fix articles 525926, this election
Not just waiting for Bush to lose (tags)
About the global consequenses of the US presidential election - We can not forget that Bush is a international war criminal! .
Will of the People Will Not Be Expressed in This Election (tags)
The Will of the People Will Not Be Expressed in This Election
Revolutionary Worker #1257, October 31, 2004, posted at
There is a big problem.
Millions of people are looking at the U.S. presidential election as a crucial turning point in world events. And at the same time the workings of this system have worked coldly to stifle their voices and choices.
The role of the left in these elections (tags)
Interview with Dennis Kucinich (tags)
The Indy ( interviewed Democratic president candidate Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) on March 14, 2004, as he campaigned in Normal, Illinois before the Illinois primary
Howard Dean warned that, if Democrats were not careful, Republicans would attempt to turn this election into a mandate on "gays, God and guns." As events of the past few weeks have demonstrated, Dean was right.