fix articles 500193, fossil fuel empire
Fossil Fools Day: International Day of Action against the fossil fuel Empire, Ap (tags)
The International Rising Tide network and its allies are calling for a day of action against the fossil fuel industry on April 1st 2008…FOSSIL FOOLS DAY! Confronted with melting ice caps, unprecedented species extinction, droughts, and extreme weather the fools at the head of the fossil fuel empire continue to plunder the earth, with the governments as willing court jesters at their side.
THIS AUGUST: Convergences 4 Climate Action -- Down w/ the Fossil Fuel Empire & Up w/ Life! (tags)
Just under a month from now -- August 8-14th -- regional North American Convergences for Climate Action will bring hundreds of social justice and environmental activists together to fight the fossil fuel empire and create truly sustainable, bio-regionally appropriate and community-based responses to climate change. The events on the West Coast and in the Southeast are modeled after the inspiring 2006 Climate Camp in the UK, which will reemerge this year at Heathrow Airport from August 14th-21st.