fix articles 50477, wal mart
The empirical-historical analysis of the top incomes and their wealth are in the center with Thomas Piketty's "Capital" (2014). The share of the top 10% was never below 60% from 1917 to 2012. A wealth tax is vital to reverse the exploding inequality.
Explained: Why the Wal-Mart Decision Matters (tags)
A short explanation of why the Wal Mart decision matters, what a class action lawsuit is, and potentially new standards applied to decisions about discrimination.
Message of Solidarity with the workers and students of France (tags)
Message of Solidarity with the workers and students of France from the exploited masses of the United States
List of all Wal Mart Stores (tags)
A complete list of all Wal Mart stores, with addresses and phone numbers.
Obama’s Campaign Promises and the Laws of Capitalism (tags)
Throughout his campaign, Obama made repeated overtures to working people. He talked about job creation, a tax cut for the middle class, health care, education, the rescinding of the lavish tax cuts for the rich, clean energy, facilitating unionization, and the elimination of the "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" policy for gays in the military. One got the distinct impression when he was campaigning that Obama was oriented to helping ordinary working people, who are now struggling to pay their bills, not the rich.
Heath Insurance Bill Puts Poor at Risk (tags)
I got this in my email. The latest health care law is likely to pass, because progressive health care supporters are split on the issue. Unions are split on it. Political energy for real universal health care is being lost. This bill is similar to the one offered by the governor, but because it's sponsored by Speaker Nunez, the dealmakers have managed to get more liberal support for it. Working class and poor people need to organize to demand protections from the gaps in this bill.
VIDEO: Julia Butterfly Hill - Tree Sit (tags)
Uploaded is video of Julia Butterfly Hill climbing up ropes to begin a permanent encampment in the trees of the South Central Farm.
Protest at Wal Mart in response to Repression, death and brutality of Flower vendors near (tags)
Ya Basta! Protest Wal Mart // Stop Violence in Atenco! (tags)
We are standing in Solidarity of the DEAD, injured, disappeared and arrested flower vendors and people of San Salvador Atenco, near Mexico City, who have been repressed for selling where a Wal Mart is planning to open.
For Immediate Release: WAL MART STORES TIED TO ATTACKS ON PEASANTS (May 7th action) (tags)
Movilization against Walmart in Los Angeles to support compañeros brutally repressed near Mexico City
With Wallmart Rejected???? (tags)
The best thing to ever happen to a city is to have Wall Mart rejected.
How about "steal something day"?
A public scoping meeting about Wal Mart is happening at the Rosemead Doubletree over by the MTC.
Wal-Mart – the nation’s worst workplace bully (tags)
With $7 billion in profits squeezed from the labor of one million workers at 3,250 stores across the country last year, Wal-Mart deserves its reputation as the nation’s worst “workplace bully.”
Walmart AS An ILWU Organizing Target (tags)