fix articles 5139, cars Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : cars


Vienna: The Most Livable City of the World (tags)

As early as the zero hour, about ten years ago, we developed the vision of the Smart City with the involvement of civil society. Citizens have said quite clearly: cars out, public transport and pedestrians in.

Generation Y Doesn't Fulfill Expectations (tags)

The revolution from Silicon Valley has shaken traditional American branches to the core.The Smartphone is more desirable than the car since the drive-in movie theater was replaced by Netflix. "The Facebook post may more important for self-esteem than the Italian vacation."

Violence Against Poor In Venice (tags)

This request for help indicates that violence against people living in RVs is increasing.

Petropawns In Certain States Ban Sale Of Tesla Cars (tags)

The future is here, despite the attempts of the oil industry and its legisllative and judicial pawns to prevent the arrival

The Electrical Divide: car charger deserts (tags)

There's inequality in access to electric vehicles, not based on price, but on access to electrical infrastructure.

More photos of Chandler Police undercover cars (tags)

More photos of Chandler Police undercover cars

Chandler Undercover Police Cars (tags)

Here are some undercover police cars used by the Chandler, Arizona Police Department. One car was photographed on Arizona Avenue & Pecos, the other car was photographed on Arizona Avenue & Chandler Blvd. The license plates are both Arizona plates - BEN8578 and ARP3213.

Kiev Breaks Easter Truce (tags)


Mill Avenue Jack in the Box tows cars (tags)

For years the Jack in the Box on Mill Avenue in Tempe between 7th Street and University has been towing cars and ransoming them back to their owners

Rail Disaster in Canada (tags)

The aftermath of the worst rail disaster in Canada for decades leaves at least 47 dead with many of the victims still unaccounted for.

Going Viral: Moors' Law for Oil says $7 a gallon gasoline in '17 (tags)

Moore's Law for transistor count is ending, but now there's Moors' Law for oil and it says gasoline -- US national average -- will be $7 in 2017 as oil reaches $120 a barrel. The law is named for Kent Moors, a professor Duquesne U. Specifically, the price of oil and the number of cars in China, which drives it, double every 5 years. These murderous prices change everything in society.

Electric cars suck? (tags)

They have a limit range of maybe 65 miles and they are very expensive compared to normal cars with the Volt costing $40,000. I suspect that many tree huggers who thought they were buying a car that used clean electricity to power it will be disappointed when they discover that dirty coal fueled power plants produce the energy they use to charge their allegedly clean electric car.

Cops can't park worth shit! (tags)

You probably see cops illegally parked all the time. Why is it that cops always seem to illegally park their cars a 1000 times worse then us civilians do?

Renewable Energy is a Reality and not a Vision (tags)

Germany gains more energy from solar technology than Japan gains from all its nuclear reactions. Development in this area occurred much faster in the last years than many expected. Ten years ago no one would have believed we would gain 17% of our supply from renewables.

Korean Guitar Workers to Protest at Music Instruments Trade Show in Anaheim (tags)

Guitar workers who used to work for Cort Guitars are demanding justice. They are protesting at the NAMM trade show in Anaheim, Jan. 13 to 16.

Press Conference: LAPD Christmas Checkpoints/Neighborhood Council Resolution (tags)

PRESS CONFERENCE: Neighborhood Council and Southern California Immigration Coalition to denounce the Los Angeles Police Department and Mayor Villaraigosa for stealing cars from Immigrants; especially during Christmas

Colton Immigrant Community Meets PD Chief, Demands Justice (tags)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

COLTON, California - In a large public gathering the in cafeteria of Alice Birney Elementary School, well over one hundred community members from Colton, a city with a large low-income immigrant community met with their police chief to expose him to the injustices his officers have been committing and to petition for redress of their grievances.

GM's LBO, government-style (tags)

Lost Opportunities - Part One in a Series

Cinco de Mayo Street Celebrations Shut Down by San José Police (tags)

During Cinco de Mayo celebrations, residents of San José faced daytime checkpoints, citations, and arrests on a scale not matched by any other festival of the year. By 10 pm the focus appeared to be diverting cars and mostly-Latino youths from the downtown area, effectively evacuating the city center and shutting down street celebrations on two nights.

Will Our 'Green Jobs' Dollars Help a Ritzy Car Company Open a Toxic Manufacturing Plant? (tags)

Tesla Motors Inc. is planning to build a "green" electric auto at a toxic dump site at Downey, CA. It has received $465 million from the DOE to build this non-union auto assembly plant where injured IATSE 44 movie workers and SEIU UHW Kaiser workers have been sickened.

Pomona anti-checkpoint action (tags)

Students and community members take direct action to negate the racist anti-immigrant police checkpoints in Pomona.

Protest LAPD Stealing Cars from Raza during Xmas Season!! (tags)

F O R I MM E D I A T E R E L E A S E Community organizations to denounce Los Angeles Police Department and the Sherriff's Department for stealing cars from Immigrants; especially during Christmas

Pomona police department uses explosive devices in raid on mobile home park (tags)

On the evening of Thursday, June 11, four cars containing two officers each cars from the Pomona Police Department entered the Woodland Mobile Home Park, a 33-space residential park at 1096 Mission Boulevard.

Memorial Day Weekend at the Indy500 in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. (tags)

I absolutely, completely, totally, wholeheartedly agree that we should honor and care for our veterans, instead of waging what Aaron Glantz, in his book "The War Comes Home," calls "America's war against veterans." But, I would much rather see them honored with medical and psychiatric care, education, job training, and whatever else they may need to survive than with more military recruitment fests, including this Indy500 spectacle celebrating cars, greenhouse gas, advertising, and militarism.

GM's Turn on Obama's Chopping Block (tags)

The alarm bells should be ringing day and night about what’s being prepared at General Motors — the ripple effects could produce tidal waves. The Obama administration has made no secret about its plans for GM: the Chrysler bankruptcy was the “test case,” and now Obama’s Wall Street buddies inside the Auto Task Force plan to replicate it. The vast implications of the Chrysler bankruptcy went unnoticed by the mainstream media, concerned as it was with the convenient hype provided by Swine Flu.

Greece: Prisoners support and more actions on New Year's eve (tags)

New year's eve, most of the people choose to stay in their houses or go to bars, all celebrating the coming of the new year. However there are people who at these times choose to stand close to those who are alone, locked away and forgotten and there are people who believe that the social struggle never ends.

The crisis hits the auto industry (tags)

A didactic drama about jobs

VP Candidate Alexander wants $300 Billion for Automakers (tags)

The Big Three U.S. automakers recently announced plans to seek $25 billion in federal loans that will help bailout the struggling automobile industry as declining sales continues to rack up record losses on a battered industry. Vice Presidential Candidate for Socialist Party USA, Stewart A. Alexander, says “much more is needed or nothing.” Stewart Alexander is convinced that $25 billion will only provide a temporary fix.

The Road to Carfreedom and Top Ten Myths (tags)

These articles from Carbusters 2006 are available at

Socialists: Re-Thinking Electric Cars and Automobile Industry (tags)

Today, it has become necessary to re-think the future of three industries to reduce U.S. dependency on oil; the automobile industry, the petroleum industry and the ethanol industry. The future direction of these three industries will definitely determine the quality of life for working class people for the next 300 years. The world will face certain economic and environmental disasters, including severe food shortages worldwide, if world governments fail to exercise proper controls over the automobile, petroleum and ethanol industries.

Climate Change George Bali Bush Knifes the Earth in the Heart (tags)

All that glitters is not gold.

Plug In America Wants You! (tags)

Help us show strength in numbers at the LA Auto Show on Nov. 15. Bring your signs. If you can't make the 15th at high noon, we'll rally on the 14th in front of the Convention Center.

12:45 am – Downtown March now Estimated at 75,000 and Growing (tags)

Caller at 7th & Broadway estimates 75,000 marchers with more still arriving

Maywood Community Exposes Police and City Corruption (tags)

Maywood, CA -- A prime example of how the police, government officials, and local capitalists are working together in this police state to exploit and oppress our people.

Doomsday for the Dollar (tags)

Doomsday for the Dollar

Supreme Court Decides Against Bush Administration (tags)

Even if a refduction of greenhouse gases cannot reverse the climate warming, a national reduction would still delay this, irrespective of what happens in other countries.

USS Nimitz, other warships leave San Diego for the Persian Gulf (tags)

USS Nimitz, other warships leave San Diego for the Persian Gulf

Maywood Community and Putting the Maywood PD on Blast (tags)

In a Maywood City Council Meeting on Tuesday February 27, 2007 a youth whom the police had brutalized and who had missing teeth due to police brutality. His only crime was being witness to his neighbor being beat by cops, and was himself beat after he asked the cops for their badge numbers. He spoke out: "I'm not scared of gang members, I'm scared of the cops, they are the biggest gang."

Reuters Pictures of the Year 2006 - Political World (tags)

Victor Ruiz Caballero, Benoit Tessier, Jiro Ose

The Amerikan Empire making Iraq a better place to live. (tags)

Look at how things have improved after the American Empire over threw Saddam and installed our own "democratic" puppet government. Isn't freedom and democracy American style great????

Saturday, 2:20 pm - Anti-immigrants being escorted back to their cars by police (tags)

Anti-immigrants are being escorted back to their cars by police now.


two wheels = the only solution

Riot France 2005 (tags)

about the riot in the french banlieue

Leuren Moret Describes Vicious Attacks on Whistleblowers (tags)

June 15, 2006 by Leuren Moret To the Berkeley City Council and City Manager:

Police State and Rebellion after March (tags)

Report back from Police State and Rebellion in Mc Arthur Park after Rally.

Alexander Wants Electric Cars - Hydrogen SUV's (tags)

As technologies catch up to consumer needs, and gasoline prices soar daily to record highs, Alexander says it is important that we make an intelligent transition, manufacturing electric vehicles for daily commuting and hydrogen engines to power larger vehicles such as pickup trucks and SUV’s.

Burbank: Standoff in the Street (tags)

On Saturday morning, during an immigration confrontation at Burbank Home Depot, Save Our State and other minutemen spouted their frustration and unsuccessfully tried to provoke violence after a month of pro-migrant victories.

Veggie Oil Car Demo (tags)

Sustainable UCR a coalition of students, faculty and staff at UC Riverside will present a demonstration of cars converted to run on vegetable oil. April 27 1-3 PM UC Riverside Bell Tower Commons.

LA Greens Earth Day Speakers -Run Your Car on Biofuels, A19 (tags)

On Wednesday, April 19th, Los Angeles is invited to come learn how to run cars on alternative fuels and peek at cars with “Wessonality”… vegetable-oil-powered automobiles. Hosted by the Los Angeles Greens.

Antis circulate Hoax Email (tags)

Antis have always resorted to Lies, here's another one.

Oil Addiction? - The Quickest Reduction (tags)

What has been termed "kindergarten traffic management" [this group move 2 blocks forward and children. this group move 2 blocks forward and stop] could provide, if abandoned, a 10 to 20% reduction in oil usage in a matter of months.......the largest and quickest reduction possible.

New York Times sees the US in a Cul-de-Sac (tags)

The leading paper of world capital discovers that the West depends on imported energy.. Gas-saving cars and bio-diesel are ways out.. Sunday's editorial could be a sign of a shift in opinion in the ruling class of the US.

Flexcar: Public Car Sharing in Los Angeles (tags)

Flexcar is a car sharing program that started in Seattle, Wa., but it is quickly spreading across America. You can now share hybrid cars with strangers in Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego and more!

Bovine excrement meter melts (tags)

Cars stolen in US used in suicide attacks The FBI's counterterrorism unit has launched a broad investigation of US-based theft rings after discovering some vehicles used in deadly car bombings in Iraq, including attacks that killed US troops and Iraqi civilians, were probably stolen in the United States, according to senior US Government officials.

Is Change to Win enough? (tags)

Changes are afoot in the mainstream labor movement. Are they enough?

Reclaiming City Streets for People: Chaos or Quality of Life? (tags)

This book is available for free online in PDF format.

The Peace Wheels Project (tags)

Ultralight ground vehicles can contribute to a more peaceful planet. So can you, if interested.

Second ciclonudista (world naked bike demonstration) (tags)

Saturday june 11th , 2005 ¡Naked before the traffic! ¡Justice on the streets!

Is this Happening? (tags)

For about one year I have noticed and experienced the strangest things. around me..

LAPD now scanning license plates (tags)

LAPD have new 'Big Brother' tech

Vigils' Counter-Inaugural Caravan Thursday, J20 (tags)

Members of the Glendale Peace Vigil, San Gabriel Valley (Alhambra) Neighbors for Peace & Justice, West Covina Neighbors for Peace & Justice, and South Pasadena Neighbors for Peace & Justice invite you to GET ON BOARD the COUNTER-INAUGURAL CARAVAN! THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 2005

Japanese Whaling (tags)

An effective way to protest Japanese whaling.

Energy Disinformation (tags)

Lib weekend harassment already started. (tags)

Radical conference in LA is greeted with a weekend of harassment against innocent activists.



msn - vs - yahoo (tags)

the difference between msn and yahoo!

Protest LA Auto Show (tags)

Our over reliance on cars endangers us all. Pollution from our primitive, gas-guzzling vehicles poisons our air and damages our health. The economy shudders with every increase in fuel costs.

Why Aren't Buses Free? (tags)

Why aren't buses free? They benefit auto drivers most, they should pay for them.

Inspiring ELF Actions (tags)

I want every ELF activist to know what a kick regular old working people like myself get out of picking up a corporate paper and seeing news of expressive actions against the profits and peace-of-mind of death-inducing corporate/consumer capitalists who are tyring to trap us in sprawl and its excessories.

Activists Discover GPS Trackers Hidden in Their Cars (tags)

When Nicosia brought his device to GPS Solutions, a Boulder-based software developer of high-accuracy GPS technology, chief engineer Jim Johnson confirmed their suspicion. "This is definitely a GPS board," says Johnson, referring to one of the components of the device.

Please Reconsider Your Mode Of Transportation (tags)

Get on a bike...and soon!

Tell Ford to improve gas mileage! (tags)

Cars and light trucks guzzle 40% of U.S. oil and emit 20% of the nation's carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution. Each gallon of gasoline burned pumps 28 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere-19 from the tailpipe and nine pounds from upstream refining, transporting and refueling.

to the freeways (tags)

When the time is right, we'll shut down the 405 freeway.

Target SUVs in Traffic Blockades (tags)

If we block traffic, we should focus on the SUVs that demand more oil!

east la protest (tags)

protest to stop war in east la today

Santa Monica Protest Results In Closure of Chevron and Shell Stations Two (tags)

Community Demonstration Highlights Iraq War/Oil Connection

peace rally at federal building oct. 6, 2002 (tags)

thousands gather in front of the federal building in westwood to protest war in iraq.

Bush Daddy Detachment (tags)

It's the SA.

The Momentum Continues (tags)

Texans welcoming pResident Bush back to his self-adopted home, cuz you know , he's really not a Texan.

The Whole World is Watching (tags)

After reading so many faux accounts of the A22 protest in Portland, I decided to publish my own experience.

California’s Global Warming Law Will Only Bring State Motorists What They Already Ha (tags)

Despite auto industry denouncements, California's new global warming law will usher in a new age of environmentally-sensitive cars that auto companies already are making or preparing to build.

Long Beach PIGS shut down Anarchist Benefit Show @ LB Infoshoppe (tags)

Long Beach Police continue their bullshit ..

Protest pResident BUSH -- Saturday, 9am Ontario CA (tags)

At 9 am tomorrow there will be an EMERGENCY ANTI-WAR PROTEST outside the Ontario Convention Center where President Bush will be speaking.

Long Beach Police State Raids Peaceful Anti-War Demo. (tags)

Peaceful Anti-War Demo in Long Beach Raided by Police State.

Captain Ozone - Hydrogen Fuel (tags)

A great alternative to foreign energy

O22 -- Breaking News Account of Entire Event (tags)

This is a compilation of all the O22 breaking news accounts from the field that were filed today.


Allegations of police scanning cars parked in the UCLA parking lot have surfaced Monday on the web.

PEACE PLEASE - L.A. anti-war Demo. (tags)

Protestors carrying signs reading, "PEACE PLEASE" and "NO MORE VICTIMS."

Echo Park Spontaneous Flag Party (tags)

A little street style flag-wavin up in echo park or Now if they only had peace signs.

Italy IMC: Report from Black Block action Friday 20/7 (tags)

During the past two days, the expression "Black Block" has been linked to mindless destruction, splits in the movement, and even "agents provocateurs". This is a report of a Black Block demo early on Friday, July 20th, which was part of the numerous attempts to breach the red zone.

Dogs in waiting (tags)

Several patrol cars with dogs were ready to attact demonstrators. Their barking in the overheated cars could be heard throughout the demonstration.

Quebec: 85 confirmed arrests, 50 unconfirmed (tags)

Article: Quebec: 85 confirmed arrests, 50 unconfirmed

* critical mass ride ends with arrests (tags)

critical mass bicycle ride ends with police forcing riders to ride against traffic and against the metro train.

LAPD Threatens Removal of Border Crosses (tags)

Saturday August 12: activists installed over 450 “border crosses” at the United Methodist Church, just up the street from the Staples center. The installation is “ a memorial to the migrants who have died crossing the border”. Dozens of police cars were at the church Saturday morning as the installation got underway. Officers converged on the church parking lot, questioned participants, and threatened to confiscate the crosses. At one point police threatened to enter church property to seize the crosses.

thank you! (tags)

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