fix articles 5272, occupation forces
More homes to be demolished in the West Bank (tags)
The Israeli occupation forces have recently handed notices to citizens in Kufur Qaddoum village.
US occupation forces kidnapped a six year old girl (tags)
6 year old iraqi girl kidnapped : mother has heart attack
Israel Occupation Forces entering Gaza NOW! (by Latuff) (tags)
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli occupation.
Call To Action: Call and Write Your Congressman, About the Siege of Balata and Nablus: (tags)
From: Stop the Siege of Balata and Nablus
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
A Palestinian man carries an injured child after Israeli occupation forces fired missiles at a demonstration in the Rafah refugee camp, southern Gaza Strip. A dozen Palestinians were killed... most of them children, with up to 50 seriously wounded. The occupation troops also fired tank shells and machine guns at the unarmed protestors. (AP/Khalil Hamra)
Civilian casualties mounting in Falluja (tags)
As the U.S. occupation forces pound civilian targets in Falluja with tank fire and a U.S. "Apache" heliocopter fires missiles at a Mosque (killing 40 gathered for prayer), the Aljazeera news agency are the only ones to have a crew in the city under seige. Cameramen Layf Muftaq and Hasan Walid, sound engineer Sayf al-Din and correspondent Hamid Hadid, are risking their lives to report on events as they occur. Some of their photos have now been published on the Aljazeera website (see link). The photo on this page by the Aljazeera crew shows one of the "insurgents" killed by U.S. occupation forces in the most recent fighting in Falluja.
Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 5th Updates Plus Special Event!!! (tags)
Editorial March 19th Flier link! 1.Iraqi Resistance Report: Updated News Reports Compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr , from the Editorial Board of the Free Arab Voice. 2. Arab Socialist Coalition of North America:Open Letter to the US Anti-war Movement and Arab and Muslim Organizations 3.Iraqi Communist Party(Cadre) formally ackowledges Saddam Hussein to be the Valid President of Iraq!!! Response from the ICP-Cadre 4:Petition Endorsed by Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network: Defend Dr. Huda Saleh Mahdi Ammash!!! 5.DPRK News:"Anti-Imperialist and Anti-War Struggle Called for" 6.Socialist Arab Coalition of North America-History of Communist Involvement in the Lebanese Resistance Against "israel"-æÝÇÁÇ ááãÞÇæãÉ ÇáÔíæÚíÉ ***En Español*** 7. Diario de la resistencia iraquí Titulares: 1 a 3 de febrero 8. Coalición árabe socialista de Norteamérica: Abra la letra en el movimiento pacifista de los E.E.U.U. y las organizaciones árabes y musulmanas 9.El canje de prisiones entre Hizbollah e Israel: las lecciones de la resistencia
Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 18th-20th Updates! (tags)
1.Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Downloadable Flier- Print out and Distribute to your Pro-Resistance Quarters!!! 2.Iraqi Resistance Report: Updated News Reports Compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr , from the Editorial Board of the Free Arab Voice. 3.Communique-Ahmed Sadaat, General Secratary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 4. *** An Islamic Voice Stands With President Hussein/ Condemns Sexist Pigs in Iraqi Zionist Proxy Government** 5. ***"You Must Know"- Excellant Essay By Ibrahim Ebeid Co-Editor of Al-Moharer Calling for Progressives To Support Iraqi Resistance*** 6. ***President Hussein And The Geneva Convention***
Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Dec. 19 Updates (tags)
1.Iraqi Resistance Report Dec. 15-17 2003 2.Statement of the Arab Cause Solidarity Committee: The apprehension and incarceration of Saddam Hussein will not bring about the end of the Iraqi resistance 3.Pro-Saddam Riots Rock the World 4. Message to US Security Council: AMERICA IS WORTH NOTHING...AMERICANS ARE PIGS ON TWO LEGS 5. Iraqi town takes pride in battling U.S. army 6.Iraqi Resistance front to be proclaimed soon After the arrest of Saddam resistance will intensify and unite even more, says Jabbar al Kubaysi 7. Offical State Paper of Cuba on Resistance in Iraq 8.Rally in S. Korea against Additional Troop Dispatch to Iraq 9.U.S. Moves to Stifle Syria Accused 10."Message to the GI Mercenaries on the Further Deployment of US Troops" Published
Statement by the Iraqi Branch of the Arab Socialist Baath Party. (tags)
The heroic armed Resistance, guided by its political and strategic programs, will never stop.
Iraqi Resistance Report Dec. 11-13 2003 (tags)
On the Need for a Pro-Iraq United Front In the US (tags)
Pax Americana/Bushs Folly (tags)
From UK Guardian: Iraqi resistance to foreign occupation enjoys great popular support
571 Palestinian children killed by Israel since the intifada (tags)
The Human Toll continues. Zionism Kills.
U.S. Occupation forces Tortures Iraqi University Professors (tags)
12 Apr 2003 Iraqi scientists accused U.S. forces of torturing professors by poking their eyes out, and breaking limbs carried out by U.S. occupation forces also occupation forces are encouraging looting of universities to the extent of transporting looters to the universities and scientific institutions.
June 24: Updates from Palestine (tags)
1) Palestinians, Israelis, Arabs and Jews’ Reactions to Bush’s Speech (Palestine Chronicle) 2) Israeli Helicopter Missiles Kill Six Palestinians, Wound 13 in Rafah (Palestine Chronicle)
A list of the Israeli crimes LAST 24HR (tags)
Israeli forces suspended the licenses and permissions of 24 journalists and photographers working for the international press and media.