fix articles 52939, shipping
D-Wave of Canada is shipping 2048qbit Quantum Computers. (tags)
What can you do with a 2048qbit Quantum Computer?
Sea Pirates Near malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Somalia Illegally Board Vessels (tags)
national Geographic several years ago published an article with a map of the straits between Indonesia and Malaysia. A large number of commercial vessels travel through here to Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Pusan South Korea and Chinese and japanese home
Why We Defend the ILWU and All Workers (tags)
In recent weeks, a showdown has loomed on U.S. docks between the shipping bosses and port workers that has rattled the capitalist ruling class. On the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, the International Longshoreman's Association prepared to strike container shipping while the employers threatened to lock out 14,500 ILA members. On the West Coast, the grain shippers been demanding a giveback contract from the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), which would effectively bypass the union hiring hall, slash workers' vital safety protections and gut union power. Yet in the midst of the Northwest grain battle, an Occupy activist Peter Little publishes an article vociferously arguing against the call to defend the ILWU. While posing as ultra-left, this policy if actually carried out would aid the employers who are hell-bent on destroying ILWU union power on the waterfront. And blaming sellouts on the nature of unions lets the bureaucrats off the hook. We in the Internationalist Group say: all those who stand with the exploited and oppressed must come to the defense of the ILWU in this fight. And that defense includes forthrightly opposing the capitulations and betrayals by the labor bureaucracy which sells out vital union gains in the vain hope of an impossible "cooperation" with capital, endangering the workers organizations they preside over.
class war
How Wars are Born: the US vs. China (tags)
Those of us making the “radical” claim that wars are the result of economic/corporate interests pushed abroad, were recently given a nod of approval from a typically unfriendly source, The New York Times. The corporate controlled New York Times published a revealing article about how U.S. foreign policy really works, and why. The motive behind the sincerity is that China’s foreign policy was being attacked. However, the article soon made it clear that China’s policy is the same as the U.S.’s : dominating regions that are of “economic (corporate) interest” — raw materials, cheap labor, shipping lanes, markets, etc. — through military buildup.
Never Forever 21 Action: Round 3 4/25/09 (tags)
The South Central Farm is the people's land, given to us by Mayor Tom Bradley, in 1993 after the Los Angeles Uprising. The people built an inner-city paradise, the nation's largest urban farm. In 2006, Mayor Bradley's promise was broken: the Los Angeles City Council took the land away and gave it to a developer to build a mammoth shipping center for the sweatshop clothing manufacturer Forever 21. We're here today to tell Forever 21 that we won't work for sweatshops, that we are Farmers. We are the people: the Farm is our land!
1/9 Palestine Watch: U.S. covertly shipping arms to Israel (tags)
The U.S. is seeking to hire a merchant ship to deliver hundreds of tons of arms to Israel from Greece later this month, tender documents seen by Reuters show....
Shien v. USA or USA vs. Shine? (tags)
Attacked by DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY and JUSTICE DEPARTMENT and a whole heck of a lot more...........
Nationwide Troquero Shutdown (tags)
Truck drivers will be shutting down ports across the country for recognition of their employment status and right to collective bargaining. please forward to other indymedia sites where harbors are found. thanx
"Bush Lies, Who Dies?" Stickers Available Now (tags)
Raise the volume of protest against the Bush Administration's lies on Iraq with these bold, eye-catching stickers from United for Peace and Justice.
West Coast Ports Stay Shut (tags)
Shippers: W. Coast Ports Stay Shut - Sun Sep 29,11:35 PM ET - By JUSTIN PRITCHARD, Associated Press Writer
LA TIMES on ILWU with short update (tags)
Below is yesterday's LA times on ILWU possible lockout by the bosses. NYT reports today the lockout is averted
Crashing The Party: The IMC Documentary (tags)
Promo for the 90 minute documentary 'Crashing The Party' on the Democratic Corporate Convention in Los Angeles. Videos are available for purchase. Buy a video! Support the IMC.