fix articles 49921, socalled Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : socalled


Labor migration has always existed (tags)

Labor migration to Germany has a history: Italian guest workers in the 1960s The labor shortage in the countryside is becoming increasingly noticeable, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find local workers; on the other hand, the demand for migrant workers, mainly foreigners, is increasing. (...)

The work critique of millenials and A new universalism of emancipation (tags)

The 4-Hour League, an alliance founded in 2016 to campaign for the 4-hour day is concerned with pushing back wage labor to have more time for a good life, for a gender-just redistribution of care activities and putting an end to the over-exploitation of nature.


another con book about Anne exposed


Anne was not betrayed because she never hid


The so-called diary of anne frank is a forgery by persons other than anne

Researching Islamic Terrorism in Europe. (tags)

Saving Western civilization and global freedom. I am seeking funding to research Islamic terrorism in Europe. My recent book describes some aspects which require further research e.g on 10 Dec 2008 the UN extended the domain of secularism to cover the whole Universal Declaration which showed that in the case of Bangladesh this certainly appeared to result i a major eruption of violence by Muslim extremists who are anti-secular. This indicates that the UN's decision may have led to a increase in Islamic terrorism globally.

The Lie of the Civilized Western World (tags)

"Terrorism is the war of the poor and war is the terrorism of the rich," Peter Ustinov said and thereby contradicted the media picture "we," the West who had to resist after being attacked without reason by barbarians. The so-called western values seem to be military values.

Crush German Imperialism (tags)

a short clip regarding the so-called "German Unity Day"

Irresponsible NYT Putin Bashing (tags)


The Latest NYT Propaganda Piece on Syria (tags)


Obama's Phony War on ISIS (tags)


Propaganda War on Russia in High Gear (tags)


Facade of Diplomacy Masks Same Old US Latin American Policy (tags)


Obama Orders Airstrikes to Defend ISIS in Syria (tags)


Thoughts on Independence Day Weekend (tags)

Independence Day

Saudis Brutalize Migrants (tags)


Washington's Phony War on ISIS (tags)


Washington Post Features Op-Ed by Ukraine Putschist (tags)


Ukraine's Latest Big Lie (tags)


Raging Anti-Russian Propaganda (tags)


Russian Aggression: The Big Lie Blasted Worldwide Ad Nauseam (tags)


Obama's Phony Middle Class Tax Relief Plan (tags)


Jeb Bush Exploring White House Bid (tags)

police state

Fear-Mongering Ahead of Another US False Flag? (Part II) (tags)


Biased Human Rights Report on Ukraine (tags)


State-Sponsore Terror in Ukraine (tags)


Fake Ukrainian National Unity Talks (tags)


Bashing Real Democracy (tags)


Obama Shifts Closer to War on Syria (tags)


WMD Deception: Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


Malicious Syria Bashing (tags)


Petition & Article: Salary Cap Needed For Nonprofit Housing Developers (tags)

Too many executives in so-called nonprofit housing organizations all across the nation make upwards of $200,000 to $300,000 a year, off of tax payer subsidized housing projects!

Fake Terror Alert Extended (tags)

police state

Woolrich London Killing: Terrorism or False Flag? (tags)

police state

Opponents of Corrupt "Trade" Agreement Stage March, Rally July 7 (tags)

About 200 opponents of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the so-called "trade" agreement that has been negotiated in secret between government and corporate representatives, marched on the Bayfront Hilton Hotel in San Diego July 7 during the most recent round of TPP talks. The march and rally finished a week of events protesting the secret negotiations of a corporate-welfare treaty under the guise of "free trade."

SB 1220, the poverty pimp's affordable housing sham (tags)

Poor people and the public at large are being urged to immediately contact the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, to tell the Senators that they should not pass "SB 1220 the HOMeS Act," unless nonprofit housing organizations and nonprofit housing developers in California are banned from imposing minimum income requirements against the poor!

Nonprofit housers mourn the demise of redevelopment agencies (tags)

(This is a repost of this article.)Wealthy so-called 501c3 charity nonprofit developers mourn the demise of California's redevelopment agencies, and are already making plans to lobby the state in an effort to recreate the redevelopment agencies that have made them filthy rich, while exploiting the poor!

Performance-Oriented Society and Basic Income (tags)

The acquisition and accumulation of wealth are based on many natural and social conditions. Many societies and generations worked so today's possibilities of acquisition exist. The so-called performance justice is often only a veil for great injustices.

Keith Brown Interviews Mark Conlan on ?Big Brother? HIV Test Program (tags)

Two audio links to information about the viciously intrusive, Big Brother-ish "Lead the Way" HIV antibody testing program being pushed by Dr. Susan Little, head of the Antiviral Research Center at UC San Diego (whose previous HIV test program broke the confidentiality of ALL the people tested in it). One is Zenger's Newsmagazine editor/publisher Mark Gabrish Conlan reading his editorial "Big Brother Is Testing You," with cut-in quotes from Dr. Little herself; and the other is an interview with Mark Gabrish Conlan by Keith Brown of the "Gay Spirit" radio program in Hartford, Connecticut that also contains new information about "Lead the Way."

Over 500 Turn Out for San Diego Slut Walk (tags)

For those who thought the battle over whether women who dress in sexually provocative clothing are thereby giving men the ?right? to rape them was won in the 1970?s, it was a shock last January when a police representative in Toronto, Canada told a class he was lecturing to that ?women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be victimized.? His boorish, sexist remarks had one positive result: they rekindled the feminist movement via a series of ?Slut Walks,? mass demonstrations in which women deliberately dress in so-called ?slut wear? both to communicate a sex-positive message and to make the point that women should be free to dress any way they like and go about wherever they like without inviting men to rape them. The message of the ?Slut Walks?: don?t teach women how to avoid rape: TEACH MEN NOT TO RAPE!

9/11 Symbolism Proves Osama Bin Laden Was Not The Mastermind (tags)

The recent hoopla over the death of Osama Bin Laden completely overlooks the easily demonstrated fact that the 9/11 attacks utilized redundant symbolism directly linked to Judeo-Christianity, Western Esoterica, and related secret societies.

In the Streets for Human Rights: A People Without Borders (tags)

The recent immigrant rights demonstration in San Diego May 1 was inspiring, but a real solution to the immigration question will come only when we can disenthrall the American people from hateful corporate propaganda that pits disadvantaged groups against each other and convinces millions of Americans that their economic and social problems are caused by people below them, not people above. So-called “illegal” immigrants are just another in the long line of scapegoats corporate and Right-wing propagandists invoke to keep people confused and lead them to challenge each other instead of their corporate overlords.

Report about Greek prisons (tags)

Christos Stratigopoulos is a greek anarchist who recently arrested for bank robbery together with Italian anarchist Alfredo Bonnano. They both are in prison

Union Del Barrio In Support of Alex Sanchez & Nativo Lopez (tags)

Compañeras and Compañeros of Unión del Barrio, To our supporters, progressives, and the community in general:

Venezuela: The People’s Struggle is the Best Response to the Crisis! (tags)

* Soon El Libertario #56 will be available in the street and on the Internet ( El Libertario is the voice of free ideas and independent social movements in Venezuela and Latin America. As a preview of its usual combative, irreverent and uncompromising position with regard to authoritarian power and oppression, here's the editorial:


Hi fellows, here is the very first draft translation in English of the first pages of our last review in French "Communisme" N°60. Sorry for the language but improvements will come later. Meanwhile, have a good reading and we are waiting for your comments and critics...

BAYAN-Bikol: “Balikatan 09 is a disguised intelligence and psywar operation!” US troops sh (tags)

The militant Bagong Alyansang Makabayan-Bikol (BAYAN-Bikol) lambasted the US Armed Forces as well as Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for blatantly deceiving the public of the real purpose of Balikatan 09 to be held here in Bicol.

Mumbai "Terrorist Attacks" Perpetrated by the Indian Army! (tags)

This is India's 911 that was orchestrated by the Right Wing politicians who used the Indian Army to instigate the so-called Mumbai terrorist attacks!

The U.S. Economy on FIRE (tags)

The current U.S. economic crisis didn't start a few years ago when banks and financial institutions started selling "subprime" real estate loans to high-risk borrowers and then repackaging them as "mortgage-backed securities." It began in the early 1970's as a result of a long-term plan by America's major corporations and business leaders to drive down workers' wages and extract more surplus value — and the workers' response, which was to take on more debt. Any real solution that benefits working people cannot be instituted until the power of the corporate rich over the political system is broken.

AIDS, Sex and the Condomaniacs (tags)

The AIDS establishment seems less interested in protecting people's lives and health than in creating a climate of fear and shame around human sexuality, especially as expressed between males. Two recent news events — the claim of a supposedly sexually transmitted antibiotic-resistant staph that was supposed to be targeting Gay and Bisexual men, but for which the real risk factor was prior antibiotic use; and the attacks on four major Swiss AIDS researcher for their claim that under certain circumstances it's safe for HIV-positive and HIV-negative people to have unprotected sex — show how that's true.

Boycott All UFPJ and IA Activities (tags)

This weekend's so-called peace rally in Washington D.C. will simply amount to aa enormous waste of time

Today's Youth: Efficient, Harmonious and Creative (tags)

For 40% in England, neither career nor consumption are in first place in their desires but downshifting, exchanging a financially attractive but stress-filled career for a less streneous but more fulfilling way of life with less income.

"Do I Make You Horny for Habeas Corpus." (tags)

As much fun as it is watching sexual hypocrisy in the Republican controlled Congress and what looks to be a criminal cover-up of said sexual hypocrisy within the ranks of the Republican Party leadership in Congress the real scandal is not the consensual e-mail communications between two sexually adult individuals, and what we will probably later find out to be actual underage sexual hookups between representative Foley (R)- Florida and some more than willing teenagers

Last throes for NeoCon deadenders? (tags)

With increasing shrillness & desperation, the Bushed Regime is pushing for more dictatorial powers for POTUS(Prez of the U.S.) Could it be that, despite their majorities in both houses in Congress and a fundamentalist death grip on the 'Supine' Court, the GOP NeoCon cabal still fears losing control of its rightwing march toward A New American Reich?

Petition To Prosecute U.S. War Criminals (tags)

Prosecute U.S. War Criminals!




This article warns America about the danger in it's present policy toward Israel.

The Vile and Self-Defeating Betrayal That is Bipartisanship (tags)

The Democrats finally had a plan to put a wrench in the Republican juggernaut—a shutdown of the Senate. And what did they do? Let a bunch of sell-out DLC-types blow it with a bi-partisan compromise that will just put more right-wing judges on the appellate bench. ----------------

Coming World War Three (tags)

Congress must be crooked or crazy or both to have permitted the depletion of the USA arsenal of its most modern weapons for defense and to have delivered them without any publicity to the spurious so-called "State of Israel" creating a precarious situation in USA home defenses. This secret delivery of USA weapons enabled the spurious so-called "State of Israel" to renew its attacks against Egypt and Syria.

It's Time for the DLC to Go (tags)

Failure by McAuliffe & co. leaves Bush with a mandate for war and repression.


In his new book, "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order," Mark Crispin Miller paints a sobering picture of the American extreme right and its campaign to dismantle Constitutional government and replace it with a pseudo-religious, "Christo-fascist" theocracy in which Old Testament law--and the Ten Commandments--would be brutally enforced. Death by stoning for adultery, for abortion, for homosexuality, and even for disobedient children. Could it happen here? Is the Bush administration already pursuing this vision? And will we vote to reject this vision on November 2? Yes, we will!

Call for information on bio-fuel/bio-energy power stations. (tags)

Greetings from Tasmania, south of Australia. Our State government is planning to develop so-called ‘BIOFUEL’/’BIO-ENERGY’ electric and heat generating power stations fuelled by WOOD left over after logging native forests for woodchip and milling.

America's Job Wonder is Pure Statistics (tags)

"Everything is only marketing.. The new statistical methods only help marketing to keep the high deficits in the US finacable. The data does not reflect reality in the US.. America wrestles with a so-called double deficit.."

The US nuclear option and the "War on Terrorism" (tags)

the Bush Administration has embarked upon a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity.

Vomit Bowl Sunday (tags)

the illusiuon & hypocrisy in US sports

Dump Daschle - a view of the corporate welfare energy bill (tags)

No, the energy legislation in the U.S. Senate is corporate welfare, plain and simple, and the man who should be leading the fight to change it has once again demonstrated his inability to do the right thing.

Second Draft of so-called Victory Act Obtained by (tags)

Second-draft of Orrin Hatch's so-called Victory Act Obtained.

Support the LA Librarian's Guild "Patriot" Act repeal proposal! (tags)

Your faxes, e-mails and support at commissioner's meeting needed!

The Road Map to Peace is Just More Catch-22 (tags)

This so-called road map to peace that was delivered to the Palestinian and Israeli governments today is just a continuation of the unstated Bush regime policy of "no negotiations as long as there's violence which means no negotiations at all ever".

Unequal Resource Distribution: Prosperity through Hunger (tags)

Profit maximization leads to unrestrained plundering of our natural resources and destroys our natural foundations of life,,In Rio 1992, government representatives promised drastically changing our resource consumption, consumer habits..

January 18: A Call to Arms (tags)


Protest in Washington October 26th (tags)

On Saturday, October 26, 2002 -- the first anniversary of the signing of the so-called Patriot Act -- anti-war, civil rights, labor, student and other forces are joining together to launch a massive international mobilization in opposition to a new war against the people of Iraq.

pic of guantanamo POW abuse (tags)

please forward widely...this is a picture from guantanamo bay of so-called 'illegal combatants' - captured in current 'police action' in afghanistan

Hey, running is healthy! (tags)

Ironic title against that ridiculous point that anarchists -and not only- are running back!

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