fix articles 4990, limbaugh
BTL:Rush Limbaugh’s Attack on Law Student Sandra Fluke Provokes Campaign to Shut Down His (tags)
Interview with Terry O'Neill, president of National Organization for Women, conducted by Melinda Tuhus
Rush Is Right about a BP Horizon Terror Attack (tags)
Rush Limbaugh, the superstar of right-wing talk radio, has always been quick to savage conspiracy theories. On Thursday though he revealed his own.
After the 2008 elections many in the Republican party went on the record stating the party needed to reach beyond it's traditional constituency and diversify. The new Chairman of the Republican National Committee said, "there was underlying concerns we had become too regionalized and the party needed to reach beyond our comfort" zones. Many discussed minorities and women as demographics they needed to bring in, but there has been a conspicuous lack of action regarding this. In some cases when they have talked it has seemed the opposite.
Distorted editorial amplified by Limbaugh, corrected by Olbermann (tags)
Gross distortions on an Iraq column by Editor Rosenthal were amplified on-air by Rush to millions of listeners. However Keith Olbermann of MSNBC and Jay Rosen of NYU weren't about to let the lies go unchallenged...
Do You Condemn Rush Limbaugh? (tags)
"Rush Limbaugh says what happened over there (in Iraq) was no different than a fraternity initiation. He said these guys were blowing off some steam, having a good time. Do you endorse or do you condemn Rush Limbaugh's words?"
Limbaugh's Indian talk-um disgusts South Dakota Republicans (tags)
Bruce Whelan, the Lakota leader of the Shannon County Republican Party, took issue with Limbaugh's comments - "I am kind wondering what history books Rush Limbaugh was reading from."
Franken stuck in no-originality zone (tags)
Why Franken Fails
Protest in Midwest over Media Mogul's manipulations (tags)
Murdoch's network slants the news to please right-wingers who can't stand the truth, and the fans of Fox News are the kinds of folks who like to call themselves "conservatives," as if that is a title that commands respect.
Stern's Loose Lips Give Bush the Slip (tags)
If the Republicans ever worried what it might be like to have a left-leaning version of Limbaugh hacking them to bits, now they are finding out daily now that Howard Stern is waging war against the administration.
Sen. Kerry wrongfully accused by Wise, Rush Limbaugh (tags)
"Hmm, didn't you mean Bob Kerrey? It was Bob Kerrey, Nebraska, accused of taking part in the killing of those Vietnamese civilians. Not John Kerry."
Rush Limbaugh's Top Eleven Drug Induced Fantasies (tags)
Rush Limbaugh's Top Eleven Drug Induced Fantasies
Pill woes land Limbaugh in Capitol debate (tags)
Jim McDonough, The director of Govnernor Jeb Bush's Office of Drug Control Policy, claimed that "the pharmacist in that (Limbaugh) case is a pharmacist who is no longer licensed" and that he sold Limbaugh and others thousands of pills "essentially out of the trunk of his car"
A Christian Persecution Complex (tags)
I'm most bothered by Limbaugh’s biased use of history. The fact is that our secularist fellow citizens have good reasons to worry about those of us who defend the "good old days" when our kind of belief system dominated public life.
Funny how conservatives depart from the wisdom of their ideological heroes (or martyrs, as the case may be) when their own interests are at stake.
Rush Limbaugh, The Neanderthal Ape (tags)
"I applaud Rush Limbaugh for being the watchdog that he is and protecting us from terrorists like Al Gore."
Rush's drug use has Palm Beach in tizzy (tags)
One waitress said of Rush; "I wouldn't say much to him if he came in now," she said. "But I'd serve him... Then I'd go out there and ask him about what he said about finding the ones doing drugs and locking them up forever."
Secret memo pushed a pro-Limbaugh PR blitz (tags)
The plan involved taking up former Senator Bob Dole's offer "to help" the embattled radio jock - and suggesting he write a supportive letter to Newsweek magazine.
Rush Limbaugh Has No Sense Of Irony (tags)
With the advent of the investigation into Rush Limbaugh's drug use, can the conservative celebrity and staunch defender of John Ashcroft and the Patriot Act undestand the irony or is it completely beyond him?
Playing the Rush Drug Addict Game (tags)
Rush must realize the implications for what he espouses, so every time you hear the phrase "drug addict" use "Rush Limbaugh" instead: "When drugs come into our neighborhoods, violence follows and thugs and criminals like Rush Limbaugh dominate our streets"
Rush Limbaugh's loss negligible on Clear Channel's revenue (tags)
Despite the Limbaugh controversy, Clear Channel announced a record third quarter on revenues of $2.54 billion. Limbaugh is expected to return on November 17 with his base of listeners, advertisers, and stations intact.
God Damn the Pusher Man (tags)
Firstly, if Rush Limbaugh had had spinal surgery, wouldn't we all have heard about it? He'd have to be off work for an extended period of time to recuperate from a major operation. Spinal surgery would require a hospital stay of several days, at the least. Wouldn't he have wanted his dittoheads to stay informed, so they wouldn't fret when missing their daily fix of lies and bloviation? But lo and behold, no word. Ha! What a trooper, having such a major operation and not telling a soul about it so no one would pray for him, or send best wishes...
What will Rush say then? (tags)
Rush didn't check into the nearest state penitentiary -- no, the $25 million man checked himself into rehab. While he may have known what was good for everyone else addicted to drugs, when it came to his own problem he sure didn't practice what he preached.
It's unclear how recognizing Limbaugh fits into the Claremont Institute's mission "to restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life."
Rush Limbaugh and the War on Drugs (tags)
Rush Limbaugh has become the latest friendly-fire casualty in the War on Drugs, but don't worry--he'll be fine. He's one of the special people.
Tommy Chong vs. Rush Limbaugh (tags)
Different strokes for different folks. Chong Chong does 9 months for selling bongs while Limbaugh, an admitted pill addict who bought in large quantities, is out free and speaking at events. Protest anyone?
Limbaugh to Receive Award 11/21 in LA (tags)
Protest Rush Limbaugh's "Award" in Los Angeles
Rush the junkie deserves better treatment than he’d allow others (tags)
The fact is that narcotic addicts can - if adequately supplied with their drugs - lead perfectly productive lives.
America owes talk host Rush Limbaugh a debt of gratitude, Libertarians say (tags)
"One thing we don't hear from American politicians very often is silence," said Joe Seehusen, Libertarian Party executive director. "By refusing to criticize Rush Limbaugh, every drug warrior has just been exposed as a shameless, despicable hypocrite.
Racist Rhetoric of the Right Wing (tags)
''[Black] parents scream and yell about the racial achievement gap, and how the schools aren't fair, and society is racist and blah, blah-blah, blah-blahhh, because they don't want to get off the sofa, and put some effort into it themselves'' - Jerry Agar, Conservative talk radio host
LIMBAUGH Is in Tucson for Treatment (tags)
Limbaugh is being treated at the expensive Sierra Tucson hospital.
Rush Took as Many as 30 Pills a Day (tags)
Rush's fans were sympathetic when he announced his sudden deafness--the result of some kind autoimmune illness. But Suspicion has now turned to his drug habit: repeated large doses of hydrocodone (brand name Vicodin) can cause severe hearing impairment.
This is What Rush Limbaugh Thinks About People Who use Drugs (tags)
Rush will rant on for sure, after proclaiming that sessions with Jerry Falwell have recommitted him to Christ. He will be “reborn.” He will “triumph over adversity.” He will be embraced by Bush as a true patriot and the betrayal of America will continue, leaving in its wake a trail of brazen lies and the ancient ruins of democracy.
Noted Talk Show host and Drug War Advocate Rush Limbaugh the Turd is gone into Detox for 30 days.
Just Answer the Question, Mr. Limbaugh (tags)
We have a golden opportunity to strike a blow for constitutional government by removing all doubt about the total failure of the drug war. However, Rush will probably just have his wrist slapped, his fans will defend him just like Bill Clinton’s defended him and most will never question the insanity of the drug war.
Like the Limbaugh matter, Democrats smell blood, as the administration fumbles its way through the aftermath of the outing of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson's C.I.A agent wife.
Rush Limbaugh in pill probe (tags)
The moralizing motormouth was turned in by his former housekeeper - who says she was Limbaugh's pill supplier for four years. Wilma Cline, 42, says Limbaugh was hooked on the potent prescription drugs OxyContin, Lorcet and hydrocodone - and went through detox twice. "There were times when I worried," Cline told the National Enquirer, which broke the story in an edition being published today. "All these pills are enough to kill an elephant - never mind a man."
Limbaugh doesn't address drug reports during Philadelphia speech (tags)
After accepting Limbaugh's resignation on Wednesday, George Bodenheimer, president of ESPN and ABC Sports, said: "We regret the circumstances surrounding this. We believe that he took the appropriate action to resolve this matter expeditiously."
Conservatives in Media Close Ranks Around Limbaugh (tags)
Self-described libertarian pundit Neal Boortz wrote on his website. "Limbaugh is seen by the left as a huge, almost insurmountable threat to their designs on regaining control in (Washington) D.C.. Limbaugh crossed a politically-correct line. Only liberals are allowed to bring race into any issue."
Under Fire, Rush Now Faces Drug Allegations (tags)
For the Record - Rush is a big supporter of the "War on Drugs". Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha....
Rush Limbaugh RESIGNS for racist commentary. (tags)
Well, another right wing shitbag puts his foot in his mouth and screams "THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT"....But apparently Rush couldnt convince anyone with his rhetoric and QUIT. Maybe Rush and Ann Coulter should team up for an old time Sunday right wing comedy hour, called it "Racist Fatty and Extremist Skinny" has a list of sponsors of the hate filled Rush Limbaugh show. CBS Marketwatch has picked this up. It is becoming big, but they need your help. Download the pdf flyer, make copies for family and friends.
Boycott Sponsors Of Rush Limbaugh (tags)
Tell Rush Sponsors you've had ENOUGH disinformation and hate!
NOW Campaigning to Dissuade CNN from Hiring Rush Limbaugh (tags)
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with NOW president Kim Gandy, who explains why her group is working to stop CNN from giving Limbaugh a larger audience(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At .