fix articles 49965, none Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : none



the assassination attempt on trump is fake news

How To Contact The 544 Unelected Superdelegates Pledged To Clinton (tags)

7 more weeks remain to prevent a woman more hawkish than Obama from becoming the Democratic nominee

Dueling Ideologies in New York: Putin v. Obama (tags)


Obama's Duplicitous V-Day Remarks (tags)


Netanyahu Apocalyptic over Treating Iran Fairly (tags)


Obama Reevaluating US Position on Israel? Don't Bet On It (tags)


Obama Declares Venezuelan Democracy a Threat to US National Security (tags)


Obama's New National Security Strategy: Ugly Business As Usual (tags)


Baseless Accusations of Russian Troops in Ukraine (tags)


Paalestine: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (tags)


Looming US Ground Wars in Iraq and Syria (tags)


US-Style Democracy (tags)


Venezuela Poised to Win Security Council Seat (tags)


America: Humanity's Greatest Threat (tags)


War Winds Near Gale Force (tags)


Washington Hawks Want Greater Middle East Spending (tags)


MSM Ignore International and Constitutional Law (tags)


Obama Declares Open-Ended Middle East War (tags)


Obama Intends Escalating Middle East Aggression (tags)


Targeting Syria (tags)


Waging Genocidal War on Humanity (tags)



Irresponsible China Bashing (tags)


Obama Heads for War in Ukraine (tags)


Israeli Supremes Endorse War Crimes (tags)


Obama Sells Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Abbas Accepts Occupation Harshness (tags)


Beating Up on Russia (tags)


US and Israeli Seasons's Greetings: Part II (tags)


No Joy to the World This Christmas (tags)


John Kerry's Anti-Palestinian Agenda (tags)


NSA: Rogue Spying Writ Large (tags)


The Company Rapes Children (tags)

can't be a perfect nation, there have been none prior to us throughout history, and there will be none after us that are. There is nothing in the universe that is without some flaw or having its own deficiencies. But, it becomes dangerous when people running any great nation become corrupt and take advantage of the good will of the people of a given country for themselves. That behavior in any government can be something that is learned from and put in place through constant checks, or it can become out of control becoming something that siphons huge amounts of a nations treasure, and cause suffering in other ways merely to ensure the power of the corrupt individuals and their ability to continue siphoning treasure from the nation in question's revenue.



Larry Sarner and Monica Pignotti Denounce Wordpress (tags)

Larry Sarner and Monica Pignotti encourage censorship of information about their fringe advocacy group.

Digos Massacre Remembered (tags)

25 June 2009 It is quite common these days to read from the newspapers violence being perpetrated by the communist New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) that most Filipinos no longer care as long they are not the poor victims. People have become so passive that when rebels committed atrocities to civilians, none would make a fuss about it or chastise the perpetrators -- except for the families of the victims and the authorities. None would take the initiative to launch a crusade to seek justice. This is also what happened 20 years ago today.

Semiotext(e)'s translation of Guy Debord's letters (tags)

the entire book is thus both an Orwellian suppression of these relevant and important historical events, and an implicit validation and approval of the similar suppressions that preceded it and made it possible.

Entertainment Material Donations Stifled (tags)

Many entertainers appear for charities, but none donate 100% of their money, & none will allow me to.

may 1st (tags)


Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq? (tags)

The president's family has set an appallingly bad example for wartime sacrifice.

Students arrested for blocking UC nuclear labs (tags)

Six UC students and three community members were forcefully dragged from the UC Regents board meeting on Thursday by police after they informed the Regents that they would not allow the board to convene its DOE lab oversight committee, the Regents’ body in charge of UC’s nuclear weapons research, design, and manufacturing labs in Los Alamos, New Mexico and Livermore, California.

Welcome to the Hotel California (tags)

The New World Order of God has been replaced by the New World Order of Lucifer. Have you noticed your place in the scheme of things has been shrinking a bit? Do you feel a little cramped and closed in? Do you feel a little like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, and the princess in the garbage compactor?

may 1 action (tags)

interesting html graphic call for may 1st actions

homeless and jobless (tags)

living in enemy territory without means, rnc=vc

What Opposition Party? (tags)

The leading lights of the Democratic Party are hiding in the shadows on virtually every important issue, avoiding taking progressive stands on anything of consequence. Handed every conceivable opening by a corrupt and incompetent ruling party, they are refusing to offer an alternative. Roosevelt must be rolling in his grave.

The Continuing Struggle of Afghan Women: A Three Part Film Series (tags)

Part 2 of a film series to help save a refugee High School from closure in Pakistan.

Proof that Jews have always controlled at least 85% of the U.S. media. (tags)

Listed below are the Big 8 Monolithic U.S. Media Conglomerates that control the minds of Americans. This article explains how the U.S. media have propagandized and conned their American subjects into supporting war on any and all Arab countries for the express benefit of Israel and the oil companies.

Blumner: Ashcroft Nonapologetic Despite Findings of Post-9-11 Injustice (tags)

None of the report's findings apparently pricked his conscience: not the way men were indiscriminately arrested, or the way they were kept from contacting attorneys, or the way they were left to languish for months while the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents assigned to clear them of terrorist links were given other duties.

AIDS is a category, not an illness (tags)

From the book "What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong?"

Gulf States May Be Next: British MP (tags)

So this is the kind of thing that goes on behind their oaths of secrecy eh?

KPFK: Inner Vision, Michael Benner, Dec 26, 2002 (tags)

KPFK's "Inner Vision" w/ Michael Benner; mp3, 1 hour and about 25megs

Live from the Iranian protest @ the westwood federal building!! (tags)


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