fix articles 52281, red rock eater news service
COUP WATCH: Nov. 29 Florida Recount Links -- From Red Rock Eater News Service (tags)
Florida Recount Links of the day & beyond from Red Rock Eater News Service.
COUP WATCH: Nov. 27 Florida Recount Links -- From Red Rock Eater News Service (tags)
Links of the day, links of history from Red Rock Eater News Service on Nov. 27.
COUP WATCH: Analyzing Hate Mail; The Cause of Sanity & More--From Red Rock Eater (tags)
"Assorted comments" including a penetrating analysis of hate mail & the twisted patterns of thought it shares with the larger rightwing assault on truth and reason. Another brilliant piece we're proud to republish from the Red Rock Eater News Service. Plus election-related links.
COUP WATCH: Republican Riots Help Stop Recount -- Red Rock Eater News Service (tags)
"Spontaneous manifestations of anger" that far-right political parties organize to shut down democratic elections by means of telephone banks, broadcast appeals, and inflammatory disinformation have a special name. That name begins with "f", and it certainly represents a change in tone for our country.
COUP WATCH: Florida Recount Update / Links 11/22 -- Red Rock Eater News Service (tags)
The latest links from Red Rock Eater News Service, with brief introductory remarks. "Yes, it's official: the United States is the strangest country on earth. Forget Hungary. Forget Japan. Forget Paraguay. We rule."
COUP WATCH: Propaganda War & Nov. 21 Links From Red Rock Eater News Service (tags)
A brief, incisive analysis of where the Republican propaganda war stands right now. Plus the latest links from the Red Rock Eater News Service.
COUP WATCH: Nov. 13 Florida Recount Links -- From Red Rock Eater News Service (tags)
Two sets of links from the Red Rock Eater News Service, distributed on November 13.
COUP WATCH: Yale Law Students: Florida Common Law And Election "Irregularities" (tags)
The latest from Red Rock Eater News Service. Messages about legal aspects of the irregularities in the Florida elections from the Yale Law Students Campaign For A Legal Election. More links.
COUP WATCH: Florida Recount Links -- From Red Rock Eater News Service (tags)
A wide-ranging list of links compiled by Phil Agre from contributions submitted by readers of the Red Rock Eater News Service.
COUP WATCH: Florida Recount -- From Red Rock Eater News Service (tags)
This is the first of a series of Red Rock Eater News Service updates on what is essentially a coup in progress in Florida. As always, the RRE emphasis is on presenting the best available information & we're extremely pleased to be sharing this with our IMC readers.
Who's Responsible? / Trauma and Unreason on the Left (tags)
Two closely-related pieces, one about a classic example of an irrational Conservative claim, the other a look at the role of trauma in generating irrationality on the left. By UCLA professor Phil Agre, reprinted from his online newsletter, the Red Rock Eater News Service.
Media bias isn't just anti-anarchist, anti-left & anti-liberal. In this campaign it's anti-moderate and anti-truth. By UCLA professor Phil Agre, reprinted from his online newsletter, the Red Rock Eater News Service.