fix articles 51688, cents
Targeting Aristide in Exile (tags)
the way all independents are treated
“Patriotic” Toy at 99 Cents Store Connects 9/11 with Iraq (tags)
The toy features a miniature U.S. soldier in desert camouflage attire, accompanied by the words “Never Forget” and an American flag right next to an Iraqi flag .
“Patriotic” Toy at 99 Cents Store Connects 9/11 with Iraq (tags)
The toy features a miniature U.S. soldier in desert camouflage attire, accompanied by the words “Never Forget” and an American flag right next to an Iraqi flag .
Arizona to implement full tobacco tax hike despite ballot error (tags)
The state plans to implement a voter-approved tobacco tax increase at the 80 cents per pack of cigarettes, even though erroneous ballot wording indicated the increase would only be less than a penny a pack.
Why Are Gas Prices So High? (tags)
A Primer on Oil: Past, Present, Future of Oil and Gas in the United States
East Los Angeles, California, March 23rd, a demonstration at a 99 Cents Only Store, in Montebello, was the kickoff of a campaign in support of the 99 Cents Only workers for affordable health care and decent wages.
"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned, they did not help the poor and needy" Ezekiel 16:49
CBS Market Watch: Gains by Safeway, Kroger hold retail index in check (tags)
Please read the following report. If you know people in other states that are union or support the union, tell them to expand their boycott to Kroger!
Halliburton caught overcharging US in Iraq (tags)
WASHINGTON - Two Democratic lawmakers say Vice President Dick Cheney's former company, Halliburton, is gouging U.S. taxpayers while importing gasoline into Iraq. The Houston-based company contends it is paying the best price possible.
Halliburton overcharges taxpayers to import gas into Iraq (tags)
Halliburton's KBR subsidiary is billing the Army between $1.62 and $1.70 per gallon, while Iraqis are charged between 4 cents and 15 cents at the pump.
Pentagon's Betting Parlor of Assassinations and Coups (tags)
Money Drives the Tobacco Wars (tags)
From the book "The Rule of Law in the Wake of Clinton"
An Invention to Save Your Ass! for 40 cents. (tags)
address: on a bike in the whitehouse basement 'peddling ass' says President B Clinton& GWB to former some. Link for GHB and ketamine test as coaster for 40 cents at 7-11 stores.
End Disney's Sweatshop Exploitation (tags)
This letter to the CEO of Disney demands an increase of wages in the factories that sew Winnie the Pooh garments.
You'll be charged 5 cents per emails sent (tags)
The Gap/Don Fisher Protest (tags)
The Gap/Don Fisher Protest