fix articles 51041, love line
Banking leads to Murder and Maiming of Judges and FDIC Officials & reporter (tags)
I am Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone, founder of Mobile Audit Club. I realized this past week in May of 2012 that bribes are being used to murder and maim judges and banking regulatory officials. I went to a clinic in Santa Cruz California called the Planned Parenthood health clinic to get healthcare. I have been maimed when getting healthcare since 2001. A bribe was allegedly alluded to so that the doctor would say I was insane and to use my hand writing as proof
San Bruno Gas Pipe Explosion Revenge for Wachovia Bank and Casa Di Cambio Money Laundering (tags)
The explosion in San Bruno in 2010 was in retaliation for the closing of Wachovia Bank and the seizing of millions of dollars of drug monies from Colombia and Mexico that passed through the currency exchange house at the Mexican-US border, the Casa Di Cambio. Wells Fargo Swallowed Wachovia.
Federal Officials Silencing Organized Movemet In Alabama, Endentured Servitude and Slavery (tags)
The USA federal government is on its war path. Let us snatch the hood from the technological monster and expose it, and let the people slit its throat or throats. I have a video demanding an end to endentured Servitude
Government Informant Tells Of Methodology Of Hidden WAr (tags)
Below is a post on Mobile Audit Club from today. I have been tortured, injected and silence by our enemies in power. I am an auditor, I am an Independent Media reporter.
MOBILE AUDIT CLUB sends out red alert on Citibank, Kenneth Lay of Enron Maybe Mind Control (tags)
coming together. I just want space colonies with people of humane conscience, like it used to be and will be. Are we capable? Take a look at what is happening in today's post listed below on Mobile Audit Club. The time to beware is now. I believe that mind control is just as bad as physics manipulation to gain finances from wealthy individuals. A special warning concerning the inheritances placed by billionaires. I don't like the filthy rich that much either, but even they deserve to be left in peace if they live in peace. The horror of life is in the tampering with the flesh, not the money, but they seem to go together.
Beware, New Stun Weapons In Government Buildings, Heavy Steel Buildings Used To Control US (tags)
Beware of some new weaponry being used in government buildings and around them. Take a look at these ideal weapons, first is a laser stun gun without wires