fix articles 51886, mission accomplished
Mission Accomplished, Says Snowden (tags)
Iraq Pullout: Mission Accomplished or Strategic Retreat? (tags)
daily violence rages
Statement on Obama’s Surge in Afghanistan (tags)
When US imperialism invaded the Philippines in 1898 they said they will end the war in 16 days, The Filipino-American War lasted for 16 years. When Obama and his generals say they will withdraw the troops by 2011 and train the Afghan army in 18 months, they know that this is impossible and they will invent more reasons to cover up their failure. Like Nixon, Obama was elected on his promise to end the war. But again, like Nixon, he did not end the war but escalated it. Nixon has his “Vietnamization” and Obama has his “Afghanization.”
What is at Stake with Free Trade (tags)
In the ten years since the World Trade Organization (WTO) protests in Seattle, global opposition to free trade and “globalization” has exploded. The general public now has a basic understanding of how the world economy works … against them: companies scour the globe searching for slave wages, which help push down wages in “developed” countries; any regulation that reduces profits — environmental, financial, labor, etc. — is destroyed or ignored. The two focal points of the anti-globalization movement have been dismantling of the WTO and free trade agreements; both legitimate targets. However, what happens if both goals are accomplished? Mission Accomplished?
Antiwar Activists “Boot” Dubya Out the Door (tags)
A rally and march was held in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 19, 2009. It’s objective was to give President George W. Bush “the boot” as he exited an office that he has disgraced by his failure to uphold the law. David Swanson, cofounder of afterdowningstreet. org, was one of the speakers at the event. He underscored the importance of appointing a “Special Prosecutor” to look into and hold accountable the culpable members of the Bush-Cheney Gang.
George Bush John McCain Sarah Palin Iraq War Surge a Total Disaster (tags)
Mission not accomplished.
THE FALL '01 - screens at WHIFF - West Hollywood International Film Festival - July 30
Mission accomplished? PNAC Website Expired (tags)
PNAC has expired, but the evil lives on.
The Shortwave Report 5/9 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
Mike Copass: Progressive Democrat Takes On Pro-War Incumbent (tags)
Though San Diego Congressmember Susan Davis voted against the original authorization for the war in Iraq, since then she's been a faithful supporter of funding the war and last year crossed party lines to vote for the open-ended, three-year commitment to the occupation pushed by the Bush administration. Mike Copass, scientist and legal consultant, is mounting a grass-roots primary campaign against her with the support of Progressive Democrats of America, who helped Donna Edwards mount a similar challenge in Maryland to a pro-war Democrat.
Climate Change George Bali Bush Knifes the Earth in the Heart (tags)
All that glitters is not gold.
America’s Robespierre: President George W. Bush? (tags)
There is a Robespierre-like clone residing in our White House! His name is George W. Bush. Thanks to a book by Dr. Justin A. Frank, entitled: “Bush on a Couch,” we know a lot more about him and his dysfunctional upbringing. Like Robespierre, Bush is a fanatic on both politics and religion. A “dry drunk,” he won’t seek treatment or own up to his responsibility for the Iraqi War. In the mold of a whacky Robespierre, he also sees himself as the liberator of Iraq!
Bush's idea of compromise is "that the democrats do what he tells them." The budget law passed by the democratic majority in congress was tied tot he condition of a fixed plan for withdrawal from iraq.
Complicit Democrats Ripped at Pro Peace Rally (tags)
As a result of the Bush-Cheney Gang’s insane “Surge” strategy, 1,300 Maryland Nation Guard members will be deployed to the hell hole that is Iraq. On May 3, 2007, in Baltimore, a rally was held to protest that action. Maryland State Del. Jill P. Carter blasted U.S. Senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin for funding the war and then saying that they wanted to “protect the troops.” She called that bizarre conduct: “politically schizophrenic.”
loads of it
Battle of Baghdad Cover-Up Four Years Later (tags)
nterview With CAPTAIN ERIC MAY Ghost Troop Commander
What some called good flowed into chaos.. You wil know them by their fruits. Not even the Pentagon doubts that the fruits of Americans in Baghdad stink.
Osama Bin Laden Renamed Muqtada al-Sadr by America (tags)
Here is the inside story of what’s really going on with Iraq and Iran straight from the horse in the Godfather’s mouth.
By Definition Every American Soldier is Legally Insane (tags)
Apply the facts to the law and judge for yourself.
Annan, Mandela, Saud and Garland Prophesied Iraq Perfectly Beforehand (tags)
These people predicted Iraq perfectly in 2002 and they were all ignored.
Net Neutrality Life on Earth Depends Upon It says World Peace Religion (tags)
Do you want the present neutral internet or the new biased internet?
OJ and Dubya: Both in Denial, Both Unrepentant (tags)
O.J. Simpson and George W. Bush have a lot in common. They are both unrepentant wrongdoers, who are in denial about their outrageous conduct. Thankfully, OJ’s book escapade was foiled by outraged public opinion. Bush, and his cohort, VP Dick Cheney, however, intend to “stay the course” in Iraq and maybe attack Iran. Only the U.S. Congress can stopped the duo. Impeachment is Constitutionally mandated. Will Congress do its duty?
RED ALERT: CHICAGO 9/11 (tags)
Are we due for the much-discussed "next 9/11" in Chicago, on or around 9/11, 2006? A former Army intelligence and public affairs officer, the commander of the cyber-intelligence group, Ghost Troop, writes a powerful letter of warning to the US Army Inspector General and other US VIP's, warning that the next set up event is ready to be staged in Chicago between 9/7 and 9/11, 2006 -- and the newspapers are telling all about it in advance.
Another Battle of Baghdad Cover Up -- It's Time for Truth (tags)
Summary: Former Army intelligence and public affairs officer Captain May argues that the Bush League infowar to hide the truth of Iraq's strategic and tactical blunders has sunk us into Middle Eastern quicksand -- and that the time for getting out is running out.
Message from Ramsey Clark - Impeach NOW! (tags)
"(Bush's) Impeachment is essential to the integrity of constitutional government" What's at Stake? A message from Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General of the United States
A World Lit by Energy Warfare (tags)
...What "Mission Accomplished" in reality achieved was an intractable quagmire of bloodletting and a nightmarish prospect of global conflict...
At Last, Mission Accomplished (tags)
WASHINGTON - In a Christmas Eve message American President Bush said the holidays are a time to mourn U.S. troops who have died in overseas missions. Here is the transcript of his speech
LA Times Dumps Liberal Columnist (tags)
Los Angeles Times columnist Robert Scheer was fired on November 11 after nearly 30 years at the paper, the last 13 as one of its most progressive political columnists. In a published statement announcing op-ed page changes (11/10/05), the Times insisted that it is dedicated to "provid[ing] readers with a wide range of voices and perspectives," but in dumping Scheer, the paper has gotten rid of one of the few prominent progressive columnists in the country.
News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/14/05) (tags)
White House, Congress plans for major cuts in social programs.
Opportunism, ANSWER and Palestine (tags)
It is so important that the movement against the war in Iraq draw the connection to all the wars the U.S. government is waging around the world. Inclusion of Palestine is a vital issue and an important part of building solidarity. But solidarity with Palestine should not be used as just a maneuver in an organizational struggle between ANSWER and UFPJ.
George W. Bush stole the 2000 election and we let him get away with it. While the Democrats cried because Al Gore had won the vote, the Republicans counted their loot and planned the next heist. Crime does pay when the Justices of the Supreme Court are in on the caper, and they can’t be impeached if the crooks control the Congress.
I don't always agree with Ron Paul (but then who always agrees with any one individual, dittoheads excepted) but I appreciate his consistency in promoting true conservative ethics. Unlike nearly all republicans these days he doesn't merely steal the rhetoric to act as a cover for his agenda. He appears to actually believes in the ideological principles that are found so often in conservative rhetoric. As the republican party continues to fracture I think it is important to focus on individuals with some measure of integrity and honesty to contrast against the corrupt aristocrats running the government whom have not given any thought to benefiting people's lives nor shown any concern for the problems facing the people of the united states. -- tc
100 Facts and 1 Opinion (tags)
From the Purple States to your brain
What's New at - November 1, 2004 (tags)
Welcome to another update on and the Alternative Media Project! This update is meant to help you find new features on our website and keep you updated on the projects of the Alternative Media Project. As heads toward its tenth anniversary in January 2005, we are pleased to share with you all of the new things going on with our project.
JOHN KERRY SPEAKS OUT: Time to Bring the Troops Home from Hell (tags)
This important speech is being suppressed by the corporate media - the only place you are likely to find an intact copy is on the indymedia.
"President Bush, You Killed My Son! I dare you to tell me the Iraq war was justified! (tags)
An interview with Sue Niederer, Military Families Speak Out member, whose son Lt. Seth Dvorin was killed in Iraq on February 3rd, 2004
Protest Aesthetics- What the Left Can Learn from Las Vegas (tags)
From Issue 3 of The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest. Street Theater and the left in general needs a new relationship with "the truth".
LOS ANGELES, May 24, 2004 ( -- They've brought America to its knees. They're a ruthless band of fundamentalist religious fanatics that respect no international laws and seem destined to cause only death, misery, and destruction.
White House Establishes New PR Office - Wants Input (tags)
My fellow Americans,
Kerry "Missteps" Get Lavish Media Attention, While Bush Falsehoods Ignored (tags)
The media is being easy on Bush (again).
Bush runs out of options as chaos deepens (tags)
"I find even the administration's strongest supporters, including fervent advocates of the war a year ago and even some who could be labelled 'neo-conservatives', now despairing and looking for an exit"
Saturday marks the anniversary of resident bu$hco's nationally televised speech to the nation, delivered from the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, in which he stood under a banner reading "Mission Accomplished" and hailed "My fellow Americans, Major combat operations in Iraq have ended."
In April 2003, the United States was celebrating a “cakewalk” and on May 1, 2003, George Bush declared “the end of major combat operations” in front of a banner proclaiming “Mission Accomplished”. In April 2004, “cakewalk” has been replaced with “quagmire” and “Mission Accomplished” has been taken over by a “Nightmare Scenario.”
I am not a big fan of Geraldo, but I have to give him this one. He is so right about the reporters who "Report" the news.
Throwing the Bull by the Horns (tags)
Can it be possible that the president just doesn't want a second term? Do most conservatives want the same thing?
Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 5th 2004 Updates! (tags)
1. Iraqi Resistance Report Jan. 1-4, 2004 2. Newsletter From the International League of People's Struggle, formed by Comrade Jose Maria Sison, former head of the New People's Army of the Philippines (PDF) 3.***A Call to Support the March 20th Demonstrations!!!*** 4. Join the Anti-Imperialist Camp Delegation to Iraq! 5. ANSWER stands against Colonialism in Palestine, Iraq, the world! 6.International Progress Organization: PROSECUTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMES IN IRAQ – LACK OF CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS FOR WAR CRIMES TRIALS 7. The True Figures of Imperialist Casualities in Iraq! 8. Examples of online zionist hatred and racism against Palestinians
A look at Bush Admin. spin, how quickly it has collapsed, and a suggestion that spin is little different from false advertising.
On the Capture of President Saddam Hussein: Resistance will Continue Until Victory!!! (tags)
Three Articles of Interest 1.Resistance Continues Despite Desperate US. 2.On the Arrest Of Saddam Hussein 3. Message From Andrew Kahn of the Proletariat Group
White House Changes Story on Bush Plane Incident (tags)
Would you believe that maybe we thought that the British Airways might have maybe heard the rumbel of our engines? Would you believe a Seagull saw us?
To President Bush, America's soldiers are nothing more than props for his never-ending campaign. They were props on May 1 and they were props on Thanksgiving Day. An appearance at the funeral of one of the soldiers who has died in a war that has increased the terrorist threat against America, not diminished it, would be far more meaningful. So would an appearance to greet the coffins coming back from Iraq, ending an unprecedented policy forbidding the media from filming the arrival of America's war dead. Of course, footage like that would not make for jolly White House political propaganda.
Wag the Turkey: Surprise Thanksgiving Dinner at 6 AM? (tags)
I may be a bit naive, and it has been a while since I served on active duty, but I can't recall ever sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner at 6:00 AM. Air Force One touched down at Baghdad International Airport, under cover of darkness, at 5:20 AM Baghdad time. Bush was on the ground for two and a half hours, his plane departing Baghdad at around 7:50 AM. Considering that it likely took some 30 minutes for Bush to disembark from Air Force One and travel by a heavily secured motorcade to the hangar where the troops were assembled, that means our military men and women were downing turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and non-alcoholic beer at a time when most people would be eating eggs, bacon, grits, home fries, and toast.
Bush to veterans: Drop Dead (tags)
Some more Salt for the hypocritical "Support Our Troops Scum".
Mission Accomplished - Memorial Rider completes dream for cyclists killed in August (tags)
CLyclsits Ron Broyles has completed a 2900 mile cross country ride, doing his part to right an injustice while fulfilling a dream of his own and completing what Raymond Moore and Lyle Rosser could not.
"Report From Baghdad" Part Two--Security (tags)
This is a part two of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invaison of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:
Answer responds to Der Fuhrer's Propaganda Speech.
Trading on fear From the start, the invasion of Iraq was seen in the US as a marketing project. Selling 'Brand America' abroad was an abject failure; but at home, it worked. Manufacturers of 4x4s, oil prospectors, the nuclear power industry, politicians keen to roll back civil liberties - all seized the moment to capitalise on the war. PR analysts Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber explain how it worked.
Almost two months after the president said major combat in Iraq had ended, U.S. troops are still being killed and the White House's plans are in disarray.
Topanga Benefit Concert and Forum – Tom Hayden (tags)
Dateline May 31st. Topanga California Today’s event organized by The Topanga Peace Alliance had several fine speakers including Tom Hayden, Ron Kovic and Blase Bonpane. The intimate canyon setting provided the backdrop for a message of peace and justice.
Bush unchallenged by media (tags)
"But Bush's fighter-plane landing on the deck of a U.S. battleship earlier this month, and his emergence from the cockpit in combat gear and mussed-up hair, was even more stage-managed (right down to the soft-tone sunset lighting and the "Mission Accomplished" backdrop sign perfectly angled for TV viewers). As for laughable, it's hard to outdo Bush — who went AWOL from the National Guard during the Vietnam War..."