fix articles 50441, david clennon
Awards Night Peace Rally (tags)
Less We Forget--- “We are gathering to send a message to the world’s peace movement that we are with you and we also honor those artist brave enough to speak out against this immoral war.” - June Kuwatani, event organizer, Neighbors for Peace and Justice
Global Women's Strike Organizers to Confront LA Times Editors (tags)
Reprint of a PRESS ADVISORY from March 10, 2003
Global Women's Strike and March In LA (tags)
Today, March 8 2003, an estimated 2000 people rallied in front of the federal building to support the global women's stike in condemnation of the plans for an upcoming war.
Media McCarthyism(amsellem) (tags)
editorial cartoon c 2003 by charles amsellem all rights reserved
Call LA City Council to Support Anti-War Resolution (tags)
On Feb. 18, seven members of the Los Angeles City Council voted "yes" today after Eric Garcetti eloquently introduced the No War In Iraq resolution which was seconded by Ruth Galanter. The only problem at City Council today was IT NEEDED 8 VOTES TO PASS! The seven voting "yes"---Cindy Miscikowski, Ed Reyes, Nate Holden, Janice Hahn, Ruth Galanter, Tom LaBonge and Eric Garcetti------needed an eighth vote. Please join us City Council again on Friday, Feb. 21 10:00 a.m. City Hall Chambers for what could be a historic day if we get the votes!
The World Says No to War in Iraq (tags) - Revolutionary Worker Online -RW resource page on resisting the juggernaut of war and repression - Discuss revolutionary strategy and the RCP's Draft Programme
LA to Join 500 Cities Worldwide for February 15th Day of Protest (tags)
The No War On Iraq! Coalition today announced plans for the massive anti-war march and rally on Saturday, February 15th. Protesters will be asked to gather at the intersection of Hollywood and Vine at 1 pm. The March will proceed down Hollywood Blvd to the Armed Forces Recruiting Station at the intersection of Sunset and La Brea where there will be a rally at 3 pm
VOTE NOW! to defend actor /activist David Clennon (tags)
Please take 10 seconds to support our friend David Clennon, one of the most committed, progressive actors in Hollywood. Wherever people are protesting for labor rights, civil rights, peace or justice, there you'll find Dave Clennon. He stuck his neck out the other night onHannity's talk show, and now some apparently want him fired from his CBS series.
Letter to the editor, LA Times (tags)
Corrects disinformation in today's newspaper