ideological straitjackets on the path from Solidarity to sellout (tags)
A particularly harsh brand of capitalism was instituted via shock therapy in Poland, against the repeatedly expressed will of Poles. Unemployment, severe wage cuts and a growth in poverty were the results, just as with today’s austerity programs.
From the Debt Showdown into Recession (tags)
The scenario of an economic double-dip is very likely without additional economic measures. The budget cuts may bring about a recession. The republicans in Congress threaten to concoct an economic crisis if they are not allowed to cut spending. Our greatest problem is low spending.
Republicans Win Without a Shutdown (tags)
The first fight over the federal budget in 2011 is over, and the Republicans have won. For at least the past 30 years Republican ideas — that government is bad, that the private sector is always more efficient than the public sector, that wages and benefits need to be cut to make America's workers "competitive" with the rest of the world, and government spending needs to be cut even if it risks turning the current recession into a full-fledged depression — have ruled. Progressives need to understand the depth of the Republicans’ triumph in order to begin the task of reversing it.
Communist Party of the Philippines: Self-criticism and Excuses (tags)
The rectification document “Reaffirm Our Basic Principles and Carry the Revolution Forward” correctly pointed out that “we must strengthen the Party ideologically, politically and organizationally. We cannot do so without taking stock of our strengths and weaknesses. We must assess and evaluate all these, identifying and understanding what are the major accomplishments and problems. Only then can we set forth our tasks correctly.”
Juan Cole on Israel and its Lobby: Ideological Blinders or Hidden Meaning (tags)
Juan Cole on Israel and its Lobby: Ideological Blinders or Hidden Meaning
"The economic emergency, however, is not simply the consequence of mindless, ideological deregulation and investment bubbles gone bust. It is the result of a narrowly conceived economic model and the failure of Washington's social contract with America.."
Chomsky Fears 9/11 Debate (tags)
When questioned about his stance on the 9/11 issue, Chomsky timidly regurgitates the official line by saying that the version we are force-fed by the mainstream media is "pretty much what happened. He claims that he hasn't seen any "credible evidence" to suggest otherwise.
The new social and national demagogy entirely comaprable to German fascism conjures away the social question from mass consciousness..Rightwing ideologists know that the war goal and war are irrational.
Brief Case Study: The Demonization Of Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein (tags)
Brief Case Study: The Demonization Of Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein
Complex Adaptive Systems & Revolution (tags)
This paper proposes a new theory on revolutionary change. This paper is motivated by the desire to fill a gap in understanding between those bound to traditional anarchist methodology of change and the new disorganized resistance movement, a movement promulgated by the author. The hope is to facilitate understanding of this new paradigm of revolution among traditional anarchists. The disorganized resistance movement encourages multithreaded revolutionary activities and thus seeks not to replace the traditional methodologies but to increase their utility by supplementing traditional methodology, which we consider to be a necessary but insufficient component of revolutionary struggle with that which it lacks, a complete revolutionary methodology adapted to the realities of modern life. This new methodology embraces the concept of meme-warfare. However, before addressing meme-warfare in detail (as we will in a future article), we introduce you to the underlying concept space.
Words to Seduce the Left (tags)
Watch as I make a seemingly "anti-business" argument designed to fit within the Left's world view, but ... TA-DA!!! ... I actually make an argument in favor of laissez-faire... now that's how to "serve it up with a LEFT SPIN"
Why indymedia should have ongoing reports on Colombia's civil war (tags)
This is a comment I posted in response to the article "The FARC faces the empire"
Business Outspends Labor 15-1 (tags)
The broadest classification of political donors separates them into business, labor, or ideological interests. Whatever slice you look at, business interests dominate, with an overall advantage over organized labor of about 15-to-1.