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we shall overcome

Message to the Grass Roots (tags)

Text of the speech from November 10, 1963, at the Northern Negro Grass Roots Leadership Conference, which was held at King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan.

Fall 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)

In This Issue: 1) National Religious Leaders Send One-Sentence Letter to Obama: Don’t Trade Kids' Lives in Immigration Action! 2) The U.S. Is Deporting Cambodian Refugees and Orphaning Their Children 3) New Report Details Prejudice and Pretext in Georgia's Hyper Immigration Enforcement 4) Unaccompanied Minors: Their Arduous Journey and Their Unknown Fate 5) As Migrant Children Face Backlash, Communities Mobilize to Drown Out Hate 6) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter!

Pacifica board members named here, who attempted ousting ED (tags)

Pacifica conflict over who is Executive Director continues in it's non-wisdom and contenders vying for power and position. Here are excerpts of some updated info and names the PNB members who voted 12- to - 10 to 'fire' the one most recently hired. Some of these KPFK - LSB members who only very recently were elevated to PNB are included in the ousting, outing of Summer Reese. 3 of our 4 voted by phone to expel her. We need to hold all our LSB and PNB [acting as non-] representatives accountable for their actions, and not for their own personal opinions - - unless those interfere and overtake their responsibility to all us KPFK subscribers/ sponsors/ payers/ members.

Will Johnson: Occupy Activist Says Movement's Alive & Well (tags)

According to Occupy San Diego activist Will Johnson, the movement is alive and well. It may no longer be running law-defying occupations in prominent public places, but it's still working out ways to challenge the vast and increasing inequality in the distribution of wealth and income in the U.S.

Inland Empire Solidarity with Libya and Wisconsin (tags)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

POMONA, California - With shouts of "Down with dictatorship!" and "The union's under attack! What do we do? Stand up, fight back!" a group composed primarily of local youth sent a strong statement of solidarity with the people of the Middle East and North Africa, as well as with union workers in Wisconsin and elsewhere at the corner of Mission and Garey.

California Coastal Commission Denies Overnight Permit Parking (OPDs) in Venice (tags)

Venice said NO to OPDs in the Venice Coastal Zone at the June 11 Coastal Commission Meeting and the Coastal Commissioners listened!

Anti-Proposition 8 Protests in San Diego (tags)

The statewide wave of protests against the passage of anti-Queer, anti-marriage, anti-family Proposition 8 hit San Diego November 7 and 8 with a nighttime rally in Balboa Park November 7 and a march from Hillcrest to North Park, through San Diego's most Queer neighborhoods, the next day.

IneQuality of Life and the Butt End of the City Budget (tags)

Mayor increases police state with the 2008-2009 Los Angeles City Budget and reduces human state.

One Day @ The Scratch DJ Academy (tags)

Breakdown FM_ Celebrating Malcolm X-Our Shining Black Prince (tags)

I'm still a Muslim. That is, my religion is still Islam. My religion is still Islam. I still credit Mr. Mohammed for what I know and what I am. He's the one who opened my eyes. ...

Pete Seeger for Nobel Peace Prize (tags)

Pete Seeger has worked for Peace and Social Justice over the course of his 87 year lifetime. We can be influential in getting him nominated for the honor he deserves.

Hundred of Thousands March-Rallied in 70 cities and 33 States for Full Immigrant Rights (tags)

Today, April 10, over 125,000 people took to the streets in Los Angeles for yet another outpouring of support for the cause of immigrant rights. The Los Angeles demonstration was part of a nationwide wave of protests just in the last two days that has continued to rock at least 61 cities across the nation. Yesterday Sunday, a record 500,000 rallied to clamor for justice for immigrants in Dallas, Texas. Today, 300,000 also mobilized in Phoenix, Arizona; 200,000 demonstrated in the nation’s capital, Washington, DC; 100,000 marched and rallied in New York City; another 100,000 protested in Houston, Texas; and 25,000 in Seattle, Washington.

IFCO/Pastors For Peace, Venceremos Brigade Update (tags)

As we begin to plan for this years caravans and brigades it's important to know where we currently stand in regards to "i know what you did last summer" and how we will continue to oppose the bad neighbor policies of this administration. Please join us for the 17th friendshipment coming to Los Angeles in June, Saludos!

The Opposite of Good is Apathy (tags)

Hold your vigils and marches in relevant places: such as warmongering local Congressional offices. So many Senators and Congresspeople come to mind. Or in front of a recruiting station. Or Federal Buildings. Or military bases. Then instead of going home and cracking open a beer, or uncorking a bottle of wine, sit down and say "we aren’t leaving until you call for an immediate end to the occupation of Iraq." Put your butt on the line for humanity.

A Light in the Darkness: An Antiwar Vigil (tags)

A report from the Vigil for 2000 at Wilshire Blvd and Veteran Ave


This Santa Monica candlelight vigil was one of many held around the United States tonight to honor men and women, soldiers and civilians, who have lost their lives in the war in Iraq.

Add Hypocrite To His Legacy (tags)

"All the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negroes into our homes, our schools, our churches" -- Strom Thurmond, 1948

Protests across the nation: ‘Bring the troops home’ (tags)

WASHINGTON – In the first major antiwar protest since Bush declared an end to combat operations in Iraq on May 1, tens of thousands marched near the White House Oct. 25 carrying placards reading, “Bush lied, thousands died” and chanting, “End the occupation now – Bring the troops home!”

A Freedom Rider’s journal: Solidarity saved us (tags)

Kat Rodriguez, coordinating organizer with Derechos Humanos, a human rights organization, joined one of the Los Angeles Freedom Ride buses in Tucson, Ariz. Here she shares excerpts from her on-the-road journal with PWW readers. At press time the bus had reached Memphis, Tenn.

Venceremos Brigade Cuba Travel Challenge (tags)

In a few days the Venceremos Brigade will travel to Cuba. The Venceremos Brigade is an educational work project that has traveled to Cuba every year since 1969 to work side by side with Cuban workers. We are united in opposing the travel ban and the U.S. economic blockade of Cuba.

Civil disobedience at Raytheon shows American & Iraqi casualties of war (tags)

Civil disobedience targets weapons manufacturer in El Segundo.

The Momentum Continues (tags)

Texans welcoming pResident Bush back to his self-adopted home, cuz you know , he's really not a Texan.

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