fix articles 50438, annual academy awards
Seat Filling for the Stars: Sitting Pretty or Slave Labor? (tags)
I went undercover at a televised show called “Teachers Rock,” which was broadcast from the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. I applied to be a seat filler with hopes of learning how this highly unusual profession works. Could this be the key to unemployment? Could filling seats fill bank accounts? It turned out the answer was no because the salary is zero.
Same-Sex Couples Suing for California Equal Marriage Rights Ask Academy Awards Recipients to Come Out in Support When They Receive Their Oscars
Awards Night Peace Rally (tags)
Less We Forget--- “We are gathering to send a message to the world’s peace movement that we are with you and we also honor those artist brave enough to speak out against this immoral war.” - June Kuwatani, event organizer, Neighbors for Peace and Justice
Shut down the Oscars in Hollywood: Call for a Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Bloc (tags)
This is a call for a Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Bloc to shut down the Oscars in Hollywood this Sunay March 23.