fix articles 4995, ever Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : ever


Capitalism as Mental Illness (tags)

As to the stress mechanism, Adam Smith supplied that with his theory of “selfish interest” providing collective benefit. And while it’s inarguable that being forced to compete in a self reinforcing and ever accelerating rat race has provided us with many industrial and technological milestones, we must ask ourselves: at what cost? The fracture of social cohesion?

Those who benefit from Corona should pay too (tags)

It's a dangerous trend for a society that is already tending to drift apart and where tensions could become ever greater: Corona has caused the differences between rich and poor to grow, even in Germany. Those who have anyway will become richer in the pandemic.


the ultimate evidence

observation of a presidents journey into madmess (tags)

observations of a lunitic

observation of a presidents journey into madmess (tags)



mary magdalene is fiction


mary magdalene is fiction

THE JESUS LIE . 1 (tags)

jesus christ did not exist

The Living Dead (tags)

Our global culture is facing a hidden crisis.

FBI Investigated LA County Sheriff Baca,Why Not Hank Skinner's Persecution? (tags)

We pray the future U.S. Democratic Presidential candidate, California's U.S. Senator Kamal Harris, picks up the torch for all the innocent little American's in prisons nationwide, that have also been destroyed due to Arizona vs Youngblood evidence tampering.

The Convivialist Manifesto (2013), 22 pp (tags)

We are bound to each other like the waves of the sea (Norbert Elias, German cultural and social historian)

Brazil: Thanks to the supportive American democratic congressmen! (tags)

The coup d'état progresses in a terribly destructive way, in Brazil, and your solidarity is more important than ever.

Moderate Islam’s Real Litmus Test? Israel (tags)

The San Bernardino shooter’s father teaches us a painful lesson about unchecked bigotry

Legacy of 9/11: Endless US Wars on Humanity (tags)


Monied Interests Run America (tags)


Greek Rape and Pillage Bailout Deal: Germany Wants More (tags)


KPFK in MeltDown.NOW. (tags)

KPFK seems to be sliding down....hill...into financial say the paid-staff-programmers, now, finally admitting what has not been on-air told before. Or changing owners maybe ? Wont know till After it all Fallllls away ?

Donald Trump: Billionaire Con Man, Presidential Aspirant (tags)


Netanyahu's Sham Settlement Bloc Boundaries Proposal (tags)


Fidel Castro's Remarks on the 70th Anniversary of Russia's Great Patriotic War Victory (tags)


UK Elections: Business As Usual Triumphs (tags)


Obama's Endless War on Humanity (tags)


Questions for NYT and Other Scoundrel Media Editors (tags)


America's Abysmal State (tags)


End Wars or They'll End Us (tags)


Thoughts on New Year's Eve (tags)


Obama's World (tags)


Risking Possible Bloodbath in Palestine (tags)


Obama's Sham Immigration Reform (tags)


Pharma Corps Act as Mafia Dons by Suppressing Cancer Treatment Alternatives (tags)

The pharmaceutical corporations maintain their monopoly on cancer treatment with radiation, chemotherapy and surgery as the only FDA approved options for those on Medicare/Medicaid by constant harassment of alternative healers and ignorance about nutrition. These strong-arm tactics could be taken out of the script of the Sopranos, the fictional portrayal of an actual organized crime syndicate.

Boycott Israel: Now More Than Ever (tags)


Tom Hanks- Tom Hanks: The CIA's Guy in Hollywood (tags)

Forest Gump brings "The Sixties" to life on CNN- NOT!

Why is KPFK still failing to thrive ? (tags)

KPFK is more than intimately tied to it's umbrella Pacifica, whose latest Executive Director has been 'fired' by some and who refuses to accept the factionalization that predominates these radio stations operations. But no actual factual information is ever available, not locally from KPFK and only malicious attacking blurbs are found online. Why do we who pay dearly to subscribe, to be members, to sponsor KPFK programs [tho not all pgrms would we chose to pay for given any free choices ] know NOTHING from our local source of 'news' and information? ?

Obama's War on Freedom (tags)

police state

2014 Predictions (tags)


End 41 years of cruel and inhuman solitary confinement for Albert Woodfox of the Angola 3 (tags)

Below is a new statement, just released by Robert H. King urging people to support Amnesty International's newly-launched campaign supporting Albert Woodfox of the Angola 3. This month, Woodfox's conviction was overturned by US District Court Judge James Brady. In response Amnesty International has launched an online action campaign urging Louisiana Attorney General James Caldwell not to appeal this ruling to the Fifth Circuit Court.

Sequester Chicken (tags)


From Financial Crisis to Stagnation: An Interview with Thomas Palley (tags)

"The way economies are organized and function is significantly the product of social choices, not the product of nature. Over the past thirty years we (society) have embraced a set of economic ideas..."

Unbelievable, Obvious Evil (tags)

The edge is near and there's a reason it paralyses the mind with its dark depth.

The formation of cooperatives doesn’t by itself eliminate competition (tags)

Wages — and thus the human beings who work for the wages — are commodities in capitalism, or any system in which distribution is monopolized or largely controlled by capitalist-style market relations.

Pride parade in gaza (tags)

come gaza for our first ever pride parade

There is no democracy without economic democracy (tags)

Cooperatives would not have stratospheric executive pay or financiers getting fat by skimming off a large share of the pie — without the need to produce excess profits, the result would be reduced work hours, higher pay and more left over for investment and taxes to pay for social services.

Israel Steps Up Police State Crackdowns (tags)


Big Lies Launch Wars (tags)


Growing Israeli Tyranny (tags)

police state

Obama Plans Gutting Regulations for Corporate Favorites (tags)


Genocide in US and Canadian Residential Schools (tags)


Reagan Revisionism: Planned Centennial Commemoration Hoopla (tags)


America's Dire State of the Union (tags)

economic crisis

Revolution in British: Billy Bragg (tags)

Happy MLK Day! There is good in every person. Our ideas about strength and security must change to reflect reality and not jingoistic imperialist delusions. Normalizing war and militarizing foreign policy are perversions that only bring mistrust and cynicism.

Netanyahu's Government: Israel's Worst Ever (tags)

Israeli repression

Ben Austin channels Sarah Palin substituting his Triggers for her Targets (tags)

Highly paid school privatization advocate Ben Austin has been lashing out publicly with ever more vitriol since he ignominiously lost his seat on the California State Board of Education and his supposed moment of triumph in Compton, chronicled in Jill Stewart's trashy masseuse and porn ad pennysaver was been mired in controversy and very real accusations of malfeasance.

US Elections: America's Right Turn (tags)

misguided voters

Systemic Washington-Sanctioned Fraud (tags)

massive fraud

Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed (tags)

Senate report confirms the millions of bribe ( and other means ) money used to direct the corporate media into certain 'viewpoints' that never, ever become critical of the Israeli state. ­

Sacking McChrystal: Testimony to a Lost War (tags)

the illegal, lost Afghan war

Targeting Whistleblowers: Truth Telling Endangered (tags)

dissent and whistleblowers in America endangered.

I have a dream (tags)

When the seeds of truth are sown, the grassroots truth revolution will blossom from the enlightenment"

KPFK members may think CHANGES are not needed so should not occur...??? (tags)

Why are so many objecting to any changes attempted at Our Radio Station funded by listeners at KPFK ?

Drones: A slam-dunk weapons system or our ticket to hell? (tags)

"Whatever the short-term gains from introducing drone warfare in these past years, we are now locked into the 24/7 assassination trade - with the US's own set of non-suicide bombers on the job into eternity. This may pass for sanity in Washington, but it's surely helping to pave the road to hell. Haven't any of these folks ever seen a sci-fi film? Are none of them Terminator fans? Are they sure they want to open the way to unlimited robot war, keeping in mind that, if this is the latest game in town, it won't remain mainly an American one for long. And just wait until the first Iranian drone takes out the first Balochi guerrilla supported by American funds somewhere in Pakistan. Then let's see just what we think about the right of any nation to summarily execute its enemies - and anyone else in the vicinity - by drone. Is this actually what we Americans want to be known for? And if we let this happen, and General Atomics is working double or triple shifts to turn out ever more, ever-newer generations of robot warriors, while the nation suffers 10.2% unemployment, who exactly will think about shutting them down?

More than ever, the oil must be ours (tags)

Just like in the beginning. With the same passion and the same radicality of campaign "The oil is ours". If, in the 1950's, when our daily production was 2,300 barrels, the whole country has mobilized in favor of retaining the oil wealth to Brazilians, what to say about today, when, in only four fields, it is estimated that the reserves of pre-salt layer will produce 16 billion barrels?

Black and Brown Youth: Both the 'Expendable' Youth of Pomona? (tags)

Thursday of this past week, Pomona police officers arrested 11 Pomona youth with murder charges, including two current high school students. The murder charges are from April of this year where an 18-year old black male, Marquis LeBlanc from Diamond Bar, was beaten unconscious and then shot and killed.

The Decapitation of Pakistan by its own Military! (tags)

Pakistani military helped destroy Afghanistan, and they are now helping to destroy Pakistan. No Pakistani civilian I know, including myself, ever authorized the Pakistani military to destroy Afghanistan, or aid the United States in its own hegemonic plans on the Grand Chessboard. Do you know anyone? So from where did they get their mandate? I would rather have clean drinking water in my tap, damn it! What good are the bloody nukes when they become the raison d'être for our very destruction in this manner without ever firing a single missile at the drones that are killing our own peoples?

Front Sight and Scientology?!?" (tags)

Front Sight and Scientology?!?"

39th Anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium: "Still Here, Still A Force" (tags)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

EAST LOS ANGELES--Thirty-nine years ago, a statewide series of demonstrations by Chicanos and Chicanas against the wars in Southeast Asia culminated in a police riot and the assassination of Los Angeles Times and KMEX journalist Rubén Salazar. Today, members of the Chicanx community and activists of all stripes commemorated the day's fateful events with music, poetry, teatro, and speakers.

The Vacuum of World Trade Breaks Down (tags)

The unbridled free market was an illusion that gave free rein to greed and speculation and the dominance of the financial markets. Shareholder value made the profits of shareholders absolute and set short-term gain over long-term necessity.

Unemployed ? some thoughts that may help. (tags)

Out of a job ? again ? or suddenly scared of losing that job you complained so much about just recently ? You are not alone. Some thoughts of an unemployed. Share your comments and suggestions here too.

"Down the Memory Hole," Alan Greenspan Style (tags)

Greenspan-caused housing bubble

VIDEO: Lessons of the Great Depression (tags)

Output per worker, efficiency or productivity, increased 25% from 1923-1930 while wages only increased 4%. The first problem is that people can't afford what they produce. The second problem is that we've been consuming the planet

LA's Part in the Drug War (tags)

Los Angeles has long been a destination for immigration from Mexico, but job seekers aren't the only commodity crossing the border. Cocaine trafficking is big business in Mexico, and my article looks at Los Angeles' role in the Drug War.



The Philippines, a First World Country in 2015? No WAY! (tags)

In 1960, Disodado Mcapagal led the Philippines into the arms of Dictator Ferdinand Marcos by implementing the dictates of the World Bank-IMF in imposing decontrol and de-industrializing the Philippines with the slogan “Fight Poverty” Forty years later, in 2008, her daughter Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo promised in her speech to the United Nations last September 23 to lead the Philippines into a “First World Country Status” with the same slogan” Fighting Poverty” in 2015 .

The Philippines, a First World Country in 2015? No WAY! (tags)

n 1960, President Diosdado Macapagal led the Philippines to the arms of Dictator Ferdinand Marcos by implementing the dictates of the World Bank-IMF in imposing decontrol and de-industrializing the Philippines with the slogan “Fight Poverty” Forty years later, in 2008, her daughter Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo promised in her speech to the United Nations last September 23 to lead the Philippines into a “First World Country Status” with the same slogan” Fighting Poverty” in 2015.

Grieving the Death of An Abusive Parent: Geri “Tookie” (tags)

My stepmother died this week. It seems odd to celebrate someone’s death. I am not celebrating the joyful, productive, amazing life of my stepmom, Geri, in her death. It is more like a Nazi camp prisoner might feel upon hearing word that a Nazi officer that tortured him died.


Larry Law's classic english (post) situ movie are you in a bad state screened for perhaps the first time ever, Rene Vienet's classic french (post) situ movie peking duck soup screened for perhaps the second time ever!

Gay Hip Hop Tour Winds Down in L.A. (tags)

the first ever tour of Gay and Lesbian rappers concludes it's historical 2007 run in L.A.

Left needs to make something of this (tags)

"What's really happening here is that, whether wittingly or unwittingly, the establishment minions are terrified that their perch on the peanut gallery can be so forcefully undermined by a grass roots rebellion against the stranglehold of the elite - who carefully screen presidential candidates year after year - ensuring only establishment lackeys ever have a chance of winning. In addition, if Ron Paul is so "meaningless" then why is Drum, along with an army of other establishment media stooges and Neo-Con cult members, wasting his time in attacking the Congressman?"

Greenspan's Dark Legacy Unmasked (tags)

Alan Greenspan's true record of public disservice.

Ever wonder how the FBI monitors an Activists telephone or email? (tags)

Ever wonder how the FBI monitors an Activists telephone or email? Well The Loyal Nine is going to blow the lid of that for you. Basically federal agents have a tool called DCS-3000. I know it sounds like some kind of power engine but its not. Its a windows based application that any agent can install on their workstation or laptop. It gives them the instant ability to wiretap any phone, email, text message account, Instant messenger account, VOIP account... basically anything you can think of, in less then 3 clicks of a mouse.

America: COUNTDOWN to DICTATORSHIP by STEALTH - only 14 days left! (tags)

Bush Outlaws All War Protest In United States Bush Executive Order: Criminalizing the Antiwar Movement Yet there is NOT ONE WORD of this in the MSM or Congress! Why not?

Antarctic Glaciers Moving To Sea Faster (tags)

The British Antarctic Survey team studying 300 glaciers found that they are flowing into the sea at a faster pace than scientists have ever seen. As the glaciers melting is accelerated, the melt water contributes to the faster movement.

The Christ Conspiracy by Achaya S E-Book! (tags)

The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold (1999) by Acharya S. PDF ebook Please support the author intro video:

Barrett Heading to Morocco to Apprehend Suicide Hijacker (tags)

Dr. Barrett will be traveling to Morocco May 6th to apprehend accused 9/11 hijacker Waleed al-Shehri, who, after allegedly stabbing a stewardess on a flight that crashed into the World Trade Center, returned to Casablanca and has reportedly been working as a pilot there ever since.

Open Letter to Mayor Villaraigosa (tags)

We, the undersigned, demand the immediate resignation of Mark Brown from the office of the City Attorney. Mark Brown (Bar # 60683), during the course of the last three years, has taken a central role in writing ordinances that unfairly oppress and harass hardworking people of the city of Los Angeles.

Australian Journalist continues lie about AHmadinejad (tags)

Julie Szego, who writes for the australian paper The AGE and also Australian Jewish News, has written a hatchet piece against President Ahmadinejad of Iran, in which all the old lies are trotted out. So ive written a letter to the AGE, and now will spread around the internet

Blackwater brass forms intel company (tags)

Blackwater brass forms intel company

Bush's budget priorities: war and the wealthy (tags)

Bush's budget priorities: war and the wealthy

Services sector overtakes farming (tags)

Services sector overtakes farming

Left Wing Zionists to the Rescue? (tags)

According to a article by Gregory Levey there is a new left leaning lobbying group being set up by the likes of George Soros and Clinton adviser Jeremy Ben-Ami

News Item: US Courts to Seek "Cruelty-Free" Execution Methods (tags)

News Item: US Courts to Seek "Cruelty-Free" Execution Methods Good morning, students! Today in Philosophy 101 we're going to be studying the the morality of the death penalty in a "Culture of Life".

Proud to be American (tags)

Slaughter the kids

Reforming or Dismantling the Welfare State (tags)

The neoliberal residual state is more a criminal than a welfare state..The welfare state that has constitutional rank in Germany is now without intrinsic value for neoliberals and subject to the location logic of economic and power interests.

US nuke goes off in iraq -- VIDEO (tags)

this was to be used for yet MORE israeli false flag terror like 911 and so many others

More Research on Iraq Mushroom Cloud (tags)

All manner of attempts to discredit this bit of news have arised and why not? This has the potential to be far more damaging to the Bush administration than anything that has occured on his watch yet - yes anything. We are talking about storing nuclear devices in a foreign country, in a war zone. For what?



rack space scandle spreading (tags)

where they ever realy missing?

Run Forrest Run! (tags)

The first TV ad ever for a statewide Green Party candidate!

Are you a nazi/ Milgram's test in Yes and No (tags)

67% of us are Nazis waiting for the call.

the Excuse of all who oppose us (tags)


GMO Disease Epidemics: (2) Hepatitis B Vaccine (tags)

Genetic Engineering (GE,GM,GMOs) is a nightmare technology that has already caused many disease epidemics-- documented but unpublicized. Note that GE medicine has been totally ignored by environmentalists and anti-GMO campaigners. Read and take heed -- it may save your health or life.

AJLPP 1st National Congress (tags)

International solidarity against the worldwide US-led “war on terror” is more necessary than ever. In particular, with the US-backed Arroyo clique pushing an all-out militarist solution and with the alarming rise in political killings and militarization in the Philippines, forging solidarity with the Filipino people’s clamor for a just and lasting peace is more urgent than ever. Communiqué on the 1st National Congress of the Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) – U.S.A.



A Who's Who of Who's Controlling Whom (tags)

Ever wonder who's in control. Here's a who's who of who is controlling whom for those of you who care to know who is who.



TAKE ACTION: House Votes TODAY on Palestinian Sanctions (tags)

we NEED you to please pick up the phone TODAY and tell your Representative to vote NO on HR 4681 because the House is voting tonight, Monday, May 22, on HR4681,

American Scholars Symposium: 9/11 & The Neo-Con Agenda (tags)

This June 24-25, 2006 researchers, scholars, journalists, media personalites, and average folks will come together from all over the USA to gather in Los Angeles to invite the rest of the world to examine the facts of 9/11. Through powerful & insightful presentations from prominent guest speakers & riveting documentary screenings we will examine the Neo-Con Agenda and 9/11 as the pretext for the brutal on-going war in Iraq as well as the establishment's future plans.

9/11 Truth symposium to be held in LA (tags)

Major New 9/11 Truth Symposium Coming To L.A. Features Alex Jones, Professor Steven Jones, Former Star Wars Head Bob Bowman, Dylan Avery & Others

Breaking the Mikulski Code! (tags)

Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD) voted against the Iraqi War, but she has consistently voted to fund it. She poses as a liberal, but on the Iraqi conflict, there is little or no difference between her complicity in that wrong and that of VP Dick Cheney. He was recently booed at a baseball game. When will the people of Maryland begin booing her? Another funding for the Iraqi War vote is coming up in late April. Will Mikulski again support the Bush-Cheney Gang?

America's Glorious Empire of Debt (tags)

Economists have all become like rich notables in the time of Trajan, doing the emperor's work whether they are on his payroll or not.

Lessons of `Lawrence of Arabia' (tags)

"Bush #43, what he has done to us and the world, embodies the putrefication of everything good that has ever symbolized America. In the name of Jesus, no less.."

Up the Anti (tags)

Another disaster (drill) gone live? That is what concerns me as the commercial media keeps telling us,,, terrorists are plotting plotting plotting while intelligence sources ( usually un-named ) give us detailed responce protocol under martial law. Northcom and Centcom adjusting the riding tack before riding into a future of constant bombings, roundups and terror. By the State.


This is from the Portland IMC: author: Joseph Hillier The evidence of brutality, torture, murder, corruption, conspiracy, and complete contempt for all standards of human decency that is certain to come out during the impeachment of Bush and his high administrative officials will forever discredit the evil neo-con, capitalist, corporate, militarist ideology.

Wireless World: Phone-plan competition hot (tags)

A story about monthly mobile phone plans.

Famed Artist Paints Abu Ghraib (tags)

"Fernando Botero’s latest paintings go beyond anything he’s ever created in the past. He’s completed his masterwork, a suite of 50 large oil paintings depicting the horrors perpetrated by Americans at Iraq’s infamous Abu Ghraib prison." (A variety of articles about the intersection of art and politics can be found at the Art For A Change web log:

Gud Bless Murka (tags)

Good Reading.... drudgery and/or artisanhood (tags)

the question was raised re: writer's block.

They Will Never Stop, We Must Stop Them. (tags)

I think it's important to remember that in the novel 1984, Orwell drew a world where, despite the crushing uniform behavior enforced by the ruling elite, even a remaining avenue of escape; language, was being destroyed. The despotism was unrelenting, ever enclosing and absolute in it's reduction of the individual to an insect. This, I believe is the kernel of the warning given to us by Mr. George Orwell.


"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned, they did not help the poor and needy" Ezekiel 16:49

Part-Time Work for Everyone (tags)

The advantages of part-time work must gain general approval.. When the just distribution of work makes headway, the state and the economy will be freed from a considerable part of social expenditures and cuts in individual living standards will be balanced.

ERR Communique from the Cultural Front (tags)

The Ever Reviled Records Worker Collective is proud to announce the launching of our new website: another step in on our on going efforts to undermine capitalism and the state while building the counter-culture. We got our cyberspace guns loaded and ready to storm the internet front!

The Will of the People Was NOT Expressed In This Election (tags)

On November 3rd, George Bush called up the newly elected Republican senators who believe in such things as the death penalty for abortion providers and banning gays from teaching and said: “It’s time to get the job done.” Capitalism personified, Bush told the press “Let me put it to you this way: I earned political capital in the campaign and now I intend to spend it”. He is full of himself—on a mission to take this whole nightmare to an even more intense, more repressive level.

A Note Of Appreciation From The Rich (tags)


Keeping Score of the Murdered in Gaza, total now 136 (tags)

Keeping Score of the Murdered in Gaza, total now 136

Sack the Rich (tags)

Why do people obsess with wealth? I've been castigated by the weasels for retiring into worn phrases that have been echoing throughout the ages. I feel so confused... Hmmm let me sort this out.

Ralph Nader Takes Out The Trash: A Rebuttal To The ADL's Abe Foxman. (tags)

A letter to Abe Foxman of the ADL, after Foxman had issued one of his standard "he's a bigot" responses to Nader's criticism of Israeli policy.

Wolf Guards the Henhouse (tags)

What's with the ICJ?

Massive Propaganda (tags)

Isn’t this the greatest political propaganda that has ever existed?

Breaking News: 911 Plot Uncovered (tags)

Tell everyone about this website immediately. This is an emergency! Once the truth is finally exposed to the public, it will send shockwaves throughout America. But, what you must also realize is that once this is exposed, the consequences will not merely be the impeachment of a president, the imprisonment of an entire administration, or even the tremendous monetary fluctuations from new insurance claims....the result of this may be the 2nd American Civil War.

Alhambra Vigil Grows (tags)

The Alhambra Vigil asked for help from the community, and got it. The street vigil, which normally numbers 25 to 35, grew large, probably to around 100 people, and got more raucous than ever before.

Torture(d) Logic (tags)

Q: What’s worse (much worse, actually) than a U.S. Attorney General tussling with U.S. Senators over a definition of torture? A: Finding out the U.S. government has actively sought a way to commit it. Can anything be done to counter this insanity? There’d better be, for our country’s soul depends on it.

American Caligula - (tags)

Caligula, the schizophrenic by-product of an influential Roman family grew up in a wealthy decadent world steeped in generations of treachery and political intrigue. Considered the most morally and ethically corrupt emperor ever to rule the great Roman empire 37-41 A.D.

Oh, Say Can’t You See? (tags)

According to most polls, about 50% of Americans continue to look favorably upon President Bush. For goodness sake, why?? For the answer, read on.

Led Zeppelin: the greatest TV commercial ever made (tags)

use of Led Zep song in Cadillac SUV TV advertisement triggers yet another rant from NOT BORED!

National Priorities (tags)

Speaking out on the issues

This Week in Rape-oops- Sports (tags)

Kobe screwed, but is his accuser screwing us?

Check out this new web news service (tags)

This is a letter encouraging people to check out a new web news service out of Syracuse, New York. The service is called The NewStandard. Check it out at



KPFK and ISM supported by Donations from Muslim Extremists (tags)

KPFK and Pacifica, which were in the toilet 2 years ago at the time of the suit and the takeover by the Amy Goodman / Noam Chomsky faction, have been getting donations from many many Islamics and Arabs, including Saudi Arabian donations coming through various fronts and proxies.

Vigil for murdered CSULA professor, 2/24 (tags)

Dr. Glenda Vittimberga was murdered and beheaded by a friend and former graduate student. So far, the media has virtually ignored it.

Two US Soldiers ask: "When will we stop dying so senselessly?" (tags)

Over the Christmas holidays I managed to find two US soldiers who were back from Iraq. They were both somewhat willing to be interviewed and describe their time in Iraq in their own words.

CA Anarchist Gathering 2004 FEB 18-20, 2004 (tags)


The War on Odor & The War on Terror (tags)

In (Vonnegut's) God Bless You Mr. Rosewater, one of Trout’s stories appears; a story of a country that is at war with odor. A country, where millions are spent fighting odors, chemicals are developed to neutralize every odor. Time, money and manpower goes into a full-frontal attack on the scourge of the earth, odor.

DNC Consulta (Boston, Feb 2004) (tags)

DNC Resistance Consulta Friday February 13 - Monday February 16, 2004 Boston, Massachusetts

Buy Nothing Day (tags)

How about "steal something day"?

The world's Biggest fuck up - ever (tags)

Can we do anything about the scum sucking lizards that are destroying this country?

Dumb, Dumber And Dumbest (tags)

It is dumb to suppose that the way to decrease crime is to make sure all potential victims of violent crime are disarmed. It is dumber yet to believe that a criminal will obey a gun-control law. No bank robber or rapist has ever set out and then stopped and said, "Gosh, I don't have a permit for this weapon, so I guess I'd better not rob that bank or rape that girl." No serial killer has ever said: "Gosh, I can't kill this person with an unregistered weapon. That would be against the law."

Scotland Yard Fury Over Bush Visit (tags)

White House security demands covering This is really quite unprecedented - historic allies the U.S. and U.K. at loggerheads over preventing King George from having to pay any mind to the Peasantry's complaints about the evil he has sown. "President George Bush's controversial state visit to Britain have provoked a serious row with Scotland Yard. "

First Ever All-California State-Wide Convergence Of The California Campus Greens! (tags)

Conference and gathering to build a movement . . .

Who do you admire? Who do you despise? (tags)

Can you name six prominent Americans that you admire? I'm thinking of Americans from the political arena. Can you name six prominent Americans whom you truly despise?

American Satyricon - The Perverting Of Reality (tags)

True, there has been some tongue-wagging about how America dropped its radioactive torture on Afghanistan and Iraq after telling whoppers of lies that never would have gone unchallenged in an eighth-grade debate class, but nevertheless managed to hold spellbound the entire American populace while these evil massacres took place.

Just Answer the Question, Mr. Limbaugh (tags)

We have a golden opportunity to strike a blow for constitutional government by removing all doubt about the total failure of the drug war. However, Rush will probably just have his wrist slapped, his fans will defend him just like Bill Clinton’s defended him and most will never question the insanity of the drug war.

Marriage: just say no (tags)

Marriage is crumbling in the West, and may soon be almost gone.

Slime And Defend (tags)

Can you believe this? The gang that promised to restore honesty and integrity to the White House is, once again, going to "slime" the opposition for shedding light on the corruption which has bloomed and flourished under George W. Bush.

"To Die in Iraq" (tags)

In a country run by and for millionaires, the surplus got spent. The rich got tax cuts, and the future got hocked. The environment got screwed.  Bechtel and Halliburton got contracts. Religious schools got public funds. Big CEOs robbed and ran free. Good jobs disappeared by the millions. Bankruptcies and child poverty set new records. Big Oil did just fine, thank you.

IVINS: Bush-haters (tags)

The night Gore conceded the race in one of the graceful and honorable speeches I have ever heard, I was in a ballroom full of Republican Party flacks who booed and jeered through every word of it. One thing I acknowledge about the right is that they're much better haters than liberals are.

Arrest the president now! (tags)

The Traitorous Bush Junta has committed crime after crime and murder after murder. If you do not express your outrage then you are an accessory. PERIOD - no wiggle room. If you do not stand up for what is right then you are supporting the evil. "I didn't know" doesn't cut it.

Arrest the president now! (tags)

Enough 9/11 evidence exists to hang Bush, imprison thousands (Will the U.S.A. survive this crisis?)

Folly Taken To A Scale Not Seen Since WWII (tags)

No, the attacks on 11 September have nothing to do with Iraq. Neither did 11 September change the world. President Bush cruelly manipulated the grief of the American people - and the sympathy of the rest of the world - to introduce a "world order" dreamed up by a clutch of fantasists advising the Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld.

'I Never Promised You A Ruse Garden' A Letter From Michael Moore To George W. Bush (tags)

I don't always agree with Michael Moore but he can be fiendishly witty - as in this Mock Letter to Geeeeee Duhhhhbya.

What Are Little Boys Made Of? (tags)

Lights, camera, action; live footage shows the military kicking down an isolated farm house door ordering the terrified peasant family, the elderly grandparents, little children and parents to kneel in the dirt their hands behind their backs. I feel sick and ashamed that the power-might-and untold blessings of my country, are being utilized in the subjugation, humiliation and terror towards people we've announced such altruistic concern for. Operation Iraq Freedom resembles Operation Bloodlust-Might Makes Right.

The Omnipotence of God (II) (tags)

The fact that almost all religions believe that nothing, not even a single space or a single entity, is capable of restricting God’s existence is an obvious indication that sub-atomic particles are part of God.

Indymedia's Parade of Stars! (tags)

In our ongoing effort to present to you the latest buzz from below the Beltway in Twaddle Town we bring you reader requests:

Triumph of Kleptocracy & Death of Reason (tags)

"The great danger of the lynch-mob terror-bubble we find ourselves trapped in, as the Germans under the Nazi regime were, is losing touch with the rest of the world..This is no longer our government, but has been stolen from us by country-sized corporations and their henchmen." from Slingshot 2003



The Omnipotence of God (tags)

The fact that almost all religions believe that nothing, not even a single space or a single entity, is capable of restricting God’s existence is an obvious indication that sub-atomic particles are part of God.

Duped and Betrayed: "Bipartisanship is another name for date rape." (tags)

Will "moderates" - the people formerly known as "conservatives" - ever learn? Today's "conservatives" - the people formerly known as the "radical right" - don't think of a deal as a deal; they think of it as an opportunity to pull yet another bait and switch.

What did the war accomplish? (tags)

"What "threat"? When did Saddam ever utter any such threat? And what weapons? This weekend, Iraqi general and chief scientist Amir Saadi said after surrendering that Iraq has no such weapons, which is what he said before the war. Maybe there are some even he doesn't know about, but there's no trace of them so far,..."

war (tags)

me & u

Why the Left will never put its hands up (tags)

Being a leftist means you never have to say you're sorry.

"It was an outrage, an obscenity" (tags)

The truth is that nowhere is safe in Baghdad, and as the Americans and British close their siege in the next few days or hours, that simple message will become ever more real and ever more bloody. We may put on the hairshirt of morality in explaining why these people should die.

Not All Irishmen Hate America (tags)

An Appreciation


don't read if you have a weak stomach...


”To him who sits upon the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might for ever and ever.” Revelation 5:13 "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world." John 1:29

Symbology minus one (tags)

An antiwar poem

Symbology minus one (poem) (tags)

an antiwar poem

"Race" and "Mixed Race" Workshop and Art Show (tags)

Do you ever think about race? Have you ever thought about the various forces throughout history that have prevented races from mixing? Why are "mixed" people in this country a people without a history? Must race be tied to culture? Can we ever abolish the concept of "race"? Should we?

Europe and America must stand united (tags)

A declaration in support of the United States by the heads of eight European countries.

Chomsky interview about Haiti (tags)

On November 8th, 2002 Faiz Ahmad sat down with Noam Chomsky, MIT professor and world renowned critic of American foreign policy, to discuss the current situation in Haiti.

CELEBRATE NEW YEAR AT THE NUCLEAR TEST SITE (tags) has been organizing interfaith retreats and events at the US nuclear test site for 20 years now. Taking direct action for peace is the best way to ring in the new year!


As he drags the world to pointless destruction...

Defeat Corporate Communism (tags)

New book excerpt explaining how everything we thought was bad about communism is what's wrong with corporatism

i am american poverty (tags)

examines the reality of poverty in contemprary america, asks "where is the left" and offers solutions

Ever wonder (tags)

Those who forget history ...

globalisation means war (tags)

The global Swiss banking syndicate that is backing the war effort

Please God, save the world! (tags)

The US is vulnerable to major Nuclear attacks and it is time to change our world relations policies before it's too late. Meanwhile, the FBI continue to harrass the innocent.

Sept events and Volunteer meeting at Flor y Canto (tags)

September Events and Volunteer meeting at Flor y Canto

leftist conservatism (tags)

I am addressing my concerns about the left's propensity to perpetuate it's own elite and their failed strategies and ideas

The politics of murder (tags)

Pressed as to why the U.S. has not done so after twenty two months in which barely a day has passed without U.S. weapons being used to add to the mounting list of Palestinian victims in the Occupied Territories, Boucher said: "All we've ever really answered in response to these questions is to note that we have not made such a report, and should we do so we'll tell you. At this point we haven't."

Tips on How to Be an Arafat Apologist (tags)

Tips on How to Be an Arafat Apologist

Anti-War Statement at Renaissance Faire (tags)

An astonishingly dramatic statement against war was made at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire last Monday.

Politically Incorrect" CANCELLED! (tags)

This is NOT a defense of the loud mouthed and abrasive Bill Maher, but... ever feel like you've been cheated? (photo of Jimmy Kimmel, the new Mr. USA)

Coming Soon to a TV Near You-"War Stories" (tags)

Now more than ever, it's time to organize a large-scale "Turn off your TV" campaign to boycott this kind of pro-war propaganda.

The tricks of mainline media as usual (art) (tags)

Remember, the u.s. media and its allies are *YOUR FRIENDS*! They would never ever ever do anything to undermine the objectivity they all hail as their hallowed ideal! And, your friendly reporters on the street, their work and care will never be attacked or otherwise molested by those who own them! Naw, not on your life! (anticopyright art)

FBI Calls Non-Lethal Vandalism Eco-Terrorism (tags)

the FBI is coining the term eco-terrorism for non lethal direct action on behalf of the environmental and animal liberation.

Dillinger Gang-S11 poster< art project2> (tags)

This is Texas Tom Holmes poster in reponse to s11


The leading newspapers in a dozen Near East countries and India and Pakistan oppose the U.S. action in Afghganistan.


The leading newspapers in 12 Near East countries and others condemn U.S. action in Afghanistan.

"Evidence" against Osama bin Laden? (tags)

Give us EVIDENCE - not testimonials

The problem is... (tags)


For California's Independence (tags)

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT IN THESE DIRE TIMES: We must not continue to be held hostage to U.S. monopoly finance KKKapital!!!

After Genoa: Diversity and Solidarity (tags)

Why We Need to Stay in the Streets: "Our large scale actions have been extraordinarily effective. In fact they have, they have significantly changed the agendas and the propaganda issuing forth. In any case, the actual policies of these institutions will be the last thing to change…. Our purpose is to undercut their legitimacy, to point a spotlight at their programs and policies, and to raise the social costs of their existence until they become insupportable. Contesting the summits has delegitimized these institutions in a way no local organizing possibly can."

Castro comes back after collapse (tags)

President Castro climbs to make his latest speech

Toxic Dump Protest in San Diego (tags)

Local citizens marched to a toxic dump site where SeaWorld propses to expand their theme park. The protest was organized by Ocean Beach Grassroots Organization (OBGO) to raise awareness of it's dangers. The SDPD stopped traffic at busy intersections helping the march cross. SeaWorld had no comment on today's rally, but they will have to respond in their Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for their expansion. OBGO's response to the draft EIR raised many questions SeaWorld is required by law to answer in the Final EIR.

world wide news (tags)

viet nam corespondence

Leonard Peltier - Action Alert (tags)

Free Leonard Peltier Demand that President Clinton grant clemency peition

A Horrible Event (tags)

The wildly popular genocide of the disfigured is being based on Holocaust example. This is very supported by big labor / mafia and will be politically advantageous for us.

Stop the Violence! (tags)

The wildly popular genocide of the disfigured is being based on Holocaust example. This is very supported by big labor / mafia and will be politically advantageous for us.

scare the plain folk (tags)

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