fix articles 5025, hospital Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : hospital


No Health Emergency (tags)

All of a sudden, what has always been a taboo subject is being discussed in public: the question of whether the political leaders and their scientific advisors have overdramatized the threat posed by the virus and whether the lockdown strategy has overshot the mark.

Release Mumia (tags)

This letter from Prison Radio:

September 2020 Honduras coup update (tags)

A much loved journalist broadcasted after he was shot several times by attackers. Three elderly environmental defenders were massacred. Thousands marched in the Independence Day demonstrations and were repressed with brutal beatings and 15 arrests. Pushes begin for model cities under the pandemic. Another doctor dies of COVID-19. This and other news: This September 2020,

August 2020 Honduras Coup and Pandemic Update (tags)

This August 2020, we see Honduran people continue to suffer the lack of healthcare and the militarisation under the pandemic, with stories of majorly blatant examples of the dictatorship’s approach to people, arresting and killing a 74 year old healthy man for ‘breaking the curfew’ outside his own home, disappearing a 16 year old whose family had been involved in ‘Where is the Money?’ campaigns, and arresting a COVID-19 frontline doctor, preventing his delivery of an oxygen tank to a patient who needed it, the doctor being someone critical of the JOH dictatorship regime.

July 2020 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

This July 2020 in Honduras we saw many killings and disappearances against activists and we saw many COVID-19 deaths including of a political prisoner, an organiser, health care workers and jorunalists. Living under a dictatorship regime where global and national capital, together with regime leaders, continue to profit through laundering and exploiting the people and the land – when you put a pandemic into that equation it’s a disaster, as we can see in Honduras. Government offers no protection for its poor majority, the money officially designated for healthcare doesn’t translate into actual healthcare, and there is no welfare to enable people to stay home, but the military is controlling the streets and spreading the illness. Communities and organisations continue to campaign for the ‘Where is the money?’ campaign, with voices reverberating from zoom conferences, to managing to stage large letters across highways, printing the question on roads for drivers to see, and on walls for passers-by – people must have found holes in the militarisation. They paint their pained words about losing increasing numbers of fellow Hondurans to death from COVID-19, lives lost due to government’s greed and lies. This July 2020 we saw many attacks against people and organisers, and we continue to see that on the other hand, big businesses that don’t even have environmental permits are free to move around, operate, and act in ways that are harmful to people and environment. And similar to discourse familiar to all of us worldwide about balancing the economy over staying home, this regime, like others, is broadcasting that the nation only has a chance of surviving the pandemic, if ‘development (mega) projects’ of mining, logging, energy etc go ahead and if people also put up with low wages (not to mention threats, killings, and arrests to impose opposed projects) so that large profits can be made from them. International development finance organisations also continue to ignore the violence meted out by capital and by the regime and fuel this fire, passing loans to the regime and ignoring cries from communities who dream of a different kind of ‘development’.

June 2020 Honduras Coup and Pandemic Update (tags) In June 2020, police assassinated a man at a police checkpoint, police brutally bashed transport workers in protest, a newspaper director goes public about knowing of plans to kill him that come from the state, COVID-19 outbreak in prisons have worsened and impacts on political prisoners, only one of whom had been released during June while over 1600 other prisoners were released for COVID-19 reasons. A number more of health care workers had died of COVID-19 in Honduras and cases shot up during this month to upwards of 20,000 confirmed cases.

May 2020 Honduras Coup and Pandemic Update (tags)

In May 2020, a lot have happened in Honduras under the pandemic and dictatorship. Confirmed cases upsurged a lot this month. Workers continue to struggle a lot. There had been a lot of state repression against people just for being out on the streets, trying to earn a living or get something done. The prison began known COVID-19 outbreaks with two prisoners dying of COVID-19 under custody. Political prisoners continue at risk, in terrible conditions, locked up. There had been also attacks from angry police and the criminal rich, against people on the community who either self organised or were obligated, to watch the entrances and exits of their communities in attempt to keep their communities safe from COVID-19. One such community protector, who is black Garífuna, was murdered. Another Garífuna man was murdered inside a thermoelectricity plant. News about all this and more, see the update

April 2020 Honduras coup and pandemic update (tags)

Last Summer's 'Mysterious' Nuclear Explosion (tags)

A 'mysterious' nuclear explosion in Russia last August still begs out attention.

April 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

April 2019 in Honduras. During the month already there had been some very ferocious evictions that involved gunshots, and when people protested a bill to privatise education and health blocking highways and occupying schools, health centres, and workers went on strike, the repression we as heavy, several people had been assassinated by state security forces in this context this month

October 2018 Honduras Coup update (tags)

This month: a glimpse at what the migrants are facing, and protest marches are also heavily repressed, environmentalists defending land water and life arrested and kidnapped and a whole camp militarised for a couple of days during which one family was especially terrorised in such a magnitude and fascist way that all this violence, and the barely known violent eviction of the camp and of the subsequent night time highway blockade, was quickly made invisible by announcing two soldiers were shot dead in the confrontations. Similarly, farmers have faced evictions and persecution. Read on to find out more

Fbi engages in crime spree authorized by fbi (tags)

This report seeks to show how the fbi tricks the public by subverting law and committing atrocities

April 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

This April 2017 in Honduras, repression goes on, with melon industry worker/unionists threatened and interrogated by armed people on city highways, with organised farmers with years of living on land growing food getting arrested, with cops arresting high school students for participating in a protests where others had damaged cops' repressive tanks with stones, with stones and other things that can cause bodily harm being thrown at prochoice feminist demonstrators, with a public hospital doctor being suspended and threatened for saying the fees increase against patients is wrong .. these and a bit more here:

Creation of Artificial Kidney Stone In Vivo By Skilled Criminals with M, M, O (tags)

Artificially manufactured kidney stones in fbi adversaries are a proven fact, more or less.


The mentally ill who have nowhere to go and find little sympathy from those around them often land hard in emergency rooms, county jails and city streets. The lucky ones find homes with family. The unlucky ones show up in the morgue.

Predicted confessions of fbi serial killers (tags)

Below is my report on possible future confessions by the fbi regarding their cointelpro-war against me and others.

CT And OH Courts Deny Individual Sovereignty Over The Right To Refuse Lethal Chemotherapy (tags)

Socalled chemotherapy is the number one cause of cancer deaths in the US, says Dr Allen Levin.

Genocide in Palestine (tags)


Israeli Forces Invade Palestinian Hospitals (tags)


NYT Justifies US Afghan Hospital Bombing (tags)


Doctors Without Borders Spokesperson Says US Knew Coordinators Of Hospital (tags)

Doctors Without Borders reported that the attack by US planes on their hospital in Afghanistan did not stop for 45 minutes after the call.

Nazism in Israel (tags)


Israel Imprisons Muhammad Allan Again (tags)


Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza (tags)


Israeli Doctors Refuse Force-Feeding Order (tags)


Washington Blocks Security Council Action on Vital Yemeni Humanitarian Needs (tags)


Healthcare: A Fundamental Human Right (tags)


Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge 3 Photosets/ Photoset 3 of 3

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge. 3 Photosets/ Photoset 2 of 3

Los Angeles Joins World Wide Protest Against Israeli Aggression (tags)

Local Families and Citizens rail against Operation Safe Edge. 3 Photosets/ Photoset 1 of 3

This economy kills!: Pope Francis (tags)

The Cold War in internal church policy may be coming to an end. A religion without mysticism is merely a philosophy. Mysticism is a specifically modern form of faith. God's presence is no longer self-evident or plausible to the entire world. Francis' church is a hospital under the open air.

Obamacare Restricts Choice of Hospitals and Doctors (tags)


How An Animal Rights Activist Changed The World In 5 Hours (tags)

With only 5 hours of work, Henry Spira convinced Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to stop sending primates to the US.

Detective Saldate gets confessions from unconscious people on hospital gurneys??? (tags)

Phoenix Police Detective Armando Saldate who claimed Milke confessed to him had a history of lying to grand juries and extracting confessions even from unconscious suspects on hospital gurneys, according to the court opinion.

More Evidence Obamacare Ripped Off Americans (tags)


Catholic Church Torture case in U.S. Supreme Court (tags)

Catholic torture of a political activist now before U.S. high court. Huminski v. Mercy Gilbert Mecical Center. Court papers reveal an unholy alliance between Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, Federal Judge Frederick Martone (both life-long Catholics) and a Catholic Church hospital network, Dignity Health, and their efforts to silence a critic of the racist sheriff with an attempted murder and torture at a Catholic hospital, Mercy Gilbert Medical Center, Gilbert, Arizona.

Genocide in Bani Walid (tags)


Abdulhadi Alkhawaja Painfully Force-Fed (tags)


Fadi Quran Victimized by Israeli State Terror (tags)


Critical Health Issues in Gaza (tags)


Michael Jackson's Security Guard Describes Scene in Mansion (tags)

Faheem Muhammed, head of Jackson's security detail, took the stand Wednesday afternoon in Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial. He was among the first to arrive in the bedroom on the day Jackson died. He testified that when he saw Jackson, he appeared to be dead.

Solidarity Action for a comrade detained in Norway - !Acci?n Solidaria (tags)

Andre is a Norwegian comrade, our loyal and good friend who had the misfortune to experience psychological repression. whilst fearing for his life andfreedom

In Absentia (tags)

In Orange domestic violence victims have found they are safer being beaten than fighting for freedom in the corrupt Lamoreaux Justice System

A great experience for Mr Obama and the Congress (tags)

A successful example of SUS

Exitosa jornada m?dica de APROQUEN y Hospital Ingenio San Antonio (Nicaragua Sugar) (tags)

El Hospital del Ingenio San Antonio y la Asociaci?n Pro Ni?os Quemados de Nicaragua (APROQUEN), realizaron a finales de mayo la X Jornada M?dico Quir?rgica ?Por los Hijos de Mi Pueblo? en la que fueron operados gratuitamente un total de 60 pacientes con secuelas de quemaduras y traumatismo, labio y paladar hendido y malformaciones cong?nitas.

Bahrain Sues to Suppress Police State Terror Truths (tags)

state terrorism

Drugs are bad, unless the government is forcing you to take them. (tags)

The government shrinks say Loughner is nuttier then a fruit cake, but he is sane enough to voluntarily agree to take powerful psychotropic drugs the Feds want to force on him. Some fair trial!

San Bernardino Attorney Defies Subpoena for Alleged "Murder for Money" Scheme (tags)

The courts have gone to the dogs and attorneys are now making money off of crimes--their own crimes.

Czech Court Gives Record Sentence for Racial Crime (tags)

A court in the northeastern Czech city of Ostrava Wednesday gave the country’s longest-ever sentence for a racial crime, finding four Czech neo-Nazi sympathizers guilty of setting fire to a Roma family’s house, in which a two-year-old girl suffered severe burns.

Sarah Davis: Midwife, Alternative Health Advocate, Activist (tags)

Sarah Davis got into midwifery as a career when she was writing a college paper on midwives in the African-American community — and was startled that midwifery wasn't just an historical relic but a living cultural and health-care tradition. She practices out of a birth center in Chula Vista and finds being a midwife by profession fits in with also being an alternative health advocate and a Left political activist convinced that Western medicine in general, and its treatment of pregnancy in particular, systematically disempowers women.

More on Washington's Failed Ecuadorean Coup Attempt (tags)

Correa knows Washington wants him ousted.

Failed Washington-Sponsored Ecuadorean Coup Attempt (tags)

another Obama coup attempt

Nurses picket Kaiser over patient safety (tags)

Hundreds march in informational picket to improve care at Kaiser’s biggest So. Cal. hospital

Majority of 600 hospital workers at Providence Tarzana vote to join NUHW (tags)

Victory at union's second Catholic health system also marks beginning of campaign by 13,000 workers at Catholic Healthcare West


Nor the gutters like Americans.

Responsabilidad Social Nicaragua Sugar: Ingenio San Antonio acoge jornada médica APROQUEN (tags)

Se realizaron 58 operaciones gratuitas a pacientes de diversos departamentos del país

Kaiser Built Hospital On Toxic Superfund Dump Site In Downey California-Is This Criminal? (tags)

Kaiser Executives and Bosses have spent over $1 billion on a medical complex at Downey, California. Should these executives be charged with criminal activity for building a hospital on a superfund toxic dump site where workers and patients have been contaminated?

"I Want My Dues Back" Injured SEIU UHW Downey Kaiser Hospital Senior Orthopedic technician (tags)

Injured Kaiser Downey Hospital Senior Orthopedic Technician on the resignation of SEIU president Andy Stern and why she should get her dues back.

PHILIPPINES: Bureaucrat-capitalist Villar not from ranks of dirt poor (tags)

IT WAS ALMOST LIKE HEARING Pol Pot talking when Apo Alvarez, formerly of Anakbayan, wrote that the May 10 elections would symbolize a “clash of classes”—Benigno Aquino III of the elite, and Manuel Villar of the impoverished. (Inquirer, 4/12/10)

Human target: Petition to free Atty R Fine kidnapped-tortured in LA (tags)

A petition has been created to free Richard Fine, gentleman attorney with distinguished career of many examples of success over forty years, a kidnapped, targeted individual (TI), Falsely Imprisoned Person (FIP) in hospital solitary "coercive confinement."

Focus on Israel: Harvesting Haitian Organs (tags)

Israel doesn't offer humanitarian aid



Silvia Mabel Isabella Valenzi (tags)

Fecha de secuestro: 22 de diciembre de 1976 Tiempo de embarazo al momento del secuestro: 4 meses Fecha y lugar de parto: El 2 de abril de 1977, dio a luz a una niña en el Hospital de Quilmes a la que llamó Rosita

Centinela Hospital workers petition to quit SEIU and join NUHW (tags)

Caregivers cite SEIU corruption, labor law violations, and secrecy around recent contract failure

Injured Downey Movie Workers and Kaiser Workers Speak-out On Memorial Day April 19, 2009 (tags)

On April, 19, 2009 injured movie and Downey Kaiser workers had a speak-out in front of the Kaiser hospital complex in Downey, California. Kaiser has built the hospital on a highly toxic dump site and many workers have gotten injured at the site.

Judge orders $1 Million bail for Mission Hospital EMT accused of raping patient (tags)

Authorities said the 31-year-old female victim was taken by ambulance to Mission Hospital just after midnight on Feb. 21. While being treated at the hospital, the woman told authorities she was raped but was unable to resist

Nickos Koundardas on Hunger and Thirst Strike demanding his freedom (tags)

A summary of what has happened up to now and his last letter from the Hospital Ward where he is imprisoned. Please, contribute to the summary in english (or other translations) so we can add more details and begin spreading this around the globe to inform people about his situation.

Injured Workers Speakout On Workers Memorial Day At Downey Kaiser Hospital on the Toxic Du (tags)

Injured workers and their supporters held a memorial and speakout in front of the Downey toxic radioactive site that now houses a Kaiser hospital complex and Downey movie studio

LA Area Downey April 19, 2009 Workers Memorial Day Events (tags)

The international commemoration day Workers Memorial Day will be held in Downey on Sunday April 19 at 3:00 PM in front of the Kasier Hospital in Downey at the Downey toxic site. Injured movie and hospital workers along with other injured workers and their families will speak out about health and safety.

Dan Husband appointed executive director at Imperial Convalescent Hospital (tags)

Dan Husband was recently appointed executive director at Imperial Convalescent Hospital, a skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility operated by Life Care Centers of America.

Americans attacked and nearly killed in Mexico (tags)

Baja California authorities said three masked gunmen walked into the Bar Utopia in Tijuana over the weekend where many Americans where present, the mask gunmen wearing bullet proof vests began spraying gun fire randomly using AK-47 assault rifles. The terrorist killed two men and a woman at the scene, while the other two women died later at a hospital. The Tijuana police told the Laguna Journal that there where patrons present during the shooting that claimed to be Americans.

Two more Americans slaughtered in Mexico (tags)

The American couple were believed visiting in Juárez attending the funeral of the killed woman’s sister, who was also killed in a homicide only last week; Juarez police investigators told the El Paso Journal that the couple were obviously targeted.

P&F Congressional Candidate Calls For Closure Of Kaiser Hospital Complex In Downey CA (tags)

Peace and Freedom Party Congressional candidate Dina Padilla is calling for the closure of the Downey toxic site in which Kaiser has built a hospital complex and toxic site developer Stuart Lichter has built the Downey Studio. These sites have not been properly cleaned up and movie and Kaiser workers have gotten sick from contamination

World War II veterans (tags)

When Japan surrendered on Aug. 14, 1945, we who had fought as regular army or as guerrillas suddenly became veterans. The terrible war was finally over and everybody looked to picking up the pieces in a regime of peace. From what I read in the papers, the pension is not much. But the feeling among most veterans seems to be that whatever the pension may finally be, it will be better than nothing. The Americans have pummeled the Filipino veterans into submission. He now goes around with a begging bowl in hand. This is the greatest insult and the most pitiful tragedy.

Missing sisters and missing credibility (tags)

The daughters of slain Filipino peasant activist Eddie Gumanoy – Rose Anne, 21, and Fatima, 17 – were traveling to the city of Cavite on the morning of July 3 when they realized they were being followed. They sent a text message to their mother Maria to meet them at a mall in Muntinlupa, but the two sisters never arrived. They later sent a second text message saying they had been intercepted by soldiers. The family and members of the human rights group Karapatan (Alliance for the Advancement of People's Rights) thus began looking for the two women. On July 4, they went to the office of the Intelligence Services of the Armed Forces of the Philippines at Camp Aguinaldo, which denied that the military was holding Rose Anne and Fatima. They also filed a complaint with the Philippine National Police in Camp Crame in Quezon City. That afternoon army spokesman Col. Ernesto Torres denied that the military had abducted Rose Anne and Fatima, but did admit that the two women were under the care of the army. He refused to disclose where they were, however, stating that the young women had voluntarily sought protection from the military as they were afraid of Karapatan.

The Healthcare Union War (tags)

Tensions between the California Nurses Association and SEIU escalate at the Labor Notes conference.

JFAV Letter to The President of the Philippines (tags)

We, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), are addressing the Philippine government’s actions affecting our campaign for the Filipino-American Veterans who have fought in World War II and were denied their promised benefits fighting under the American regime. We commend the Philippine government’s efforts in lobbying for the Filipino Veterans to gain their benefits that they were denied at the end of World War II, especially from Ambassador Willy Gaa and Consul General Mary B. Aragon Seeing this support from our mother country, in addition to the growing support from our fellow Americans of different ethnic heritages, gives us motivation to push forward with this campaign of obtaining the benefits promised to the Filipino WWII Veterans as well as for reunification for their families. However, we are gravely concerned with the government's recent activities of selling federal institutions, especially the National Veterans' Memorial Hospital, to private developers in order to carry out Executive Orders 620 and 620-A, which call for the development of the East and North Triangles and the Veterans' Memorial area of Quezon City. We find it very ironic how our government, who has invested such efforts into our cause, can sell the National Veterans Memorial Hospital – an act that conflicts a stance set from the previous action. This hospital is a gift from the American government, to tend especially to the health needs of the Filipino Veterans.

Health groups join anti-corruption protests in the Philippines (tags)

Health group hit the Arroyo government in the Philippines for its unbridled corruption while it continues to neglect health care and other essential social services.

AIDS, Sex and the Condomaniacs (tags)

The AIDS establishment seems less interested in protecting people's lives and health than in creating a climate of fear and shame around human sexuality, especially as expressed between males. Two recent news events — the claim of a supposedly sexually transmitted antibiotic-resistant staph that was supposed to be targeting Gay and Bisexual men, but for which the real risk factor was prior antibiotic use; and the attacks on four major Swiss AIDS researcher for their claim that under certain circumstances it's safe for HIV-positive and HIV-negative people to have unprotected sex — show how that's true.

47 Rats Liberated from Scripps Hospital, San Diego (tags)

47 Rats Liberated from Scripps Hospital, San Diego

The Kids On Paper Holiday Cheer Project (tags)

Kids On Paper Bring The Gift Of Comics To Valley Hospitals For Valentine’s Day


“THE KIDS ON PAPER HOLIDAY CHEER PROJECT”: KIDS ON PAPER’S wheelchair-bound director Gary Cifra and his assistant director/wife Patty bring gifts of comic books and graphic novels to young hospital patients this December.

Hospital bans candy, decorations to stop winter vomiting virus (tags)

The BBC is reporting: Christmas decorations have been banned from a hospital in Norfolk in an effort to halt the spread of the Norovirus winter vomiting bug.

Santa Arrives by Wheel Chair (tags)

Kids On Paper Director Brings Comic Books and Holiday Cheer to Children in Valley Hospitals

Cindy Sheehan: "Inshallah" (tags)

...for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love...

Senators hammer Gonzales on Ashcroft hospital visit (tags)

Sparking the ire of several members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales claimed on Tuesday that the controversial 2004 hospital visit he made to his predecessor, John Ashcroft, dealt not with the warrantless eavesdropping that the administration has confirmed but with an entirely different program.

Death in Los Angeles hospital exposes social crisis in US (tags)

Edith Isabel Rodriguez died on May 9th while two people called the emergency services phone number, 911, frantically trying to get her medical help. She died just outside the emergency room in Los Angeles’ King-Harbor hospital after spending hours seeking treatment for a steadily worsening condition. The entire tragedy reveals the strained and unhealthy state of social relations in America today. The case received much media attention in recent weeks after the release of tape recordings of the 911 calls and a hospital video showing Rodriguez in the hours before her death—including segments showing a janitor mopping up around Rodriguez as she writhed in pain on the floor of the emergency room.

Ashcroft and the Night Visitors (tags)

"As if Attorney General Alberto Gonzales didn't have enough trouble, now comes word that, before coming to the Justice Department, Gonzales preyed on the infirm."

Eric McDavid Hearing and Health Update (tags)

On Sunday, April 15, Eric ended his visit with his family early because of medical problems.

Update about the student protests in Athens and Thessaloniki (tags)

Latest report about the brutal and provocative actions of the police in Athens and Thessaloniki. Please translate & circulate

Using "Health Laws" to flush the Constitution down the toilet! (tags)

Screw that guilty until proven innonce stuff the American police state is based on. It seems like they are using a "health excuse" to lock this guy up for life.

Teen fights police effort to remove bullet from head (tags)

This is kind of scary. A Texas court issued a search warrent to force doctors to perform an opperation on a man to remove a bullet from his head that the cops want to use as evidence.

New Reports of Abu-Jamal Confession after 25 years? (tags)

...perhaps the most shocking story to emerge amidst the flurry of news stories published last week was a Dec. 8 NBC 10 story reporting that two more people now say that they heard Abu-Jamal confess at the hospital before treatment for his gunshot wound.

Augusto Pinochet Fake (tags)

Santiago, Chile, Dec 5 - Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet was rapidly recovering on Tuesday from a heart attack that his family and doctors said nearly killed him but that some of his critics said may have been exaggerated or even faked.

The Gulag Has Got Mary Tormey (tags)

A young woman has been stripped of her rights and sent to a mental institution following an assault by an officer of the law.

Homeless Activists Denounce Delgadillo at Press Confrence; expose LAPD’s "Broken Wind (tags)

Homeless Activists in LA dive bomb City Attorney's Press Conference exposing LAPD "Broken Windows" mass arrests. Group demands meeting with Mayor Villariagosa. (video, 3 minutes)


Thousands of FIlipino workers in the hospitals, hotels and ships all over the United States went on strike to fight for their rights. Thousands of them in the different unions are poised to fight for their rights until next year

Deadly Harvest: Lebanese Fields Sown with Israeli Cluster Bombs (tags)

The war in Lebanon has not ended. Every day, some of the million bomblets which were fired by Israeli artillery during the last three days of the conflict kill four people in southern Lebanon and wound many more.

The "hiding among civilians" myth (tags)

"You can be a member of Hezbollah your entire life and never see a military wing fighter with a weapon," a Lebanese military intelligence official, now retired, once told me. "They do not come out with their masks off and never operate around people if they can avoid it. They're completely afraid of collaborators. They know this is what breaks the Palestinians -- no discipline and too much showing off."

Israeli occupation opens fire at ambulance with pregnant woman (tags)

Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) called Saturday for providing an immediate protection to Palestinian paramedics working in the Palestinian territories.

Garotinho is taken to hospital but he says he will keep hunger strike. (tags)

Despite the transference, the former-governor of Rio affirmed that he is not going to suspend hunger strike motivated for that he called political persecution of agencies of the press. "I will continue the strike in the hospital", affirmed.

Local Sailor Killed in Iraq (tags)

A 20-year-old sailor from South Gate died April 2 "as a result of enemy action" in the Iraqi province of Al Anbar, the U.S. Department of Defense released Tuesday.

Wireless World: Wirelessly monitoring ECGs (tags)

The wealthy are healthier than the poor due to technology.

Sloshed: Journalist Says Secret Service Report Claims Cheney was Drunk (tags)

And anyhow, what kind of a guy would shoot a friend, and then pack him off to the hospital and not go hang around the waiting room to see how he’s doing, instead of going home and having dinner and a drink?

Bush Regime's Terrorism Against America Continues (tags)

This fascist terrorist regime's crimes and treason against America continues

Irán: Ya van ocho fallecidos en las explosiones terroristas de Ahvaz (tags)

Atribuyen los atentados a terroristas ingleses

Ailing Sharon back in operation room (tags)

Ailing Sharon back in operation room 1/6/2006 2:00:00 PM GMT Israeli Prime Minister ARIEL SHARON is undergoing another emergency surgery on Friday after a scan showed fresh bleeding in his brain, doctors said, according to The Associated Press news agency.

Ariel Sharon se muere, Bush reza (tags)

Primer Ministro israelí Ariel Sharon agonizante: Bush y el gobierno estadounidense "oran por él"

Miami Herald reports a migrant was shot in CA (tags)

Office of Inspector General's in Violation of Patroit Act 1001 (tags)

Office of Inspector general's in Violation of Patroit Act regarding Medicaid kickback fraud conducted against Elderly Hospitalized Federal Employee Health Beneficiaries - Hospital dumping for criminal conversions.

tooth faries (tags)

mothers of the dissappered america project save diana dawn

Car bomb injures Lebanese journalist May Chidiac (tags)

A prominent journalist for an anti-Syrian television station was severely injured yesterday after a bomb rigged to her car exploded, the latest in a string of targeted blasts in Lebanon's capital

Many Iraqis believe ’suicide’ bombings done by US to start a civil war (tags)

"I believe it is the Americans who are doing this, pretending it is the Sunni, so there will be a civil war and they can control our wealth.” Many survivors lying mangled by this morning’s bombs subscribed to a conspiracy theory according to which the US wants to rule Iraq by fomenting differences between Shia and Sunni.”

Breaking: N.O. Hospital Desperate (tags)

New Oleans' oldest hospital, Trouro Infirmary in need of rescue.


Let the world know that Bush is murdering Americans.

Phone Calls Needed Now to Help Hurricane Victims (tags)

Yes, you can do something right now. Go to your phone book, look up your representatives in Congress & the US Senate in the federal government section, call them and leave a message that they should call Tenet Hospital in New Orleans at 504-897-4531 and 504-897-4530 and assure them helicopters are coming TODAY to pick up the 1200 sick people & their caregivers

Local Sailor Killed in Iraq (tags)

A corpsman with a Marine patrol, Baez was killed by small- arms fire, said Navy spokeswoman on Friday. He had served 10 years in the Navy after serving four years in the Marine Corps.

Ali Qased - Leading Palestinian Activist, Organizer Dies at 62 (tags)

Ali Qased, long-time activist and organizer for Palestinian national rights, died in the early hours of Sunday, April 3rd, 2005, after spending nearly two weeks in a New Jersey Hospital. He had been battling health problems for the last three years, and finally succumbed to complications from heart failure at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Patterson, New Jersey. He was 62.

Bush is a Fraud (tags)

Bush tries to make cheap political capital out of the Shiavo tragedy, but fails to act.

Two Vicious Iraqi Collaborators Fallujahed As They Leave US Base (tags)

Cleansing Iraq of the Foreign Filth--One Righteous Deed at a Time!

Governor Tough Guy, At It Again (tags)

Last week, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger garnered another round of media attention by denigrating a group protesting outside of a conference at which he was speaking.

California RNs to Picket Gov. Schwarzenegger at 'Women's Conference' (tags)

Registered nurses and other caregivers represented by the California Nurses Association and SEIU Locals 660 and 121 RN from dozens of hospitals across Southern California will rally against Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger outside his Women's Conference this Tuesday, to protest his attempt to erode a state law that ensures safety protections for hospital patients.


"In Iraq, US forces and their Iraqi surrogates are no longer bothering to conceal attacks on civilian targets and are openly eliminating anyone - doctors, clerics, journalists - who dares to count the bodies." Of particular concern was the word "eliminating". "In Iraq, US forces and their Iraqi surrogates are no longer bothering to conceal attacks on civilian targets and are openly eliminating anyone - doctors, clerics, journalists - who dares to count the bodies." Of particular concern was the word "eliminating".


King/Drew closure contradicting Thomas L. Garthwaite, M.D.Director and Chief Medical Officer recommendation from 2002

Health care is a right (tags)

Los Angeles struggles to save trauma center

No to Falluja "cover up" (tags)

Dear friends, Are you wondering why/how the reports from Falluja have become so bland? Please read these frightening reports emerging from Falluja, consider sharing them with others, and take action to stop these horrors. jamie

Fallujah Under Siege: US Begins Massive Assault as Iraq Declares Martial Law (tags)

Democracy Now! Fallujah Under Siege: US Begins Massive Assault as Iraq Declares Martial Law Monday, November 8th, 2004 The U.S. invasion of Fallujah has begun. After weeks of daily bombings, U.S. forces have begun to move into the Sunni city seen as the center of the Iraqi resistance. We speak with independent reporters Rahul Mahajan and Lamis Andoni in Jordan.

The "Days of Penitence": Gaza Sinks in a Sea of Blood (tags)

S. Korea, Hospital Workers General Strike (tags)

Right now, even the government is fighting against us more than before, we join the struggle of S. Korean working class.

Life & Death in South L.A. (tags)

The decline of King/Drew Hospital should serve as a cautionary tale to anyone who clings to the notion that health care should be dispensed by the government.

Stop the Zionazi hero (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their resistance against U.S. backed IsraHell's ethnic cleasing.

Israeli Forces Kill 10 in Gaza, mostly children and teenagers (tags)

This is an AP article, please see website for alternative coverage. Thank you.

Massacre in Faluja- Eyewitness Account (tags)

Members of the Seattle-based organization ‘Another World Is Possible’ traveled to Iraq last fall. Since the siege in Faluja began, we have been receiving phone calls from a Palestinian Iraqi friend who carried 16 women and children out of the besiged city of Faluja.

Poética de los Hospitales (tags)

Los Hospitales no son como los pintan

Palestinians Shoot Themselves in the Foot (tags)

Attack today in Jerusalem slays nurses from a Jerusalem hospital that once saved Palestinian Lives!

Iraq Bombings Kill 6 U.S. Soldiers (tags)

On Tuesday a total of six U.S. occupation soldiers were killed in Iraq. AND FOR WHAT? Hey bu$h... YOU BIG FAT LIER... where are those weapons of mass destruction you launched this war over! In the photo, U.S. occupation soldiers seal off an area where a truck and two Humvee vehicles were afire following a guerilla attack on a U.S. convoy in central Iraq that killed three of the six (photo REUTERS/Ali Jasim)

6 cops shot - 4 dead (tags)

Well things are looking up for the new year already. I would ask that further and better particulars of the LA action be posted asap.Tia.

The Samarra Massacre...Vietnam all over again... (tags)

It appears as if the U.S. is using Vietnam-style tactics in Iraq and portraying Vietnam-style civilian massacres as heroic battles against a fierce enemy. The U.S. corporate media is once again complicit in the covering-up of U.S. crimes and atrocities around the world. Eight Civilians are killed, two Mosques are desecrated, and the U.S. corporate media simply tells us that the U.S. forces fought off an ambush, not even mentioning the Iraqi witnesses which state that the U.S. simply opened fire, indiscriminately, into a crowd of worshippers and pilgrims.

Eye Witness Report: The "Battle" At Samarra (tags)

After inflicting casualties on the Americans the Resistance fighters withdrew. The American troops, however, continued to shell and rocket residential quarters of Samarra' for hours as if to punish residents and drive a wedge between them and the Iraqi Resistance. The result has been quite the opposite. As the people of Samarra' awakened Monday to survey the battle damage they talked to the press of their outrage at the brutality of the American aggressors and their resolve to join the ranks of the Resistance.

Talking shit, talking lies (tags)

Samarra clash toll still a mystery or propaganda for nuts



America’s dress-up president won’t go near the wounded. But Cher will. (tags)

The "Hollywood Left" that pro-Bush/War Conservatives love to bash seem to be doing a better job of honoring our Soldiers than Der Fuhrer. Ironic? Or is it just a true reflection of his "character"?

BTL:Union Victory at Yale Has Broader Significance for Labor Movement (tags)

Interview with John Wilhelm, president of the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees Union conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Washington Post: U.S. battlefield casualties in Iraq are increasing (by Latuff) (tags)

Article by The Washington Post. Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

More atrocities (tags)

The time to annihilate these filthy savages is long past due. Destroy "palestine"

Hospital Admissions Up By 10% (tags)

As Municipal Coffers are being Drained, Resources Among Patients Are Spread Thinner!

What the HELL is this?? (tags)

This IS all an OUTRAGE...I'm tired of America with their heads UP their ASS. IDIOTS!

Nurses Vs. Tenet Healthcare (tags)

7/24/03 Business Week reported: Neither the blazing sun nor the rush-hour traffic could deter the angry knot of nurses who gathered on July 23 at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles, site of Tenet Healthcare's (THC ) annual shareholder meeting. The nurses -- some wearing black bandanas across their mouths -- were protesting Tenet's efforts to prevent the California Nurses Assn. from unionizing some of its hospitals. "We're California nurses!" they chanted. "Mighty, mighty nurses! We will not be silenced!"

Grisly Death Enrages Anti-U.S. Town In Iraq (tags)

The circumstances surrounding the death of the man, identified by a hospital official as Ibrahim Himoud, were unclear.   Iraqi witnesses said U.S. troops brought him to the hospital and said he was shot after running a checkpoint. They also said a second civilian was killed.

Iraqi children are suffering (tags)

Doctors here agree. In interviews this week, three of Iraq's top pediatricians said that although no statistics are available, they believe the rate of child mortality — among the highest in the world during the past 12 years — has risen even higher since Saddam Hussein's regime fell and the United States took over governing the country.

More myths, misconceptions and unanswered questions about the war in Iraq (tags)

In the wake of the war in Iraq, a number of questions have arisen about events during the war and Iraq's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda. As in our earlier columns about the Iraq debate, this article is intended to deal only with claims that have been addressed definitively or near-definitively in the public record. It is our hope that this column will serve to clarify some of the key issues being debated in the aftermath of the war and correct some of the most pervasive myths in circulation.

Saving Private Lynch- a Hollywood Drama (tags)

Irag War

The staged rescue of Private Jessica Lynch (tags)

The Correspondent team had gone back to Nasiriyah to interview eyewitnesses on events and found an entirely different story. Doctors insisted that far from being ill treated Lynch had received the best treatment possible. Assigned to the only specialist bed in the hospital, and one of only two nurses on the floor, medical staff had even given blood to help her due to a shortage.

1,112 and Counting (tags)

The full text of the article that helped start the fight against AIDS.

'Next rescue: Uncovering the truth about Jessica Lynch' (tags)

The day before the American forces burst into the hospital with guns blazing and helicopters swirling overhead, Kampfner found, the Iraqi military had fled. The hospital was completely unguarded. "We were surprised," said another doctor, Anmar Uday. "Why do this? There was no military, there were no soldiers in the hospital."

US POW rescue was 'stage-managed' (tags)

Just keep telling yourself - we have no stage managed controlled Presstitutes, it was not about Oil, Hi I'm from the Government I'm here to help you, we have no stage managed controlled Presstitutes, it was not about Oil, Hi, I'm from the Government I'm here to help you, ...

Saving Private Lynch: Iraqi Doctors Tell a Different Story (tags)

Iraqi medical staff tell a different story than U.S. military 'We all became friends with her, we liked her so much'


US troops occupy the primary school in Fallujah, Iraq, Tuesday April 29, 2003. Iraqi school children staged a demonstration demanding the school be returned to the community. Anti-American chants ring out... someone throws a stone, U.S. Troops panic and open fire. 13 people are killed and up to 75 wounded. U.S. Troops claimed they were shot at and merely returned fire (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder).

Vindication is no Consolation (tags)

The protection by US troops of the Oil Ministry in Baghdad while allowing the looting of the National Museum is a vivid illustration of the real reason for the war, but it is no consolation to the suffering and maimed Iraqi children.

Spoils of War/Made in America (tags)

This story from Reuters does not indicate the American compnay that makes these death weapons. Wherever it is, it should be razed and salt sowed. This company's owners arexwar criminals.

Saving Private Lynch Pt2. What Really Happened. (tags)

"We agreed to stay in one room, not to intervene," Hassan said. The soldiers broke down several doors in the hospital before locating Lynch, and then went to the back of the hospital to recover the remains of nine U.S. soldiers buried in shallow graves. Eight of them, from Lynch's unit, were killed in the same ambush.

U.S. military protected Baghdad's Oil Ministry from being ransacked (tags)

While most other public buildings in Baghdad have been left unguarded, the huge Oil Ministry headquarters on Palestine Street has been ringed by more than 70 US troops and protected by up to a dozen or more armoured personnel carriers

Journalists Killed In Iraq (tags)

U.S. attacked journalists at hotel and office in Iraq.

April 4: Latest News from Iraq (tags)

By: URL: ***Latest Estimated Iraqi Civilian Causalities: 547-733 people (According from Also, check:

War in Iraq takes horrifying toll (tags)

As the war in Iraq entered its third week, reports of casualties show the mounting physical and psychological toll on the Iraqi people and on U.S. soldiers as well.

Shedding No Tears for Iraqi Civilians (tags)

On April 2nd, Al Jazeera news network reported that Bartallah, a predominantly Iraqi Christian town north of Mosul, suffered heavy civilian casualties after a night of intense coalition bombing. The local chief surgeon at the hospital reported that there were 120 dead and wounded civilians brought into the hospital within the past week.

innocent casualties of war (tags)

family annihilated in the name of war


Iraqis stand in a Red Crescent hospital damaged during an air strike in Baghdad April 2, 2003. U.S. missiles hit a Red Crescent maternity hospital in Baghdad, the city's trade fair, and other civilian buildings, killing several people and wounding at least 25, hospital sources and a Reuters witness said. REUTERS/Akram Saleh

Healthcare not Warfare Rally at Rancho Hospital (tags)

Rally at Rancho Tent City "Healthcare not Warfare" April 2, 2003 at 5:30pm. Save Rancho, Stop the War

EMAIL ACTION! *Massive* civilian casualties ignored by media (tags)

Massive civilian casualties! Ignored again! Take action!


British Terror Minister Phony Blair offers his Lie of the Day--this time insinuating (i.e. sneakily lying) that the missiles that hit a Baghdad market were actually Iraqi missiles (of course). First Phony Blair accuses Iraq of executing British POWs only to apologize to the family when it turns out to be a lie, and now this.

ANYTHING to inflame public opinion (tags)

The most innocent things become centerpieces for US propaganda, but they're really clutching at straws with this latest BS.

Raw, devastating realities that expose the truth about Basra (tags)

Two British soldiers lie dead on a Basra roadway, a small Iraqi girl – victim of an Anglo American air strike – is brought to hospital with her intestines spilling out of her stomach, a terribly wounded woman screams in agony as doctors try to take off her black dress.

Marines losing the battle for hearts and minds (tags)

Hopes of a joyful liberation of a grateful Iraq by US and British armies are evaporating fast in the Euphrates valley as a sense of bitterness, germinated from blood spilled and humiliations endured, begins to grow in the hearts of invaded and invader alike. Attempts by US marines to take bridges over the river Euphrates, which passes through Nassiriya, have become bogged down in casualties and troops taken prisoner. The marines, in turn, have responded harshly

Latest Iraq Diary (tags)

Baghdad, as you must know, is now under heavy bombardment. We last spoke with our team in Baghdad two hours ago. The team is split up between three hotels in downtown Baghdad.

Health care not war fare and Rancho Tent city protest (tags)

Health care not warfare and Rancho Tent city protest

Italy: Militants assaulted in Milan by fascists, 1 killed (tags)


Update - Pomona RNs demand Union recognition (tags)

Update: Last September the nursing staff at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center held a union election and won by 120 votes! Management filed frivolous election objections....

Palestinian Hospital attacked by Israeli Soldiers (tags)

When is a hospital not a hospital? When it's filled with Palestinian patients and under the Israeli gun.

Picture of slain Iain Hook and other victims of Israel (tags)



Here are two versions of yesterday's "clashes" in the occupied territories. One from the "liberal" Haaretz, the other from the Chicago Tribune. (of course, a couple of dead Palestinian boys isn't "news" for Israel)

Baby's Arm Severed in LAPD Pursuit (fwd) (tags)

A 2-week-old baby's arm was torn off and six other people were injured when a car pursued by police crashed into another vehicle Tuesday, officials said. A limb reimplantation specialist examined the boy and determined that his arm could not be reattached, said Dr. James Stein of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles.

parents of dying iraqii children vent fury at bush (tags)

pity itaq isnt a superduperpower, they could just attack america and do a regime change

Reflections from Iraq (tags)

A series of e-mails that Loyola School of Law, New Orleans, Professor Bill Quigley has sent back from Iraq. He has been there on a Voices in the Wilderness delegation since Sept. 21. I hope they inspire us all to work harder for peace.


A Mini Series On The Investigative Report Covering Arlene Berry Death Coverup...The new page is completely under reconstruction.

Reports From Palestine (tags)

Garrick Ruiz, a Los Angeles activist and food justice organizer, has been sending reports from Palestine. These are the first few, which have been sent to several listservs in LA.

LA in Palestine (tags)

Beginning of a series of first-person accounts from Los Angelenos working in Palestine. Look for many more!

Swedish and Finnish Security Police technique (tags)

" of the used technique is to hurt citizen and close him/her into mental hospital for observation purpose..."

Democratic Post-Traumatic S11 Art Show At Track-16 (tags)

Track 16 Gallery Bergamot Station 2525 Michigan Ave Santa Monica- Originally in Soho NY, this show gathered a collection of images after the S11 tragedy and allowed for the audience to continually add the show creating a "A Democracy of Photographs". The democratic tradition continues in the LA show.

Bin Laden Met With CIA Agent in July (tags)

Bin Laden Met With CIA Agent in July


MID-EAST REALITIES © - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/17: For some time now Palestinians have been warning that because of Israel's assassination of Palestinian leaders, "crossing the red line" in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, they would respond. When one of the founders of the PLO was assassinated by helicopter missile shot directly into his body as he sat working in his high-rise office in Ramallah in late August, many have expected that some counter-assassination attempt would be made by Palestinians. Today is just happened:

PsychWarfare: Genoa: Body Bags ordered (tags)

despite threatened mass protests, the authorities have ordered 200 "Vietnam War-style body bags" and set up a room at the city's main hospital as a morgue. Police and troops were being given counselling.... [ hmmmm, or brainwashing their consciences???? ]

A tale of two shootings by the Riverside Police Department this week (tags)

In two separate incidents, the police confront two men, who allegedly welded two knives. As the dust settled, one was taken to the hospital with bruises. The other to the morgue with multiple gunshot wounds to the chest. The first was white, the second asian. As police rush to justify the fatal shooting of Vanpaseuth Phaisouphanh, many questions remain...

Cincinnati. Beanbags = little bags of buckshot. Christine Jones may lose spleen. (tags)

Cincinnati's Human relations director witnessed unprovoked, police-beanbag, driveby shooting of Timothy Thomas mourners Saturday April 14. Beanbags injured a black male, 50; 2 little girls, ages 7 and 11; and hospitalized a Louisville French teacher, Christine Jones, 34. "Ms. Jones was admitted to Jewish Hospital in Louisville with a fractured rib, bruised lung and spleen from two bean-bag projectiles, a hospital spokesman said Sunday. She was in good condition today. Doctors are closely monitoring the internal bleeding in her spleen; if it continues, her spleen may have to be removed." --April 16 Cincinnati Post.

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