fix articles 50274, rolling Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : rolling



AND IF THERE NEVER WAS AN EMPIRE OF STONE AGE MEN, here the empire that never existed collapsed like a bundle to the bottom of the deepest ocean because if before they played garbage after the departure of EL MICK TAYLOR the car of the garbage take all The Rolling Stones to the municipal garbage dump where they always remained.


in the 70's I had a fantastic dream where I was a millionaire and I wanted to form The Beethoven's rock band, but the problem I had was that each element of EL BEETHO should not repeat an element of other rock bands because if I did it would no longer be possible. It would be no joke to do it because I would have to take all the members of LED ZEPPELIN from all sides and that would be the end of my problems.


The largest Rolling Stone of all time and the genius who could keep the mediocres on the road who paid him with hate and robbed him for two low-life guys called The Keith Richards and The Mick Jagger, which if it were not by Mick Taylor by now they would have died of hunger and in anonymity, while EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ Rock and Band Can't find the time for The Welwyn Garden City to come play the guitar with us to destroy Led Zeppelin career. by LA SANTA BERTHA


EL MICK TAYLOR The largest Rolling Stone of all time and that he was despised by two seedy guys to include a guitarist badder than Keith Richards, while EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ Rock and Band can't find the time so Mick Taylor can come and play with the rock band wich destroyed Led Zeppelin.

The Warmongering Avicidal Texas Senator John Cornyn (tags)

Cornyn's brutal votes for war and a sadistic way of hunting

The BIG BIG Porno Scandal (tags)

Some of you might be aware of the big scandal currently rocking the porn industry, but since the media has decided that this is one scandal they don't want to touch, since it would piss off the multinational corporations, some of you may not be aware of the significance of this scandal, or why it would be kept on some back burner instead of becoming the latest lurid scandal served on a platter by a typically scandal mongering media system.

Open letter to the Rolling Stones regarding planned gig in Israel (tags)

Please circulate and forward widely The following letter is addressed to the Rolling Stones who are planning a concert in Israel. At this point we are soliciting endorsements from artists, cultural figures, intellectuals and cultural organizations, and others who wish to lend their support.

Iran: The Next War (latest Bamford article for Rolling Stone magazine) (tags)

Iran: The Next War (latest Bamford article for Rolling Stone magazine)

VIDEO: Midnight Ridazz (tags)

LOS ANGELES – May 12, 2006 On the 2nd Friday of the month at 9:30 pm , bicyclists gather at the intersection of Sunset and Echo Park. This has become the starting point for a late night bike ride that weaves its way through the streets of Los Angeles. They call themselves the Midnight Ridazz.

Social Security Rolling Letter Campaign! (tags)

LA's Rolling Letter Campaign To Save Social Security From Bush!


Motorcycle gangs with colors have been approved again by me, Albert Kada, future military dictator of the US, and world's foremost military and political advisor.

Critical Mass LA - This Friday (tags)

The last Friday of every month in over 100 cities around the world, cyclists, roller bladers, boarders, etc...come together for a festive rolling celebration. It's an organized coincidence with no leaders and no set agenda. People come together for many reasons, to assert their right to cleaner air, less congestion, safer roads, no blood for oil, and to celebrate and ride in solidarity with other cyclists and like minded individuals. Celebrate this month with Critical Mass in Los Angeles!

BTL: Jim Hightower's Rolling Thunder Down-home Democracy Tour Organizes... (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Jim Hightower about the historical roots of the Democracy Tour.

Power to the People (tags)

People rising up to take back our power!!!

6/21: Voluntary Rolling Blackout (tags)

Many people all over the world have been planning a voluntary rolling blackout on the first day of summer, June 21 at 7pm - 10pm in any time zone (this will roll it across the planet).

Photo: Young Activist at "Stop Rolling Blackmail!" Protest. (tags)

Photo: Young Activist at "Stop Rolling Blackmail!" Protest.

California:Lights Out Again (tags)

The California Independent System Operator (California ISO) ordered rolling blackouts on Monday, hitting some 250,000 to 300,000 customers

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