fix articles 52952, preparing
Prearing for War Opposite Ways (tags)
Blackwater moving to San Diego (tags)
sound familiar?
Funds Needed for Eric McDavid (tags)
After more than a year of pretrial incarceration and the associated legal costs, Eric McDavid is preparing to go to trial and needs to raise funds to mount the best defense possible.
Breaking: U.S and U.K. secretly preparing to withdraw most of their troops from Iraq! (tags)
Mr Reid's memo, prepared for Mr Blair in the past few weeks, shows that in reality, plans to get them out - 'military drawdown,' as he puts it - are well advanced.
Update From Vote Fraud News.Com (tags)
author: Tom Paine breaking news from * 51 Capital March tomorrow SUNDAY * Programmer says he created vote-rigging prototype * Berkely team preparing rebuttal.
Indymedia prepares to cover FTAA/ALCA in Miami (tags)
In good self-organizing tradition, folks are preparing to cover FTAA/ALCA meeting in Miami this coming November.
Final drumbeat begins for war on Iraq (tags)
Never in my lifetime - not even through Vietnam and Watergate - have I witnessed such blatently transparent propaganda tactics as those used to promote the war on Iraq.
New International Holiday (tags)
At a meeting of activists in Seattle preparing for N30. Consensus was reached that we feel N30 should be known as International Solidarity Day Against Corporate Globalization.