fix articles 50405, crop
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Afghanistan Cannabis Crop Up 40 Percent (tags)
Cannabis cultivation rose 40 percent in Afghanistan this year, to 173,000 acres from 123,550 in 2006, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime estimated in its 2007 opium survey. The crop is being grown in at least 18 of Afghanistan's 34 provinces, according to the survey released last month. The U.N. report singles out Balkh as a "leading example" of an opium-free province, saying other areas should follow "the model of this northern region where leadership, incentives and security have led farmers to turn their backs on opium."
URGENT; INDIA and GM crops...petition (tags)
URGENT: On 31st January 2007 there's a major hearing in the Supreme Court in India on the writ petition over GM crops. The organisers of this petition want to be able to show that there's massive worldwide support for calling a halt to the problems being inflicted by GM crops on India. They can only do that with your support. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION AND PASS THIS ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES: Also, post on other sites.
A good reason to legalize pot (tags)
Hemp has many uses but remains illegal to grow without permit
Cash-strapped Palestinians bank on rich olive crop (tags)
Palestininians booming olive harvest gives people hope of a better life
In-situ crop diversity, wild relatives & GE pollen contamination (tags)
In-situ (on site) conservation of crop biodiversity is another answer to the fallacy of genetic engineering (GMO/GE) monoculture crops promoted by biotech corporations. Wild relatives of crops like rice and maize can be intercrossed/introgressed to increase resistance to insect pests and "weed" competition. We only need to protect the wild relatives of crops like rice, potatoes and maize..
Mysterious crop circles continue to appear in fields around the world.
The 2004 Crop Circle season has begun. Here is an early formation.
First Crop Circles of 2004 Appear (tags)
The first British crop circles of 2004 have arrived. Here's the info about one of the newest ones to appear.
GMO monoculture, virus risk and famine (tags)
Monoculture gene modified organisms are at greater risk for a virus to destroy the entire crop. Biodiversity and organic farming are being replaced by monoculture. This sets the stage for third world famine in the event of a plant viral outbreak..
Crop Circle Update 7-2-2003 (tags)
Crop Circles continue to appear in fields around the world, yet the mainstream press' treatment is basically nonexistent.
American Propaganda Machine Engages in Information Warfare... News @....... (tags)
Sorry for last post, this is the correct post.