fix articles 520238, abdel hakim belhaj Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : abdel hakim belhaj

abdel hakim belhaj

Woodwalton PE285Y – The Village Where Nazis Are Always Welcome. (tags)

The inexorable march towards Fascism in the U.K. and U.S. continues unabated. And with each step, the inverted value system of the rich and powerful, is revealed in ever more hideous detail. David Wulstan Myatt kills children and he is protected by the police and politicians.

Qaddafi lies live on after him (tags)

While no one deserves to die in a war, of the estimated 30,000 Libyans to die in the struggle to overthrow Mummar Qaddafi, no one else can be said to have had it coming more than Mummar Qaddafi. Not only did he rule for more than 40 years by using terror, he had tens of thousands murdered, he conducted his 10 month campaign to stay in power with the utmost brutality. Most of those 30,000 souls were Libyan civilians killed by Qaddafi with artillery, tanks, snipers and cluster bombs. He targeted civilian to the end and so made the UN mission to protect them synonymous with ending his rule. So I find it odd that many on the left single out the killing of Mummar Qaddafi to demand investigation and justice for.

Planned Peacekeeper Occupation of Libya (tags)


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