fix articles 50617, developing countries
Brazil Chairs G20 and Vows to Address Poverty, Hunger and Climate Change as Finance Minist (tags)
The Brazilian Presidency of the G20 hosts finance ministers for their first G20 meeting this year.
IMF Says Historic Low Growth and Sluggish Economy Will Continue (tags)
The IMF forecast 3.1% global growth in 2024, a fifth of a point increase on its October projection.
COP28 Climate Summit Negotiations Focus on Commitments for Developing Countries to Adapt a (tags)
Most Developing Countries Spend More on Debt Service than on Addressing Country Climate Crisis Challenges
Biden and 90 Other Heads of State Descend on COP27 United Nations Climate Summit (tags)
Resources for Climate Action and Poor are Major Themes for Egypt Meetings
Fighting the Causes of Flight (tags)
The refugee debate is back but only the symptoms are in the spotlight. Refugees are fought instead of the causes of flight. The political failure is as dreadful as the forgetfulness of the media and politics. More than 70 million persons are fleeing from war, persecution and conflicts.
5 Questions on Tax Justice (tags)
Tax justice must be created and tax avoidance stopped to fight inequality and poverty. Apple paid 0.0005% tax on its profits in Ireland - merely 50 euros on a million euros profits. Corporations dodge their just contribution as part of society through tax avoidance.
UN Summit Reaches Debt, Tax and Trade Agreements (tags)
Member countries of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) renewed a mandate for the UN agency on economic issues. The agreement will guide UNCTAD's work for the next four years.
Democracy for Sale: Stop Fast Track and TTIP! (tags)
The investment protection clause of the TTIP grants investors special protection regarding their so-called :"legitimate expectation." Businesses can sue when they feel restricted in their business activity by new laws in the public interest. Financial services are an important sector for US investors.
IMF Paper: Corporate Tax Avoidance Hurts Global Economy and Poor Countries (tags)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a staff paper noting that corporate tax avoidance negatively impacts all economies, but hurts developing countries the most. The IMF's release comes as the G20, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and United Nations bodies seek vehicles to diminish corporate tax avoidance.
The WTO pushes through bad deal; Developed countries and TNCs are the big winners (tags)
The 9th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) pushed through a Bali Package in the final hours, extending the Conference to December 7, but at the cost of the developing countries, the poor and the hungry.
Philippines: They Destroy, We Suffer (tags)
Capitalism is destroying the planet. Now we suffer. The devastating horror unleashed by monster-typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) upon the eastern and central Philippines regions is unspeakable. As of writing, estimates of the number of casualties and actual damages are tentative because many areas remain isolated and communications, power, road and port systems are down.
The BRIC - States: World Economy on a Silk Thread (tags)
In 2013 for the first time since the beginning of European industrialization, the production volumes of the threshold- and developing countries will surpass the volumes of the triad. Sinking real investments is true for all `developed' countries.
Isle of Man Enacts Legislation to Outlaw Vulture Funds (tags)
This week, the Isle of Man passed legislation that would prevent vulture funds from exploiting the debts of some of the world’s poorest countries.
The IMF Dictates More Than Ever (tags)
"Many developing countries that were independent in food production at the start of the 1980s import food necessary for their populations today. The subsidized agriculture of western countries has flooded the cou9ntries of the South. Haiti imports the rice that it once cultivated.."
ALBA Declaration on Copenhagen Climate Summit (tags)
"It’s clear that we can’t consider the issue of climate change without considering changing the system. The model of capitalist production and consumption is bringing life on the planet to the point of no return and to a crucial moment in human history, and the debate in these situations can’t be reduced to the economic interests of a small group."
The Misery of the WTO: For a Reinvention of World Trade (tags)
The crisis of the WTO has two causes: a lack of trust and an ideological prejudice. A lack of trust exists because the countries of the North judge trade with two standards: free trade for the South and protectionism for their own economies.
Financial Crisis and the Poor (tags)
The financial market crisis has long spilled over on the real economy. Therefore politics is called to do everything so the economy starts up again and unemployment is prevented. Without strong pressure, frauds will continue unchanged in the global financial casino after losses are socialized
"A Crime against Humanity" (tags)
When you fill the tank of an ethanol car with 50 liters, you burn over 700 pounds of corn. A Zambian child could live a whole year from that. More regulation instead of more market access is vital for developing countries. A rebellion of conscience is needed.
Global Capital Flows to the Rich (tags)
The global imbalance seems more dangerous for all other countries than for the US. A fundamental reform of the international monetary system is overdue. The US dollar is no longer the stable anchor of the world monetary system.
The World Bank's Customers Are Disappearing (tags)
Many developing countries that gained needed credits only on World Bank conditions are poorer today than before. The Good News is that the cartel of creditors is dissolving. Former debtors threaten to become independent.
WTO Negotiations Collapse (tags)
Liberalization in the style of the WTO damagers the developing world..Trade can be a means for development. However the mechanism of the WTO subordinates development to free trade in the interest of corporations.
The South is Bled White (tags)
Since the Asian crisis and the 1980s, we have had massive net capital flows from the South to the North. The South is systematically bled white under the present conditions of the world economy.
Stop the WTO Negotiations! Save Jobs! (tags)
After ten years under the WTO, unemployment has increased everywhere in the world..Many transnational businesses try to distance themselves from responsibility for working conditions by outsourcing work.. Joy to the world, not only to the superrich!
Disappointed Hopes in Africa (tags)
"The $40 billion promised before the summit was only a small part of Africa's total $300 billion in debts and the more than $2.4 trillion of all developing countries. The IMF, World Bank and G8 still use the debts as an instru-ment for dictating development.."
CAFTA, written by and for investors, extends NAFTA to Central America. The lessons from 10 years of NAFTA-job losses, food insecurity are repressed. CAFTA may be voted on soon. Call your reps toll free 1-866-340-9281
"A Subtle Form of Hypocrisy" (tags)
Between 1980 and 2003, $1.8 trillion in interests alone flowed from the South to the North. The heavy debts of developing countries more than tripled in this time period.
Developing countries summit in Venezuela: "To recover the South-South identity" (tags)
The developing countries encounter will take place next February 26th to 28th in Caracas, Venezuela. It will count with the presence of the presidents of Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Chile, among others.
Lula in India: “we can change the world commercial geography”
The imperial counter offensive: contradictions, challenges and opportunities. (tags)
A victory or prolonged war by the guerrillas in Colombia will provide breathing room for the rest of the left. Thus it is essential that maximum support and solidarity be extended to the Colombian struggle. Internationalism is not only the solidarity network against the new imperial military offensive, in general, but in support of the Colombian peasants and workers organized in their "Peoples Army."
Genetic engineered crops future side effects (tags)
Genetically engineered foods side effects can appear decades after their initial introduction in the mid 90's. Just like nuclear waste, petrochemical pollution (DDT bioaccumulation, smog, global warming) and other technofix nightmares, genetically engineered crops can still be prevented from causing further damage..
TRIPS: will the majority prevail? (tags)
NGO Statement on Ministerial Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health. From Act-Up Paris, Consumer Project on Technology, Consumers International, Health GAP Coalition, Médecins sans Fronteires, Oxfam, Tebtebba Foundation, Third World Network
Golden Rice Is Not A Substitute For Vitamin A (tags)
Golden Rice is a genetically modified food intended to reduce the Vitamin A deficiency that plagues people in developing countries, unfortunately it creates more problems than it solves.