fix articles 52364, il
Paraphysique du non séparé (tags)
Et tout ce que nous faisons entretient la marchandisation du monde...
Bureaucrates, célébrités, milliardaires (tags)
Dans militaire, il y a militant...
Il ponte di Genova prova della menzogna del covid (tags)
I lavori del ponte di genova sono proseguiti in barba ai divieti
Obsolescence obsolescente (tags)
La mode de la dictature , n ' est que la dictature de la mode ...
Nos façons de vivre ne sont pas négociables ...
Daryl Hannah & John Quigley Send Their Solidarity to South Central Farmers from Rome Italy (tags)
Ciao to everyone from the SCF fan club in Rome. Here are the results of some of the press from the press conference on July 18th, 2006 from Rome Italy. Daryl and John were absolutely FANTASTIC and they were able to involve the media on the SCF issue (which is a great thing in Rome - the city of paparazzi). There was very little about the movie Daryl is filming in Rome and great attention on the SCFs. Newspapers and TV news reported about Daryl & John's commitment (talking also about Julia), using videos of the Farm and John's photos.