fix articles 5175, came Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : came


Labor migration has always existed (tags)

Labor migration to Germany has a history: Italian guest workers in the 1960s The labor shortage in the countryside is becoming increasingly noticeable, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find local workers; on the other hand, the demand for migrant workers, mainly foreigners, is increasing. (...)

, or be the problem. (tags)

This is not the first state in which this is being done, and it will not be the last. Unless we speak up in mass numbers. This will not end in anway good for us. Either speak up, or be the problem.

Cassetter Rides The Synthwave With Style (tags)


It Can’t Happen Here! Oh Yes It Can! (tags)

CoronaVirus Pandemic, Growing Anti-Semitism, Economic Collapse; What Will It Take To Become Jew-woke, And Move Back to the Homeland, To Israel?


I am the victim of murder for hire and need help to file a police report (tags)

I am a victim of murder for hire and cannot file a police report

Phone Privacy? (tags)

I'm guessing the big-dogs probably have a way to make private phone calls; so I'm wondering what kind of person I should ask about the successful methods. I mean, I could ask a PI, get to know a phone company technician and offer an honorarium for good info, etc. I'll bet some people still have privacy. How can I approach such people and ask the right questions?

Open Statement from Sociology Graduates of the Faculty of Human Sciences at the National U (tags)

Open statement (translated to english, original in Spanish) of Sociology Graduates of the Faculty of Human Sciences at the National University of Colombia, in response to the targeting against those who belong to this university as scapegoats for terrorist acts by state authorities and the media

...And Then They Came For Me (tags)

See some parallels between jack booted thugs of Hitler's Nazi Gestapo and today's fascist fbi and police thugs in USA

Video: Things to Come (tags)

1100 free movies are ours on How can you be hard-nosed with 1100 free movies?

Honduras Coup, 6 years on (tags)

6 years into the coup, the news for June 2015 of political persecution against indigenous peoples, activists, journalists, and lgbti activists. A look at the current situation of crisis and grassroots movement with the IHSS crisis.

May 2015 Honduras Coup update (tags)

May 2015 in Honduras.... it came out that high officials of a social security department stole $320 millions using companies, this ending up in the campaign funds for National Party's electoral campaign in 2013 and diverted to those who made this happen using ghost companies... assassinations, threats, evictions, law being blatantly on the side of money, all evidentially continue. Check the titles here in the May post to see if you want to read some of it....


For the 4th time since last Friday, people protesting killer cops who got away with murdering African American men shut down Market Street in downtown San Francisco.

Right Sector Thugs Attack Odessa Activists (tags)


The Earth a Common Treasury for All (tags)

A meme for Earth Day.

Fraudulant debits came out of my account from "Sony Finance" (tags)

Fraudulant debits came out of my account from "Sony Finance"

Reggae Bar: A Punk Story (tags)

Almost every often and awhile, from 2008 sometimes nervous that the restos would over-reserve, thinking that Pat Benatar or Screw Driver was boozing around the area where a reggae bar was located. Too many visitors and standbyers were around the vicinity, so cheering when some of them like unsocialized rapport or a crying baby in a city that never trust. Just like a night of the living dead when you turn on the radio and it’s not Friday, that you were deceived by a beggar. A lots of Germans come around here since last month and until now, near Remedios Circle in Malate Manila, beside that thirty-seven floor skyscraper along the road directing the mall to Padre Faura, abounding around the stretch of the avenue are some other foreigners of different nationalities. The reggae bar in the city, the wooden walls with native designs on it and the unleveled flooring gave the aspects of it the abberance but explicity and half open to the road as cars run by the front. The people are adjusted behaving very comely, drinking beer made in the Philippines or sometimes tequilla as it is served by shots, with toast’ regularly requested by New Zealanders and Iranians. Mito Paling, a German immigrant usually stopover babbling with his grandfather who used to wonder about him when esteeming for a hardcore band named Septic Tank and that saying “nevermind the Sex Pistols here comes Talkative Lampshades”. Hopped out from the taxi and staring from the pavement, bathed so lovely like a vicious hooker, Mito looked very agitated while seeking for a possible CNN reporter or some kind of cybercop volunteer that would fix his curiousity. More bourgeois men steps back and fourth on the thin concrete path, rocks around along, others overlooking from the left or from the right surveying empty tables and chairs. Some of them were malicious on women craving for thirst. Some are crustcore like Mito, accidentally or traditionally accessing to the scene where nobody ever knows or ever mentioned about the fad. The German ordered another round for his friends but his bonafide sincere conviction suggests a slamdance flicking gag that almost reminds of the 1986 rumored gigs, that he’s 42 years old.

Hank Skinner Now Needs To Be Freed>Texas Destroyed His Right To Defend Himself With DNA ! (tags)

The real Ironside Would Ask Hank Skinner Be Set Free After Texas lost~destroyed His Crucial DNA Evidence ! **Fact: For Too Many Years, Texas State Attorney General Greg Abbott Never Supported Complete DNA Testing For Hank Skinner !

a time for courage (tags)

a time to face the fire of hate and fear

Permanent Afghanistan Occupation Planned (tags)


Hernandez Family Foreclosure Sparks Anti-Eviction Outrage (tags)

Fuerza Hernandez evicted today with promises of continuing resistance.

open letter (tags)

argument over video crowd controll

Obama administration grants DACA relief to more than 50,000 undocumented immigrants (tags)

The Obama administration released updated statistics today that indicated that, as of yesterday, 53,273 undocumented youths have received relief under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Afghanistan: Permanent Occupation Planned (tags)


Venice Homeless Sweep Stopped: A Good Day in Venice for Street People (tags)

Occupy Venice, Venice Locals, Lawyers with the National Lawyers Guild, and a group called Venice Community Unity all came together on 3rd Ave in Venice to stop a homeless sweep from happening on March 29. It was a good day.

Targeting Iranian Nationals (tags)

police state

Occupy LA Interfaith Council of Elders (tags)

Nov 20th was one of the rainiest days, but a few dozen people came out to listen to speeches by several of L.A.'s prominent progressive and religious leaders.

Gaza: Good News and Bad (tags)


Occupy Riverside Official Launch October 15, 2011 (tags)

October 16, 2011

RIVERSIDE (California) - After an event-filled launch of the occupation of Riverside timed to coincide with Saturday's international day of action, just under 100 people of conscience successfully held the pedestrian walkway of the downtown mall, despite police threats of arrest for those determined to sleep in the public thoroughfare.

Security Guards at Harvard Vote to Accept Contract (tags)

?Everybody came together to get things done,? said Harvard security guard Shawn Lynch. ?It?s a really solid contract all the way through. We got everything we needed out of Securitas.?

Leather History Meeting Relives the Wounds of AIDS (tags)

Though it was billed as a panel on the history of San Diego's Leather community, the San Diego League of Gentlemen meeting July 1 turned into something else: an emotionally intense discussion and reminiscence of the effect AIDS had on the Queer community in general and the Leather community in particular. Themselves touched by the crisis directly ? all the panelists either had AIDS, took care of people who did or were active in the community's response ? they talked about the pain of losing so many friends but also how the community grew and its surviving members became more emotionally committed to each other.

Over 500 Turn Out for San Diego Slut Walk (tags)

For those who thought the battle over whether women who dress in sexually provocative clothing are thereby giving men the ?right? to rape them was won in the 1970?s, it was a shock last January when a police representative in Toronto, Canada told a class he was lecturing to that ?women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be victimized.? His boorish, sexist remarks had one positive result: they rekindled the feminist movement via a series of ?Slut Walks,? mass demonstrations in which women deliberately dress in so-called ?slut wear? both to communicate a sex-positive message and to make the point that women should be free to dress any way they like and go about wherever they like without inviting men to rape them. The message of the ?Slut Walks?: don?t teach women how to avoid rape: TEACH MEN NOT TO RAPE!

Bisexual Forum Targets Invisibility and Bigotry (tags)

Bisexuals, the "B" in "LGBT," are actually the largest of the four groups represented by that unlovely acronym, but they're also among the most misunderstood people in the Queer community. They face bitter and often ferocious prejudice and bigotry not only from homophobic straight people but from Gays and Lesbians whose anti-Bi beliefs lead them to be threatened by the existence of Bi people. The Bisexual Forum of San Diego held a workshop at the San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center May 12 to dispel some of the misunderstandings other Queers have towards Bisexuals and tell their stories, which often involve a dual coming-out process: first as Lesbian or Gay, then as Bi when they realize they can no longer deny either their same-sex or opposite-sex attractions.

Remeber Mothers on Mothers Day: Art Institute?s Lucky Boy (tags)

Thomas Edison, John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama all had mothers who inspired them. Future car developer Alex H-R owes his fortune to the inspiration and support of his mother as well.

Followup Meeting Between Colton Community and Police (tags)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

COLTON, California - In a follow-up meeting to a community forum held in December, Chief Bob Miller and Detective Eric Campa of the Colton Police Department again met with residents to share the department's new directive concerning vehicle impounds.

Uncovered Conspiracy to Screw Up Sites Like Indymedia (tags)

Ever wonder who these assholes are who go onto leftist sites like Indymedia and spew their ranting, insulting, mental-rapist garbage? They were paid for and trained by some rich conservatives.

The IMF-in-Greece diary (tags)

Α real-time record of the IMF-era of Greece

VENICE BOARDWALK OCEAN FRONT WALK Task Force Meeting 10/6/10 (tags)

this 1x/month meeting facilitated by LA City Council is a place for sharing information...or contentious arguments..

¡Reforma Sí! ¡Migra No! Inland Empire stands with Arizona (tags)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

SAN BERNARDINO - Large crowds of people from throughout the Inland Empire gathered in San Bernardino to march for the human rights of immigrants and to denounce the racist Arizona law SB 1070. La Plaza Park on San Bernardino's east side was the point of convergence, and music and announcements welcomed the arrivees until about 11, when the ranks began making their way down the sidewalk and across the 215 bridge toward city hall, where a rally was held with music and speeches. Peaceful resistance was the spirit of the day, and careful attention to hydration and mutual respect among attendees was the hallmark of the day's beauty.

Iraq War Vet denounces war crimes: "We fired on buses full of civilians" (tags)

IVAW Veterans came out in force in Los Angeles antiwar march to denounce massacres against Iraqis under orders from the Pentagon. Vets told about crimes in Iraq invasion in 2003 and in Fallujah in 2004. Listen to 3 min. Audio of interview, aired on 90.7 KPFK-FM.

Los Angeles March 4th Day of Action Photos Set 3 0f 3 (tags)

Photo set 3 ( of 3 ) from the March 4th National Day of Action demonstrations and school walkouts in downtown Los Angeles.

Los Angeles March 4th Day of Action Photos Set 2 0f 3 (tags)

Photo set 2 ( of 3 ) from the March 4th National Day of Action demonstrations and school walkouts in downtown Los Angeles.

Los Angeles March 4th Day of Action Photos Set 1 0f 3 (tags)

Photo set 1 from the March 4th National Day of Action demonstrations and school walkouts in downtown Los Angeles.

Terrorist Joe Stack (1956-2010) (tags)

Right wing extremist Joe Stack finally gets fed up with Republicanism and Capitalist extremism and decides to take a few out with him.

Israeli soldiers tell (tags)

what "the most moral army in the world" did in Gaza.

Frances Moore Lappé, Matthew Fox Speak in San Diego (tags)

Frances Moore Lappé and Matthew Fox, two powerful long-time activists who started in the 1970’s and both live in Oakland, came to San Diego to address the opening session of the Justice for Women and Children conference January 18 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in San Diego. Lappé wrote the book “Diet for a Small Planet” and founded Food First to work on projects helping people in Third World countries to feed themselves in ways that respected their environment and heritage of biodiversity. Fox was a Roman Catholic priest who was thrown out by the current Pope for championing the spiritual power of women; he's now a priest in the Episcopal Church and works on education projects with so-called “at-risk” youth to channel their creativity in non-mainstream ways.

Anti-War Demonstration on Thankstaking Day (tags)

People were reminded--again--of American aggression and overconsumption, food was given to local homeless, and food scraps to coyotes/raccoons.

Two Anniversaries: Berlin and Seattle (tags)

November 2009 was not only the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall — an historical milestone reported to death by the corporate media — it was also the anniversary of an event the corporate media chose to ignore: the 10th anniversary of the mass protests against the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle in November and December 1999. The challenge for radicals and progressives today is not only to revitalize the spirit of Seattle but to take back the initiative in an era in which the biggest and most confrontational mass actions are being staged by the "teabag" Right.

Sit-in at Chancellor Yang's office to protest closure of Ventura Campus (tags)

November 3, 2009 SANTA BARBARA -- In response to a call from working class students attending UC Santa Barbara's Ventura campus, a group of protesters sat in at UCSB Chancellor Yang's office to demand that the university fulfill its obligation to students of the satellite location.

Nazis go home! (tags)

The Neo-Nazis came out to Riverside to protest immigration on 9.26.09. A group of protesters confronted the Nazis in front of a Home Depot and many more protested from across the street.

~Windchime: A Step Forward~ A Letter From a Most Concerned Wild One (tags)

The Windchime House is a residential infoshop. A flower working its way through concrete decay. A haven for eccentric and antisocial characters alike. We are the ones we once longed for. We are real people with real dreams. Real dreamers willing to fight for our dreams. We live for community, love, truth and respect while we lurk in the shadows, awaiting the perfect chance to strike.

LA Welcomes Obama! STOP the RAIDS NOW!! (tags)

On March 19, 2009, President Barack Obama visited the Mexican/Central American community where Miguel Contreras Learning Complex is located. The community came out to demand 1. STOP the ICE RAIDS and 2. FULL LEGALIZATION for ALL PEOPLE NOW!

LA Welcomes Obama! STOP the RAIDS NOW!! (tags)

On March 19, 2009, President Barack Obama visited the Mexican/Central American community where Miguel Contreras Learning Complex is located. The community came out to demand 1. STOP the ICE RAIDS and 2. FULL LEGALIZATION for ALL PEOPLE NOW!

Mar Vista Neighbors for Peace and Justice Mourn Loss of Local Activist, Eleanor Belser (tags)

The peace community lost a staunch supporter last week with the death of Eleanor Belser, who passed away at her home in Mar Vista. Eleanor was 89.

Local activists oppose police, minuteman harassment of day laborers (pictures) (tags)

Here are some pictures of the activists--and the Minutemen--addressing the city council.

How the Gay Community Got Chicago'd at the Inaugural (tags)

Back in the days of the first Mayor Richard Daley, when an alderman got out of line during a City Council debate, the power on his microphone was unceremoniously cut, whether he had the floor legitimately or not.

Tongva: Our Voice, Our History, Our People (tags)

Highlights of an exhibit recently held in Aleupkingna (Arcadia), an interview with curator Dana Dunn, and photos.

LA antiwar projects- interviews and surveys (tags)

The new issue of LA based Journal of Aesthetics and Protest is now out. Subtled "Theory in Three Acts" it contains three editorial sections and has a bunch of articles on Los Angeles based activist and art projects. Section 2 focuses on Anti-war art and activist Projects

Japan: Governor of Hyogo says Requiao that they will build a center to host brazilians (tags)

Tohizo Ido offered the dinner to Requiao and his entourage, as a form of retribute the upheld that he had in Parana in June, when the state came to participate, with the NARUHITO prince, heir to the throne of Japan, to celebrate the centenary of Japanese immigration . He told the governor that in his visit, was impressed with the

Banks Make People Homeless Every Day: Protest against Foreclosures, Evictions, and Bailout (tags)

October 25, 2008 HEMET - Inland Empire activists joined at the intersection of Florida and Girard Streets, where a bank sits on each corner, to spread the message about the injustice of the home foreclosures that have been affecting our area more intensely than most.

The Dems Are Going the Way of the Whig Party (tags)

The 2006 mid-term election was the tipping point marking the decline of the Dems. They had promised that if they won, that they would end the Iraq War. The Peace Movement was both blind sided and outraged by their refusal to keep their word. This is why, too, Cindy Sheehan, has left the Democratic Party. The Dems have morphed into the DemRepublicrats. Soon, they will be going the way of the Whig Party and taking Sen. Barack Obama with them.


The Gospel of Truth is joy for those who have received from the Father of truth the gift of recognizing him, thru the power of the meaning who comes forth from the fullness which is in the thought and mind of the Father. This is he who is called the Savior

Journalists including DN! producer targeted by FBI in St. Paul (tags)

According to I-Witness reporter Eileen Clancy, an FBI agent came to Mike Whalen's house on Iglehart Avenue this morning, looking for an individual who was not present at the time. This afternoon, police broke into the house with guns drawn, detaining Whalen and the journalists for hours as dozens of reporters from all over the country stood outside, kept on the opposite side of the street by police orders. The six people inside the house—and one legal observer who came outside to try to talk to police—were handcuffed during the search of the house.

July 13th, AR Protests (tags)

Protest Wrap Up in LA

A Tribute to the Godfathers of the Sunset Strip (tags)

The Sunset Strip is the biggest thing in the musical universe. More rock music legends have come out of that location than any other place on earth, so why not have a festival to celebrate it's greatness?

Sunset Strip Music Festival (tags)

When I first heard about this event, I thought to myself," it's about time." After all, the Sunset Strip is the biggest thing in the musical universe. More rock music legends have come out of that location than any other place on earth, so why not have a festival to celebrate it's greatness?

Cal Prop & P&F & Green Results with 88% Precincts Reporting (tags)

With 88% of California precincts reporting, we have the usual reactionary election results of a minority of the population, mostly not the workingclass, voting for gambling. Peace & Freedom Party and the Greens need to register millions of the workingclass if we are to see better election results.

Hundreds of thousands of students march for Chavez and "yes" in the referendum (tags)

They came in their tens of thousands, in their hundreds of thousands. They came from schools, from colleges, from universities, from teachers' unions and trade unions, and from the Social Missions concerned with education. They came in their red shirts with different names but all saying the same thing, Si in the referendum. Here in Venezuela learning is on the order of the day. Everyone is studying in one way or another, everyone is a student, so they came in all ages. We gathered in the Plaza de Venezuela and as each minute passed we grew in numbers. In all parts of the gathering crowd there were sound systems belting out different rhythms and people were dancing, singing and shouting slogans. It was a carnival atmosphere with a serious message. The small group of students also dressed in red but with No placards quickly disappeared after having been confronted by revolutionary students shouting "No pasaran", they shall not pass. We moved off chanting slogans such as "Eduacion Primero para el hijo del obrero; Educacion después para el hijo del burgues" (Firstly, the children of workers should be educated and only then the children of the bourgeoisie), "Obreros y Estudiantes, Unidos en Combate" (Workers and Students united in Struggle) and very importantly "Alerta, Alerta, Alerta Camarada, Que ya esta Preparada la Resistencia Armada" (Watch out Comrades, Armed Resistance is Ready). As the slogans were shouted red flags were being waved.

Update on Crystal Lake, Angeles National Forest (tags)

Environmental Education Center nature trail foot bridge restoration was completed successfully. Photographs and a video are available at the link provided.

Science in the Bush: When Politics Displaces Physics (tags)

he majority of us accept as fact that the current administration manipulates science for political ends.

THIS WEDNESDAY! Reflections and Songs about the Spanish Civil War (tags)

Wednesday August 8 at CSULA: "Silence, Memory and the Spanish Civil War" with music by the Xochisoneros.

SOS/Minutemen in Long Beach (tags)

A handful of SOS and Minutemen faithful showed up on the corner of 7th and Atlantic in Long Beach to protest the sanctuary given to Liliana, a 29 year old immigrant from Mexico by St. Luks Episcopal Church.

LA Mayor & Police Chief Responsible for 5/1/07 LA Police Riot (tags)

The 5/1/07 Los Angeles Police Riot was obviously planned weeks in advance as a means of silencing the movement for unconditional amnesty for undocumented immigrants. The order for the preparations came from the top, the Chief of Police and his boss, the Mayor of Los Angeles. That's the ONLY way such an operation can take place.

Tear Gas & Chronic Health Problems - Physicians For Social Repsonsibility (tags)

Tear gas contains chemicals that cause birth defects, infertility, brain damamge, and cancer. Infants and children are particularly sensitive to these chemical hazards. Here's much more info from our friends at Physicians For Social Responsibility - LA ("Tear Gas Clouds and Chronic Health Problems")

War Howls (tags)

Escalation will not finish the "job" that president George W Bush charged admiral William Fallon. The language of bombs is too simple for a complex matter like the Middle East.

Local Marine, Lance Cpl. Jeromy D. West, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Lance Cpl. Jeromy D. West, 20, of Aguanga, died Saturday while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar province, according to a Department of Defense news release.

Photograper of Indymedia killed (tags)

Speaking at a public meeting of the Other Campaign in Buaiscobe, Sonora, when the news came in about Brad’s death, Zapatista Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, upon receiving a briefing of the day’s events in Oaxaca, told the public and the press:

First They Came for My Mother (tags)

Assaults by law enforcement on journalists

French Fries in the American Southwest (tags)

Hike the Mojave Desert.

Averting an American Civil War (tags)

Politics unusual in America: Debilitating country’s internal strength seen as ploy to prop up unpopular dictatorship.



President Bush is "the devil" and a "world dictator" (tags)

Something many Americans have known for a long time - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez came to the United Nations and denounced President Bush as "the devil" and a "world dictator"

First They Came for Amalie (tags)

A journalist and Los Angeles area police death squad survivor tells her story

Mayor Compares ICE Raids to Nazi Germany (tags)

"This reminds me of what I read about Nazi Germany, the Gestapo coming in and yanking people up," Slater said.

Pandora's Box (tags)


Impeachment as a System Remedy (tags)

The thief came to steal, kill and destroy, the Son came that we might have life in abundance.. If faith can move mountains, it can move an accidental president to retirement and save the planet.

Unction and cure (tags)

Of the cure through “ungidos” antibiotics

Justice Delayed is White House Murder, and a War Crime (tags)

The Supreme Court decision tossing out Bush's denial of Geneva Convention protections to captives at Guantanamo came too late for one of my clients.

Killed in Iraq, Local Marine Salvador Guerrero Laid to Rest (tags)

About 400 friends and family members gathered at the funeral for Salvador Guerrero on Wednesday, at St. Mary's Catholic Church, followed by his burial at Rose Hills Memorial Park.

Weekend of Resistance: New Website - (tags)

A new website has been launched to help kick off the Weekend of Resistance against the Green Scare. Resist the Green Scare!

MinuteKlan Arrives In Washington DC, Met with protests (tags)

We came to protest the Minutemen, racism and fascism AND to support immigration in all its forms, no one ever is illegal. We came to denounce the minutemen and stand in solidarity with immigrants. What we got was a vibrant protest that put protesters inches away from Gilchrist, a failed minuteman rally, and a faceoff of good versus sheer evil (pro-immigrant, anti-racist locals versus racist minutemen, klansmen and nazis). Click on the link directly below, to view a video of the DC Minuteklan protests. This is the story of the demonstration against the Minutemen National Caravan as it landed in Washington DC.

MinuteKlan Update from Campo (tags)

Report from a minuteklan member in Campo, Ca.

The Power of Latinos (tags)

In the last weeks, the sleeping giant of American politics has growled: the young immigrant generation, the Latino population. E pluribus Unum - one out of many - is the national motto of the US inscribed on all kinds of public buildings.

Torture Victim Tells How He Was Brutalized In Iraqi Ministry (tags)

A first person account by a young Iraqi man of how he was tortured in the Ministry Of The Interior after being jailed for crimes he didn't commit.

Pesante-USA and CDIR Welcomes New Developments in US Senate Debates on Immigrant Issues (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network and the Coalition to Defend Immigrant Rights (CDIR) heard that the call of President Bush for sobriety and civility regarding the immigration issue came in reaction to the rush of millions coming out in the streets to demand full rights for immigrants.

Walkout in the West SGV (tags)

Around 1:00pm.

The Great Los Angeles March Against Racism: An Indigenous Perspective (tags)

The largest march in Los Angeles history; Indigenous People protest racism against them and their rights. Estimates are between 500,000 and 2 million people.

California's Nativist Past (tags)

This is a marked up version of the document at



Ed Roybal Presente (tags)

An honest appreciation, not uncritical, of the late Ed Roybal and his major contributions to coalition building and grass-roots politics.

"Minuteman Project" founder faces possible slander suit over "attempted mur (tags)

"Gilchrist's allegation that I was involved in a organizing a counterdemonstration where protesters tried to murder an 80 year old woman who came to hear him speak about the 'Minuteman Project' is bald-faced lie. No such incident ever occured on May 25th. No one -- not even the Garden Grove Police -- will back up such garbage."

Shots fired at LeBron James/ Nike's nite out. (tags)

The game has ended as Lebron leaves Perkin's Park ,and shots rang out. People in the park jump when they hear the gun shots. I witness in my front yard the beginning of that gun play. For some reason I walked out side my house around 12:40am.

SOS-Nazi Alliance Exposed (tags)

Save Our State stood proud with swastika flag waving white supremacists at a rally yesterday in Laguna Beach. The group claims not to be racist, but nazi skinheads made up the majority of their contigency at the protest. Please bear that in mind as you read the article below. I will post pictures of the rally within the next few days.

Report from Campo - Anti-MM action (tags)

Report from the border as of 9PM Saturday From a 1st hand source

Local Activists Meet to Discuss Zapatista Red Alert (tags)

When Comandante Marcos sent out a general red-alert last week from the Zapatista community in Chiapas, Mexico, ripples of concern could be felt worldwide.

Whigged Out: The Democrats Have Become a Vestigial Opposition (tags)

They’ll stand tall on small stuff like judicial nominees or a UN ambassador appointment, but when it’s an issue of substance—funding for the war, a pro-lender bankruptcy bill, or the PATRIOT Act, the Democrats are all compromise or cave-in. Where’s the opposition? ----------------

Sherman Austin detained for "terrorist ties" (tags)

Sherman Austin (former webmaster of detained for "terrorist ties"


Farmers and organizors of the 41st street garden held a community event designed to bring people out to see this wonderful intercity project and local musicians came out to play and give support.

Stopping the Minute Men! (tags)

I am hoping someone can let us know in the Bay Area what are the plans to organize against the Minute Men coming to California? Are there websites? Are there planned actions?

Germany: Police Helicopters hunt Sprayers. 1 dead. (tags)

Berlin - no joke: German minister for inner affairs and inner security Otto Schily (SPD) ordered his new created military style police "Polizei des Bundes" to hunt graffiti sprayers with helicopters and ground units in Berlin, the german "streetart-capitol", at night. One innocent man came to death.

The Web: The battle of the bloggers (tags)

A story about the failure of liberal blogs.

Love Parade SF 2004 (tags)

Berlin's Love Parade arrives in San Francisco, USA

Calling a Nazi a Nazi (tags)

Anyone who has studied the history of the Nazis would be hard pressed to differentiate between a Nazi and a Neoconservative.

J23 Milk N Honey Protest (tags)

A small but vocal and lively group of 15 or so protestors picketed and marched out side of the Milk N Honey Restaurant (by the corner of Robertson and Pico) this Sunday. The demonstrators were out in force to protest the unfair labor practices of the owner of Milk N Honey. The demo started at 11:30, at which point the owners and friends Milk N Honey came out to the streets and started to harass the protestors, thouough intimidation and name calling. The owers also illegally parked their large-white Milk N Honey van's infront of the demonstration so the public could not see the protestors outside their establishment. The police were called to the scene about 30 mins after the protestors arrived on the scene. One of the protesters was struck in the face with her own video camera, when a supporter of Milk N Honey came out and struck her. The unidentified man was taken to jail for assault. The demostrators would "boo" when patrons broke the picket line and dined at Milk N Honey, and "cheered" when they were successfully able to help turn away patrons of Milk N Honey. For more information about this protest and to get involve email:

Gang Stalking (tags)

The web expands along another dimension. [This has been placed in the Raise The Fist section due to the fact that the gang stalking organization referenced takes credit for turning Sherman Austin in to the FBI.]

Corporatism (A story for teenagers) (tags)

Students learn about corporatism first hand.

LA Supports War-Injured Children of Iraq - Asra'a Visits Venice (tags)

At nine years old Asra'a Mizyad lost her arm to a U.S. bomb falling on Iraq. This week she brought hope for reconciliation between our people, united in a fight for a just peace.

dimebag darrell shot dead in Columbus Oh (tags)

COLUMBUS, Ohio (CNN) -- A gunman opened fire Wednesday night during a heavy metal concert in Columbus, killing four people -- including at least one member of the band -- and critically wounding at least two others before a police officer shot and killed him, according to Columbus police.

Greatness is in the Eye of the Beholder (tags)

Review of Oliver Stone's film Alexander suggests that it isn't just a glorification of imperialism and war.


The scientific community, tired of being refuted by "corporate scientists", came up with the definitive report that cannot be dispelled.

Two Marine Corps Buddies Inseparable in Life, Death (tags)

Jeremiah A. Baro, and Jared P. Hubbard were best buddies and died together in Iraq.

It's Ugly Out There (tags)

"Of course you terrorist loving piece of garbage are supporting Kerry...pigs like you should be rounded up and deported back to where you came from." -- Why did James Zogby's (Arab-American) endorsement of Sen. Kerry unleash such venom? Because it was posted on a number of right-wing websites in a provocative manner, designed to produce anger.

Open Letter to My Grandfather (tags)

I never really got to know my grandfather, Austin A. O'Malley, as he died when I was only four years old. He came over to the United States from his native country, Ireland around 1889, as a little boy of eleven years. Like many other Irishmen from Louisburg, County Mayo, he settled in Clinton, Massachusetts. I know that he worked there for a baker for awhile untill the Spanish American War broke out. I also know that he was in and out of the Veteran’s Hospital all through his life. I also know that he liked to drink at bars in South Boston, sometimes with his dog beside him.

Hotel Workers Picket Lines in SF (tags)

Cops step up harrasment of picketers at Palace Hotel. Now passing drivers can't honk in support.

'Friends' of blacks (tags)

"Moreover, there was no Barbara Ehrenreich to defend me." Because you were lucky.

occupied territory report back/police harassment (tags)


Women Raped Before Their Husbands (tags)

Statements and findings by non-governmental organisations and human-rights groups detail how one female detainee had been raped 17 times in one day by ‘Iraqi’ police in the presence of US troops. Another NGO reported of how one mother-of-four killed herself after being held by her hair and raped in front of her restrained husband, who was forced to watch.

US general Ricardo Sanchez linked to Abu Ghraib abuse (tags)

Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, head of coalition forces in Iraq, issued an order last October giving military intelligence control over almost every aspect of prison conditions at Abu Ghraib with the explicit aim of manipulating the detainees' "emotions and weaknesses", it was reported yesterday.

U.S. helicopter kills 40 terrorists in Iraq (tags)

"This was a wedding and the (U.S.) planes came and attacked the people at a house. Is this the democracy and freedom that (President) Bush has brought us?" said a man on the videotape, Dahham Harraj. "There was no reason."

LGBT Rights - March & Rally in Silverlake 5/15/04 (tags)

May 15, 2004 Close to 500 people held a march and rally this Saturday in the Silverlake district of Los Angeles. Marching from the intersection of Sunset Blvd and Edgecliffe to a rally on Sunset Junction at Santa Monica Blvd. The event was organized by a coalition of group including the LAMBDA Legal Defense and Education Fund, The California Freedom to Marry Coalition, The L.A. Coalition for Equal Marriage Rights, and ANSWER LA . The event was peaceful and there were no arrests.

Hate comes from fear (tags)

An op-ed piece on hate and fear and the people who publish on this website.

Iraqis break U.S. siege of Falluja to deliver humanitarian aid! (tags)

Iraqi volunteers drive with humanitarian supplies towards areas under military siege by U.S. occupation forces in the town of Falluja, from depots in a Baghdad suburb April 8, 2004. When masses of ordinary Iraqis defy the occupation army to travel to Falluja with the intent of delivering food and medicine to those under U.S. bombs, it should be obvious that what is occurring in Iraq is a true people's uprising. Those who call the insurgents "Saddam remnants" or "dead enders", are deluding themselves. Resistance comes in many forms (photo - Ali Jasim/Reuters). EMERGENCY IRAQ PROTEST. Friday, April 9 - 5 pm. Westwood Federal Building (Wilshire & Veteran)

Protest Murder of Hamas (tags)

Saturday, March 27th, at noon, more than two hundred people came to the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles to show their outrage at the assasination of Hamas leader Ahmed Yassin by the Israeli army.


Linda Tripp, queen of the Washington prostitutes, is directly responsible, along with her co-conspirators, for every military person killed since she extorted the president of the United States with MY VIDEO TAPES. All this was confirmed by the many analyses related to the 911 commission.

Eyewitness Says Aristide Did NOT Flee- He was Forced Out at Gunpoint by US Soldiers (tags)

A French reporter on the scene in Haiti found a terrified old man - a palace caretaker, he believes - cowering in a corner. The old man said US soldiers came in and forced Aristide to leave at gun point.

US troops 'made Aristide leave' (tags)

The body of a man murdered by right wing death squards lies in the street following the chaos that followed the forced departure of elected Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide. The U.S. backed coup makers, joined by police, are at this moment chasing down supporters of President Aristide and killing them. KPFA Radio, along with news media in Australia and France, are reporting that U.S. SOLDIERS KIDNAPPED Aristide at GUNPOINT and took him away in handcuffs.

U.S. soldiers abducted Aristide, says housekeeper (tags)

reports that Aristide resigned may be lies...

Oakland Safeway Rally (tags)

The Safeway rally in Oakland was a study in contrasts - the fighting spirit of workers vs. the timidity of the official union leadership

February 20th - National Day of Solidarity with Muslim, Arab and South Asian Immigrants (tags)

We call on people everywhere to come together on the 3rd National Day of Solidarity to resist the scapegoating and criminalization of Muslim, Arab and South Asian immigrants! Take action and speak out on February 20th, 2004 as part of the National Day of Solidarity with Muslim, Arab, and South Asian Immigrants!

Rank-and-file Movement Wins Election in SEIU Local 36, Incumbents Refuse to Relinquish Pow (tags)

On December 13, members of Local 36 of the 1.6 million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the largest in the AFL-CIO and originator of the national "Justice for Janitors" campaign, elected a new president, secretary-treasurer and 23 Executive Board members. This came in the 18th month of a national SEIU trusteeship over Local 36, which represents over 4,300 janitors, building maintenance workers, technicians and professionals in Philadelphia and its suburbs in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Capitalism is Legalized Robbery (tags)

An analysis of capitalism illustrating that not only are there periodic examples of large, conspicuous thefts by capitalists, but there also exists an everyday, subtle, disguised theft of the value created by the working class.

Ritt Goldstein: A Police State Rising? (tags)

Investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein's chronicle on the rise and ramifications of police power...from both journalistic and deeply personal perspectives.

TIME Exclusive: Notes from Saddam in Custody (tags)

When asked ?How are you?? said the official, Saddam responded, ?I am sad because my people are in bondage.? When offered a glass of water by his interrogators, Saddam replied, ?If I drink water I will have to go to the bathroom and how can I use the bathroom when my people are in bondage??

A Well Deserved Beating (tags)

FTAA in Miami


I am a concerned citizen who just came across a website that I think fall's under 18 U.S.C., Distribution with Intent.

The Implosion Of America (tags)

Nearly half a million jobs have gone missing in the information sector since March of 2001. Another 7,000 disappeared in telecommunications. 8,000 have lost jobs in computer systems design, while 10,000 positions in company management went missing.

Assholes and Angels in Our Midst (tags)

Adventures in Meeting the Enemy

History-makers reflect on Salt of the Earth: ‘Even more relevant now’ (tags)

Anita and Lorenzo Torrez were a young married couple thrown into the midst of the Empire Zinc strike in Hanover, N.M., in 1950.

The Angry Mind of a Counter-Demonstrator (tags)

No bias in the media? The D.C. Chapter of Free Republic notified C-Span of the day's events well in advance, yet were told that coverage would be limited to the anti-American, communist-backed group A.N.S.W.E.R. I guess several hundred Americans rallying for their country were not deemed "newsworthy."

Report on NO CAFTA COALITION Protest in Houston, October 21 (tags)

About one hundred people participated in a very spirited demonstration against CAFTA in Houston on Tuesday, October 21.

A Freedom Rider’s journal: Solidarity saved us (tags)

Kat Rodriguez, coordinating organizer with Derechos Humanos, a human rights organization, joined one of the Los Angeles Freedom Ride buses in Tucson, Ariz. Here she shares excerpts from her on-the-road journal with PWW readers. At press time the bus had reached Memphis, Tenn.


An Indymedia center for the Central Valley in California came one step closer to reality at a meeting held last night in Modesto.

Gen. Wesley Clark Says White House Pushed Saddam Link Without Evidence (tags)

Sunday morning talk shows like ABC's This Week or Fox News Sunday often make news for days afterward. Since prominent government officials dominate the guest lists of the programs, it is not unusual for the Monday editions of major newspapers to report on interviews done by the Sunday chat shows.

The Pitiable State of LA-IMC (tags)

Pathetic, really.

The New Domestic Order: What Has Changed, Why It Changed, and How It Matters (tags)


Century City: The Anti-Bush Party (tags)

Although he would have, no doubt, prefered to slink into town, collect his millions and slink out again, the city showed up in all it's diversity and creativity to speak it's mind.

Iraq: UK suffers 6 KIA, 8 WIA 2 veh 1 helo (tags) one incident, six British personnel have been killed...In a second incident the patrol took one casualty and two vehicles were destroyed. An RAF Chinook helicopter responded and was downed, with seven on board wounded, three seriously...

Famous Kidnapping Case Implicates Top Political Figures in Child Prostitution Network (tags)

I then went to the FBI and they refused. I went to the Department of Criminal Investigation in Iowa and they refused. So at that point I called a press conference and told the public that this was happening and that the police would not help me. Within two days of the press conference, I received my first death threat and the man said to me, “Stop making waves or you are going to die.”

The Isaiah Crowd And How Their Neo-Christianity is Killing Us (tags)

Why Isaiah?  To this writer's taste, Isaiah was a pretty bloodthirsty fellow, certainly not someone I would have wanted my daughter to bring to dinner. In separate verse, he foretold the deaths of the people of Babylon:

Neo-liberalism (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Police State Shutting Down LB REACH Center! (tags)


RW: A War by the U.S. to "Liberate the Iraqi People"?... (tags)


Arabs Sneer At US 'Iraqi Freedom' Label For War (tags)

Commentators in the region say the name Operation Iraqi Freedom, apparently meant to win over public opinion, has backfired to become grist for sarcasm and scorn as word of the wounded and the dead flows from Arab television channels.

Missile after Missile (tags)

Robert Fisk in Baghdad

RW: Gulf War Vets: Resisting And Telling The Truth (tags)


man arrested for threatening peace demonstrators (tags)

At 8 PM on Wednesday night, protestors at Anton & Bristol in Costa Mesa were threatened by a crazed pro-warrior.

Riverside protesters show up in force against war (tags)

Over 50 people protest against the war in Iraq in Riverside, amidst death threats, jeers and a lot of honks in support.


"(Recently. at a children?s activity in Nablus. someone asked a room full of children how many had someone from their family in prison. Over half the children in the room raised their hand.)"

Brea Peace Vigil (tags)


Bush Admininstration Making Steady Progress Against Terror (tags)

There has been steady progress by the Bush Administration in the War Against Terror. This is another major arrest. We didn't see this sort of event under Clinton, and it's doubtful that we would have seen it under an Al Gore Presidency. Let's face it, Bush and his team are getting the job done.

Peace is Powerful (tags)

Hollywood Protest Article...(that I wrote)

Thank you from the OCRC to everyone that came out this past Saturday in Orange County (tags)

New Year's Greetings - Felicidades - from Havana, Cuba (tags)

Notes on life and politics as viewed from Havana, Cuba where 2003 has been declared the Year of the Glorius Anniversaries of Marti and of Moncada"

Long Beach Police Trying to Shut Down LB REACH CENTER! (tags)

LBPD vows to shut down REACH Center.

T.N.B.C. 2002 (tags)

T.N.B.C. 2002

"Liberal" Nation Magazine publishes govt anti-pot ad (tags)

Title: "Is it OK to Support Terrorism if it's only a Little Bit?" Sponsored by: Office of National Drug Control Policy

INS Detention of Arabs (FLASHPOINTS Interview of Attorney) (tags)

12 minute report, MP3 format and streaming realaudio

Iraq under U.S. Occupation? (tags)

From the White House, reports leak out about plans for an Iraq after the Ba’th (the ruling party of Iraq). The main scenarios do not allow for the development of democracy in Iraq. Each of them is built on a racist assumption: that the Iraqis either need a military dictator or else a monarch – any form of democracy is impossible to imagine.

A Bill Moyers Commentary (tags)

Bill Moyers shares his views on the results of the 2002 mid-term elections.

Remembering Wellstone – the soul of the Senate (tags)

The following are speeches and statements made about Sen. Paul Wellstone and his wife Sheila upon their death, Oct. 25, in a tragic plane accident, which also took the life of their daugher Marcia, three campaign workers and the two pilots.

October 6: Tens of thousands pledge: (tags)

Tens of thousands said it together on October 6--in dozens of rallies and gatherings across the U.S., on banners and T-shirts, signs and songs, in chants, speeches and a solemn common pledge of resistance. Everywhere, on banners, flyers, signs and shirts was that photo of our beautiful planet floating in space--as a symbol of unity across borders and dreams of a better world.

Washington, DC: Olive Branch House Evicted (tags)

Four federal marshalls and a few MPD officers came at a little before 9:00 this morning, August 7. They came to the door with shotguns drawn. The marshals presented eviction papers, asked for residents' identification and photographed the residents, including some rudely awakened and still in their pajamas.

LAPD Capt. claims Hollywood is no Inglewood for Transgenders, Gays (tags)

An LA Police Capt. claims in an interview in a Gay/Trans paper that Hollywood cops are cool with queer folk, but some Transgender women recently told your author that the same precint refused to take their complaint of a street robbery, and others complained of vice harassment at their apartment. Read and comment.

Palestinian update, 7/01/02 uninvited guests become neighbors by Sam Bahour. (tags)

Today is July 1st. We enter our eighth day under Israeli military curfew (house arrest). We were rudely awakened at 7:20am by someone pressing and holding the doorbell of our home.

Long Beach PIGS shut down Anarchist Benefit Show @ LB Infoshoppe (tags)

Long Beach Police continue their bullshit ..

"U.S. helicopters gunned down fleeing Afghan women and children" (tags)

(YellowTimes.ORG) – A report that came out of Afghanistan yesterday states that U.S. helicopters chased and killed non-combatant Afghan women and children on December 29, much to the dismay of the United Nations.


CO-FOUNDER OF UNITED FARM WORKERS JOINS KPFK PROTEST Dolores Huerta, who along with Cesar Chavez, founded the United Farm Workers (UFW), came out to protest KPFK's pulling of the "Seditious Beats" radio program.

Facists take power in Argentina (tags)

Right wing Peronists have taken advantage of the riots and come to power in Argentina.

EU-Summit Brussels - Repression takes Promising Start : 50 arrested judicially ! (tags)

Reposting from Indymedia UK

Protest Racist, Nazi Immigrant Bashers in OC THIS SATURDAY DEC 8 (tags)

Protest the Nazis in Anaheim to show support for our local Immigrant community

Orange County Peace Walk (tags)

Each year, people in Orange County have a walk for Peace and against racism in Costa Mesa on the UN Peace Day. This year's peace walk came just days after September 11.

A Brit pleas to go easy on US activists (tags)

I invite you to be a fly on the wall - here is an excerpt from an e-mail sent by a British social justice activist to her fellow activists. In it she asks that they re-evaluate their 'American' bashing.

Country profile: Pakistan (tags)

The Muslim-majority state of Pakistan occupies an area which was home to some of the earliest human settlements and two of the world's major religions, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Building Bridges presents Labor and Public Housing Tenants UNITE (tags)

a 58 minute radio program on the community and labor protest to fight federal forced work requirements in public housing

Vanadana Shiva and Teach in Panel (tags)

Vandana came from India to speak to these concerned activists, while the person in the middle of the photo came from the Phillipines to voice her concern over the Ethical and moral issues surrounding the Biology Conference.

First they came for: (tags)

Read otro sources


¡NO MAS! NO MORE! STOP THE DIRTY WAR! In Colombia, paramilitary butchers, operating in collusion with the US/Canada government-and corporate-backed Colombian Army and National Police, selectively murder and massacre unarmed civilians with impunity. See URL's below for more info.

Gothenberg Audio/Found Art (tags)

I was hooked up to a RealVideo stream from Sweden's IMC. Right as police on horseback charged a crowd of protesters, my connection slipped, digitally, just a little, and the audio came through in the fantastic, surreal way captured here. I used no effects at all on this recording -- this is the way it came.

Confronting the KKK (tags)

Confronting the KKK: The Klu Klux Klan came to Skokie, Illinois. They were confronted by over 300 anti-racist protestors: gay, straight, women, men, african american, latino, asian and white. But why did the cops protect the Klan and not us...

Critical Mass Arrests at Flower & 18th (tags)

One section of the Critical Mass rally was arrested at Flower & 18th tonight.

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