fix articles 5224, store
Masking Up at the Supermarket (tags)
A brief tally of people wearing masks, at stores in Rosemead and Pico Rivera.
Coronavirus and COVID-19 Symptom Info (tags)
A summary of recent events, including a brief timeline of the Jeffrey Ghazarian progression, and how to clean up after going shopping.
Disability Group Protests Discriminatory Bookstore (tags)
Following numerous instances of discrimination against the disabled at an Orange County Barnes and Noble bookstore, equal rights advocates decide to boycott
The Death of Small Businesses in Big Cities, Explained (tags)
Not even shopping locally can save your favorite mom-and-pop — the problem is much, much bigger than that. The legendary punk record store Bleecker Bob’s in 2008. The store closed in 2013 due to high rents and was replaced by a frozen yogurt chain.
Reem's bakery in Fruitvale. Mainstreaming Murder (tags)
An Oakland bakery with a mural of a convicted terrorist has neighbors upset
Evidence on the corruption of law & society by fbi (tags)
See additional evidence in support of my paper entitled “Corruption of Law & Society".
Canned Food Drives are Inefficient (tags)
The solution is to make all food free and easy to acquire.
Demonstrators demanding justice in the Michael Brown case, and an end to police murders of people of color across the nation, took to the streets of San Francisco Friday night, largely closing down Market Street.
Home-less-free occupying is not a free ride either (tags)
Another article written on LA Indy was full of comments that derided the author as if that answered the question of how the everywhere-living-homeless in LA have used up what were spaces intended for the general public - for children, for athletes, for elderly, for the tired, the disabled, the visitors. And no blame is made but the reality is noted and forthrightly stated. No PC necessary. No attack the writer is needed. No solutions are available, apparently.
Workers Stand Up to Walmart (tags)
When a torrent hits an obstacle that refuses to give, it either flows around or over the obstruction. When workers’ needs for a living wage, fair treatment, and a voice are damned up by an oppressive employer, it is only a matter of time before they find a way of asserting their strength.
Grand Opening of Idependent Book Store, Bank of Books, in Malibu (tags)
Book store grand opening in Malibu. Author Signings and more.
Barnes and Noble, Aliso Viejo, Incurs more ADA Violations (tags)
Barnes and Noble in Aliso Viejo didn't learn from its last ADA violations. It continues to discriminate against disabled customers.
Labor, Community Leaders Target Wal-Mart September 21 (tags)
Neighborhood activists and labor unions are organizing San Diego's biggest-ever anti-Wal-Mart demonstration Saturday, September 22 in the Golden Hill and Sherman Heights neighborhoods. Though the Wal-Mart in Sherman Heights hasn't even been built yet, it's already driving local businesses to close or cut back — and Wal-Mart has systematically refused to make any promises to the community to hire locally or mitigate the impacts of their store.
Barnes and Noble Continues to Persecute the Disabled (tags)
Aliso Viejo's Barnes and Noble has been caught repeatedly harassing and persecuting disabled customers
Comedians gather to benefit new Comedy Museum.
Garda Armored Car Guard Disarmed, Robbed-Kidnapped (tags)
After disarming the guard who was making a delivery at the Big Lots store, the robber forced the guard into the back of the vehicle, Martin said.
The Man Who Never Died: The Life, Times, and Legacy of Joe Hill (tags)
Joe Hill — labor organizer, musician, song writer, revolutionary — was executed in 1915 by the state of Utah for a crime that many believe he did not commit. Now there's proof.
A delicious news.
Borders manager throws pregnant woman out of store (tags)
If you are pregnant don't go to Borders in Mission Viejo when Darren is working there. He has a history of throwing pregnant workers and service dogs out of store,
U.S. To Store $800 Mil in Emergency Gear in Israel (tags)
U.S. To Store $800 Mil in Emergency Gear in Israel
Observations on the Closing of the West Hollywood Border's (tags)
Readers are invited to submit their own notes and comments.
Southwest Museum To Fully Close... (tags)
Autry Implements Full Closure, Returns Money and "Not Available" to Meet with Councilmember Jose Huizar Who's Offering Potential Signficant Funding. . . . THIS weekend from 12-5 p.m. either day, please stop by the Southwest Museum store, do some last minute holiday shopping but mostly, let them know you’ll miss them! This is the last weekend they're open.
Activist Acts out
New Yuppie Location to buy Crash and burn software (tags)
YES!!! Microsoft store to debut in East Valley
Rally for Leonard Peltier (tags)
“I am Barack Obama's political prisoner now.” -- Leonard Peltier, September 11, 2009
Deshelve Israeli products this week! (tags)
JOIN US AND TAKE ACTION!! The main places locally to buy Israeli products are the Arab markets. They should know better! We are here to support you to ask these stores not to carry Israeli products. If they will not deshelve Israeli products, and voluntarily cleanse their shelves of products that support occupation and apartheid, we are here to provide resources for you to create disencentives for stores to stock Israeli products
Fight the BDS Movement--Shop at Trader Joe's on June 20! (tags)
Fight the BDS Movement--Shop at Trader Joe's on June 20!
Briant Rodriguez photos from video tapes of suspected kidnappers (tags)
San Bernardino County Sheriff Rod Hoops said during a news conference that the video images were taken from surveillance camera footage recorded at a home-improvement store two days before Sunday's abduction of Briant Rodriguez.
Exploitation-free holiday shopping with LA's first Fair Trade Pop-Up Store (tags)
The Los Angeles Garment Worker Center has opened LA's first Fair Trade Pop-Up Store in the heart of downtown's garment district, making it possible to buy gifts for the holidays without exploiting workers.
Anarchist bookfair meeting raided by LAPD (tags)
A meeting and potluck for the upcoming LA Anarchist Bookfair was raided after police alleged someone stole something from a nearby store.
PANIC DECLARED Empty store shelves, gas pumps, ATMs ahead. (tags)
Who am I to declare a panic? Don't worry about that yet; just stock up on a little cash and canned goods. When everything the feds do JUST MAKES THINGS WORSE -- we are in a panic. Not just grandpa's Depression, but a good old-fashioned running-scared panic when the shelves go bare ...
Authorities Identify Daniel Ramos Gonzalez of Santa Ana As Person Shot To Death Sunday By (tags)
The Laguna Journal has learned that the Santa Ana police responded to the store and spotted Gonzalez who run when he saw the police. The officers then chased him to the loading dock in the rear of the store, where the unarmed Gonzalez was confronted and shot by police officers.
WGA Picket And Speak Out At SF Disney Store (tags)
These video segments are from a picket of the SF Disney store and also an interview with WGA member James Dalessandro
“Patriotic” Toy at 99 Cents Store Connects 9/11 with Iraq (tags)
The toy features a miniature U.S. soldier in desert camouflage attire, accompanied by the words “Never Forget” and an American flag right next to an Iraqi flag .
“Patriotic” Toy at 99 Cents Store Connects 9/11 with Iraq (tags)
The toy features a miniature U.S. soldier in desert camouflage attire, accompanied by the words “Never Forget” and an American flag right next to an Iraqi flag .
Lindsay Lohan Suffers from Americanitis (tags)
The solution to your problems is right in front of your nose.
2 officers accused of skipping line to buy PlayStation 3 consoles (tags)
Bad piggies used their guns and badges to get out of waiting in line.
Patronizing Citgo Gas Stations (tags)
". . . I was cautious because I knew that Citgo stations in Southern California are often affiliated with 7-11, which recently terminated the affiliation due to Hugo Chavez’s 'controversial' remarks about George Bush, Jr. at the UN. " /". . . Citgo sells motor oil in competition with brands like Pennzoil."
The signs read, “No Terrorist Racism in Ventura County,” “Shame on You Borders” and “No Human Being is Illegal.” The shouts from the crowd of approximately 30 protestors outside of Borders Book Store in Thousand Oaks ranged from the boilerplate “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, the Minutemen have got to go” to an angry “Racists go home” to an even more creative “Down with the geriatric fascist.”
Minutemen Deflated in Thousand Oaks (tags)
The anti-Minutemen outnumbered the supporters of Jim Gilchrist in Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, and fought geriatric, armchair fringe rightwing fools with a youthful, energetic spirit of internationalism, positivity, and community solidarity!
SOSMM, June Griffin, and hate (tags)
The "Save Our State" / "Minutemen" / Aryan Nations / National Vanguard / Stormfront / et al. mentality isn't solely the venue of racist hate mongers standing on street corners and screaming.
Buy more then 4 cell phones, go to jail (tags)
Three men accused of helping terrorism were arrested Friday after they purchased 80 prepaid mobile phones from a Wal-Mart store, police said. - Yea like they are MAJOR TERRORISTS!!!!!
Using the force of government to put your competitors out of business. (tags)
The City Council will be asked to approve a restriction that would "effectively kill" popular country stores in many east Mesa mobile-home and RV parks, says a manager of the weekly marketplaces.
Aging Hollywood getting face lift (tags)
LA government rulers are using eminent domain to steal peoples land and giving it to rich developers. isn't government great! (well at least for the developers that get the stolen land)
German 'Robin Hoods' Give Poor a Taste of the High Life (tags)
A GANG of anarchist Robin Hood-style thieves, who dress as superheroes and steal expensive food from exclusive restaurants and delicatessens to give to the poor, are being hunted by police in the German city of Hamburg.
From East Los Angeles to Historic Olvera Street and Chinatown Stores Shut Their Doors to commerce.
How I Helped Organize a Shut Down for May Day (tags)
A behind-the-scenes look at how workers at one Brooklyn bakery organized to shut down the store to honor Monday’s May Day immigrant rights work strike.
A New Yorker goes to the first Trader Joe's in the city and feels oddly safe.
Labor Rights Activists Picket in Garment District (tags)
LOS ANGELES, March 19, 2006 – The colorful Santee Alley in the downtown fashion district where small storeowners compete for business and shoppers hunt for bargains is always a lively scene on weekends. But, this weekend it got a little more lively as activists for workers rights picketed one of the small shops on Santee Alley.
Riverside County Greens need partitions signatures. (tags)
Critical: Green candidates need signatures for partitions to geton ballet plus, we need signatures for fair wage initiative in Hemet CA. (Riverside county)
Police Intimidation in the City of Orange (tags)
Police Intimidation in the City of Orange: Police ask to see the I.D. of 9 brown people standing outside of home depot looking for work. 8 out of the 9 were taken to a border patrol checkpoint in Dana Point against their will even though the charges had nothing to do with citizenship status!
Jeanne Friscia, Carol Golemboski (tags)
George Billis Gallery, L.A. will exhibit recent photo based works by Jeanne Friscia, Carol Golemboski and a Holiday Salon Wall featuring small works by various artists. The exhibition will run from December 6 – January 14, 2006. A reception for the artists will be held at the gallery on Saturday, December 10 from 5 – 8 p.m.
The Boycott of Pier 1 Imports and NAPA Auto Parts (tags)
Letter and email campaign to boycott products of sponsors of Bill Bennett's radio program.
RIAA targets indie musicians and rappers (tags)
Recently, the RIAA has begun targeting underground musicians, arguing that CD-R sales constitute pirated material. The story takes a look at the RIAA's undercover tactics, provides court documents and context to this issue.
Poetry at the Church in Ocean Park presents: Michael Attie (tags)
Michael Attie reading from The Love Beggars and This Smiling Heart Saturday Evening, October 15, 7:00 PM at The Church in Ocean Park, corner of Hill and 2nd in Santa Monica.
Thoughts on Chomsky's advice about activism (tags)
Thoughts on building a modern movement...
SOS Plans to host another rally of hate.
East Los Angeles, California, March 23rd, a demonstration at a 99 Cents Only Store, in Montebello, was the kickoff of a campaign in support of the 99 Cents Only workers for affordable health care and decent wages.
Why I'm A Freegan Woman! (tags)
Why I'm A Freegan Woman! and how you could be a Freegan also
Glatt Market Immigrant Workers Struggle for Justice After Tolerating Sweatshop Conditions (tags)
Grocery workers working in the Pico-Robertson at Glatt Market were often paid less than minimum wage and not paid overtime or given adequate breaks. Recently, their store burnt down, and not they are demanding justice from their employer along with community members and anti-capitalist activists.
Victory Against Racist Store in Los Angeles (tags)
All Phone Wholesale had signs on its store fronts which said " Palestinians are Pigs, murderous scum Pigs" and more. This is an article about the campagin against the store and its recent victory
Building Bridges Radio: Fighting Wal-Mart in N.Y.C & Quebec (tags)
Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW
Reenact Rev Billy's Crime Against Starbucks (tags)
Well, Reverend Billy finally got put on Los Angeles no less. So, while he's stuck in court, throw on a collar and white blazer, slick your hair back, and rise up as part of the Reverend Billy Mutant Clone Army of Oddness.
Take Action Against Anti-union Policies At Wild Oats (tags)
The Ohio Valley I.W.W. calls a picket of Wild Oats Markets
Does Wal-Mart Destroy Communities? (tags)
In a recent poll on the CNN website, viewers were asked the "poll" question of whether or not they believed that Wal-Mart stores were "good" for the "community." Perhaps it is not surprising that a large majority answered "no."
Action at a Safeway in Tempe (tags)
In support of striking grocery workers in California 20 people held a demo pointing out the awful health-code violations at the Safeway store, 926 E. Broadway in Tempe AZ on Sunday 2-22-04.
Raucous Supermarket Strike Rally In San Pedro (tags)
An account of the rally held on February 19, 2004 in support of striking and locked-out workers at Vons in San Pedro, California.
Community Strike support in Northeast LA (tags)
Community Strike Support Network Update: Feb. 7 Rally at Eagle Rock Albertsons a Huge Success
Los Angeles Critical Mass Rides Through Vons (tags)
While the corporations refuse to back down, autonomous actions by small groups are becoming more and more necessary.
The Safeway rally in Oakland was a study in contrasts - the fighting spirit of workers vs. the timidity of the official union leadership
Nightwatchman @ grocery worker's rally tomorrow, Jan 31 (tags)
The Nightwatchman's website announces a a short set at a rally for striking grocery workers on Saturday, January 31 at 1:30pm in front of the Von's grocery store in Los Angeles at 500 E. Manchester at the corner of N. Hillcrest Blvd. in Inglewood.
Portlanders support California supermarket workers (tags)
Yesterday, a crowd of about 50 rallied at the Safeway at 1100 NE Broadway in Portland to support the 70,000 workers who have been locked out of Southern California supermarkets for insisting on keeping hard-fought health benefits in the face of austerity plans being imposed by the big supermarket chains. See here for previous feature. Supporters marched into the store, up and down the aisles, chanting "Boycott Safeway!" and demanding fairness for workers and affordable health care for all...
(2) NLG, LASSO Firing up the Picket Line (tags)
As the other people were leaving the police station, sergeant Lance Heard pushed a woman who had already left the office. Later on, the paramedics showed up to treat her bruises on her knee.
(1) NLG, LASSO Firing up the Picket Line (tags)
Sunday at 9 AM Jim DeMaegt from the National Lawyers Guild came to the Vons supermarket in Hermosa Beach to speak about the strikers civil rights—free speech. He asked the strikers not to be intimidated by the police and the manager of the store.
BTL:Rev. Billy Takes his Gospel of 'Stop Shopping' to Stores that... (tags)
...Sell Products Produced by Sweatshop Labor. Interview with the Rev. Billy, Church of Stop Shopping, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Peace Porridge #36: 24 December 2003 - Juvenile Justice In Iraq (tags)
Things were different before the invasion! Liberation? Hardly! Terrorize? Absolutely! What possible chance is there to bring about peace in Iraq with storm trooper tactics against school children and teachers? The fact that some of these children have chosen Saddam over the soldiers of the US occupational forces must tell you something! It certainly should!
Dec. 16th Mass March to support striking Grocery Workers (tags)
AFL-CIO Pres. Sweeney will Lead March of Thousands of Strikers March From Century City to Beverly Hills Slated Tuesday, December 16
Dec 4, 2003 marks the 10th anniversary of Frank Zappa's death. He would be 63 tomorrow. in honor of this true American icon, here's a lyric that still stands the test of time:
Tis the Season to be GREEDY (tags)
Ah! The Spirit of Christmas!
New tactics that bring the protest into the store are being adopted. It is catching on and it has a name: Shop and Awe
Grocery Strike - Fight to Win! (tags)
The grocery strike affects all workers. For the first time, a major contract would be without affordable health care. The entire labor movement should fight this, and FIGHT TO WIN!
Another reportback from Von's. (tags)
Another reportback from Von's.
Reportback: Grocery Lockout (tags)
This is a reportback on some of my experiences working with grocery picketers through LASSO (Los Angeles Strikers Solidarity Organization).
Students Back Albertsons Union Strikers (tags)
UC Irvine Students supports the Grocery Store Employees of Albertson
Borders Books Workers StrikeWorkers at Borders Books store #1 in Ann Arbor, MI went on strike this past Saturday, November 8 at 9:00 AM.
The Bush administration has cut veteran's benefits and forced wounded soldiers to pay for hospital meals. They have kept returning sick and wounded soldiers in horrible conditions on US military bases and made them wait months for doctor's appointments. Now, they plan to close schools and commissaries on military bases and privatize the remaining commissaries. Oh well, that is more money for Halliburton, Bechtel and all other corporations which profit immensely from war.
ADOPT A STORE - UFCW 770 (tags)
Grocery strike impressions (tags)
Grocery strike shows So Calif has not moved to the right.
L.A. Greens give free massages to striking grocery store workers (tags)
Locked out workers at a Ralph’s grocery store in Los Angeles got a surprise Saturday morning when a group of local Green Party members showed up offer free massages to workers on the picket lines. Listen here to the report! 8 mins 3 sec (MP3: 2 MB at 32 kbps)
Health care costs spark Calif. strikes (tags)
VAN NUYS, Calif. – Daniel Lucra, 19, just wants to keep his health care in case he gets sick or hurt on his job behind the deli counter at Albertson’s, where slippery floors and sharp blades can cause injuries.
A Mugging At Albertsons - Albertsons Admits Wrongdoing's! (tags)
Long Known For It's Abuse Of Oaklanders, Albertsons Admits To Wrong Doing At It's E. Oakland Store After Receiving Complaints & Attention!
Whirl-Mart is a performance! It is art! It is a ritual! It is a “collective reclamation of space that is otherwise only used for shopping and buying...”
Unionized Whole Foods Market Workers Struggle to Make their Voices Heard (tags)
Whole Foods continues lying and misinforming their workers about unionizing while the only unionized workers in the company try to get the real story to their co-workers.
Reminder: Tuesday, June 10th is action day against Wal-Mart! (tags)
This evening, June 10th, members of Katuah Earth First, in coordination with neighborhood activists, will be confronting the Chattanooga City council and demanding that plans to build a Wal-Mart on some of the town's last green space and wet lands be scrapped.
Earth First! Call to Action against Wal-Mart (tags)
The Tennessee Valley faction of Katuah Earth First is asking you to support their campaign to prevent the building of yet another Wal-Mart.
Nationwide Protest Against K-Marts 'Commando Bunnies' (tags)
This Sunday 16th at 3:00pm, go to your local K-Mart ( dressed as close to a bunny as possible ) to protest and ask that they remove these detestable "toys".
Computers N.L.A. of Harbor City Hosts an Anti-Arabs and Anti-Muslim Online hate organizati (tags)
The KOBE Group engages in cyber terrorism against American Arabs and Muslims. Give the store's owners a call and ask why they choose to host a hate website:
Wal-Mart – the nation’s worst workplace bully (tags)
With $7 billion in profits squeezed from the labor of one million workers at 3,250 stores across the country last year, Wal-Mart deserves its reputation as the nation’s worst “workplace bully.”
Proletarian Grocery Shopping in Ghent (tags)
Activists in Ghent (Belgium) go “proletarian grocery shopping.”
MWD Rejects Cadiz Water Project - HOORAY! (tags)
A controversial proposal to store water beneath the Mojave Desert for use in Southern California was killed Tuesday by the Metropolitan Water District. The MWD board voted by a slight margin to not proceed with the $150 million project by Santa Monica-based agricultural company Cadiz Inc.
Empowering Los Angeles’ immigrant workers: (tags)
Over 100 community supporters are anticipated to mark the one-year anniversary of two emerging campaigns for immigrant workers’ rights in a town hall meeting. Supporters will discuss the larger context and national implications of the Forever 21 and Assi Market campaigns, as well as learn about the latest directions of both efforts.
As part of a National Day of Action, Consumers in over 100 Cities Leaflet and Protest Outside Safeway (Von’s), Shaw’s, Publix, Food Lion and Food Emporium
Visit Taco Bell This Week (tags)
Direct Action Gets the Goods!!!
13 Days to Object to DEA Ban on Hemp Food/Oil (tags)
13 Days to Object to DEA Ban on Hemp Food/Oil Push Button Fax DEA Comments at Action Plan to Collect 1,000-2,000 Comments to DEA by Dec 10th Deadline :)
Big Turnout and Big Support for Forever 21 Picket (tags)
Over 150 people turned out to support a boycott against Forever 21 for garment worker abuses.
Trader Joe's to Eliminate Genetically Engineered Food (tags)
GE Free LA praises decision of the specialty chain Looks to rest of industry to follow suit
New fashion trend sweeps Paris.
I came across this news report today, which presents yet more clear and unmistakable evidence of how the anti-globalisation riots are orchestrated by the very forces that are imposing globalisation on the world. It's another problem-reaction-solution.
Join the Citizens' Voluntary Labeling Brigade! (tags)
Join the Citizens' Voluntary Labeling Brigade!
Stop Genetic Engineering Teach-In and March (tags)
At a teach-in attended by nearly 250 people at Fairfax High on Saturday, August 12, speakers provided real information to correct the lies told by the media, biotech corporations, and US government. Many described the revolving door between federal regulators and the biotech industry which compromises the safety of our food supply. After the teach-in, activists marched to nearby Trader Joe's food store to demand that Trader Joe's stop selling genetically engineered food.